TNA Impact results (8/29): Moore's review of Mike Bailey vs. Rich Swann for the X Division Title, Jordynne Grace vs. Ash by Elegance in a Match By Elegance for the Knockouts Title, Joe Hendry vs. Brian Myers - Pro Wrestling Dot Net (2024)

TNA Impact results (8/29): Moore's review of Mike Bailey vs. Rich Swann for the X Division Title,Jordynne Grace vs. Ash by Elegance in a Match By Elegance for the Knockouts Title, Joe Hendry vs. Brian Myers - Pro Wrestling Dot Net (1)

By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)

TNA Impact (Episode 1,050)
Taped August 2, 2024 in Tampa, Florida at Florida State Fairgrounds

Aired August 29, 2024 on AXS TV

Highlights from last week’s TNA Impact aired… Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt were on commentary… Entrances for the opening match took place…

1. “Speedball” Mike Bailey vs. Rich Swann for the TNA X Division Championship. The match started off with quick chain wrestling. Trey Miguel and Zach Wentz were shown watching this match from a balcony. Hannifan plugged Wentz vs. Wes Lee for NXT No Mercy this weekend. Swann and Bailey had a stalemate sequence.

Swann teased a handshake, but threw a cheap shot. Bailey dumped Swann to ringside and hit Swann with a Wrecking Ball Huracanrana. Swann came back with a cannonball from the apron. Swann raked Bailey in the eyes and worked on Bailey with methodical offense. Bailey came back with a Karate Kid style Crane Kick.

Bailey then hit Swann with a Kick combo and Standing Shooting Star for a nearfall. Swann dodged a tornado kick. Swann hit Bailey with a kick combo and elbow smash for a nearfall. Both men traded rapid dodges and took each other out with stereo kicks. Bailey hit Swann with an impressive Triangle Moonsault. Swann came back with a Lethal Injection from the apron. Swann hit Bailey with a Frog Splash for a two count.

Bailey blocked a Lethal Injection, PK, and Standing Ultima Weapon for a nearfall. Bailey caught Swann with a Thrust Kick and Tornado Kick. Trent prevented AJ from interfering. Swann rolled up Bailey for a good nearfall off the distraction. Both men traded strikes. Swann caught Bailey with another Lethal Injection for a nearfall. Seven caught AJ with Bop and Bang. The distraction allowed Bailey to knock dodge a moonsault and hit Swann with a Standing Spanish Fly for the win.

Mike Bailey defeated Rich Swann via pinfall in 9:32.

John’s Thoughts: On a side note, I’m surprised that they aired the match given Rich Swann’s recent suspension. Prayers to Swann that his time in rehab is a positive experience and he gets his life together. As for the match, classic weekly Bailey banger and Swann’s best match in a while due to him mostly filling the role of Francis’s little buddy.

Gia Miller interviewed Jordynne Grace and asked for her thoughts on Ash’s unknown “Match by Elegance” match stipulation. Grace said she has been giving everyone anywhere match opportunities. She said Grace is lucky to have gotten two. She said she doesn’t know what the match means, but nothing is going to stop the juggernaut. She said she’s going to walk out tonight still champion…[c]

Entrances for the next match took place. Hannifan plugged that this week’s Emergence show is sold out. Joe Hendry took a mic for his usual pre-match promo. He talked about how he would usually make fun of his opponent, Brian Myers. He said he instead found out that people out there respect Myers.

Myers said out of respect, do not chant “Edge’s Bitch”, which prompted the crowd to chant it. Myers said nobody respects Myers. Hendry closed out his promo with his usual “They believe in Joe Hendry” closer…

2. Bryan Myers (w/Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards) vs. Joe Hendry. Myers hit Hendry with a shoulder tackle. Hendry came back with a leaping knee. Hendry dodged Myers and hit him with a delayed Vertical Suplex. Hendry dumped Myers to ringside. Eddie got a cheap shot in and punched to the ground. Hendry then blocked a slap from Alisha.

The referee then ejected the Edwards couple. The show then cut to regular commercial.[c] Hendry got a two count off a Sunset Flip. Hendry rallied with European Uppercuts. Myers grounded Hendry and put him in a chinlock. Myers got a two count after a basem*nt superkick. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

The match actually ended during the picture-in-picture. Hendry picked up the win after a Standing Ovation Uranage.

Joe Hendry defeated Brian Myers via pinfall in about 6:48 of on-air time.

John’s Thoughts: Weird editing for a taped show. Two commercial segments and a match ending during PIP. Well, you get plenty of Joe Hendry every week; and this week, we get double that with Hendry working the TNA Plus and NXT No Mercy shows. Hendry continues his roll as a top babyface in two companies.

Mike Santana made his entrance from the crowd. Eddie and Myers were beating down Hendry in the ring before Santana made it to the ring…

3. Eddie Edwards vs. Mike Santana. Eddie jumped Santana early in the math to get the initial advantage. Santana got control with a clothesline and ten punches in the corner. Eddie was backdropped to ringside. Alisha Edwards ran back out. Eddie then used Alisha as a human shield. The show cut to Picture-in-picture after Eddie hit Santana with a Blue Thunder Bomb on the apron.[c]

Back from break, Santana got a window of opportunity after a flapjack. Santana rallied with strikes. Santana caught Eddie with a jumping kick and rolling cutter for a nearfall. Both men traded counters. Santana hit Eddie with a low dropkick and flip dive. Santana got a frog splash for a two count.

Eddie blocked a discus lariat for a two count. Eddie countered Santana with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Santana countered a Tiger Bomb for a rollup. Eddie hit Santana with a Tiger Bomb for a nearfall. Santana spit in the face of Eddie and took a few knees. Santana countered a Boston Knee Party. Santana no sold a right hand and hit Eddie with a Discus Lariat for the victory.

Mike Santana defeated Eddie Edwards via pinfall in 12:05.

John’s Thoughts: Good match with the predictable outcome of Santana being the bigger pushed guys these days. In a way, it feels like the purpose of The System is to be pillars that Santana as to topple. I’ll take this over their early over-push.

Matt Cardona said tonight he’s not Always Ready, but rather almost ready. He said unfortunately he’s not medically cleared to wrestle at Emergence due to working hard in the gym. Santino Marella showed up and berated Cardona for ducking out. Cardona said he has a good replacement monster to face PCO. Cardona quickly walked away…

Tom Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

Steve Maclin joined the commentary team for the next match…

4. Hammerstone vs. Eric Young. Young got in an early side headlock and a armdrag. Young kept Hammerstone grounded for a sequence. Hammerstone came back with shoulder tackles in the corner. Young came back with a springboard crossbody. Hammerstone knocked Young off the apron with a big boot.

Hammerstone then shoved Young into Maclin at the announce table. Hammerstone then worked on Young with methodical offense. Young rallied back with right hands. Young hit Hammerstone with a delayed Death valley Driver for a nearfall. Hammerstone came with a knee strike and power slam for a two count.

Hammerstone hit Young with a boot, German Suplex, and power bomb for a nearfall. Young dodged Hammerstone and took him down with a right hand. Young then got in Maclin’s face to jaw a bit. Hammerstone surprised Young with a Claymore and Nightmare Pendulum for the win.

Hammerstone defeated Eric Young via pinfall in 6:46

Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A good win to give Hammerstone his win back after taking a loss to Hammerstone at a recent PPV. I do like that they framed it as Eric Young costing him the match by walking to jaw with Maclin on his own volition. I still think that they should be doing a better job with him as a monster heel. Can we bring in Richard Holiday who was really good as Hammersone’s tag partner?

Entrances for the next match took place. The former Deaners tag team came out first. Jake told Deaner not to cut his usual “People’s Choice” promo and to focus on getting better in the tag division..

5. TNA Tag Team Champions Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. Cody Deaner and Jake Something in a non-title match. Something deadlifted Ace into a Buckle Bomb. Cody tagged in and rallied with strikes. Jake and Cody used tags to cut the ring in half on Deaner. Bey got a tag in and rallied with flying right hands on both opponents.

Bey hit Deaner with a Missile Dropkick. Bey caught Jake with a jump kick. Jake took down Bey with a right hand. Jake no sold Ace’s forearms and then took down ABC after taking double knees. Jake tripped Ace off the apron. Ace used his feet to slam Jake’s face into the mat. Bey hit Deaner with an assisted cutter. Ace caught Deaner with The Fold for the victory.

TNA Tag Team Champions “ABC” Ace Austin and Chris Bey defeated Cody Deaner and Jake Something via pinfall in a non-title match in 4:43.

Rich Swann and AJ Francis ran out to beat down ABC in the ring. Swann and AJ posed with the tag titles over the fallen tag champions (obviously they’ll have to pivot here)…

The Personal Concierge was shown yelling something to Masha Slamovich and Alisha Edwards off mic…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Another good showing from Jake Something, but his very inconsistent booking continues. I feel like a guy with that good a look, good in-ring, and decent talking ability should be easy to build? It’s also very weird how they flip flop on this on-again off-again program with Cody Deaner. My guess is that Deaner losing here will lead to them feuding again.

A replay aired of Rosemary appearing on NXT this past week with Kelani Jordan…

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt checked in on commentary. Hannifan ran through the advertised matches for Emergence. Rehwoldt went to the back for a sit-down interview between Nic Nemeth and Josh Alexander…

Pink hardcore weapons were around the ring for the “Match by Elegance”…[c]

Jade Chung tried to handle the formal in-ring championship introductions, but the Personal Concierge took the mic to handle the Ash by Elegance half of the introductions. Ash hit Grace in the back with a pink chair before the bell…

6. Jordynne Grace vs. Ash by Elegance in a “Match by Elegance” for the TNA Knockouts Championship. Ash hit Grace with a bulldog on the chair for a two count. The show cut to Picture-in-Picture.[c]

Ash hit Grace with a bulldog on a pink can lid for a two count. Grace hit Ash with kendo stick shots. The Concierge sprayed hair spray into Grace’s face. They put a cover on a table. Grace recovered and brawled with Ash to the top rope. Ash was handed the jeweled knuckles leading to Ash punching Grace off the top rope.

Grace quickly recovered hit Ash with a World’s Strongest Slam and Vader Bomb for a nearfall. Grace then found a protein shaker and poured out “diamonds” into the ring like they were thumbtacks. Ash escaped a body slam and hit Grace with a champagne bottle for a nearfall. Ash then tried to choke out Grace.

Ash ordered the Concierge to attack Grace, but he walked to the back because Rosemary ran out. Rosemary speared Ash. Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich ran out to attack Grace. Alisha hit Grace with a belt shot to the face. Masha planted Grace with package Pile Driver. Grace kicked out of Ash’s pin.

Dani Luna and Jody Threat ran out to dump Alisha and Masha to ringside. Ash tossed a pink chair at Grace but Grace caught it. Grace hit Ash with a unprotected chairshot to the head, though Ash may have blocked some of it with her hands. Grace then hit Ash with a Kinniku Buster through the covered table. Grace picked up the win.

Jordynne Grace defeated Ash by Elegance via pinfall in 11:34 to retain the TNA Knockouts Championship.

John’s Thoughts: Not a fan of the unprotected chairshot to the head. I hope it was a gimmicked or padded chair due to them setting it up for the gimmick match. Totally unnecessary, and the match overbooked (in a good way) enough to not need that spot. Aside from that, hard work from both women and the match turned out better than I expected. Ash looked really good here with her playing into the fashion gimmick match. The run-ins made sense and made Grace look like Superwoman given how she overcame a stacked deck. If she’s this strong, who will take that title from her?

The show cut to backstage where Matt Rehwoldt moderated a sitdown face-to-face interview with both Nic Nemeth and Josh Alexander. Rehwoldt noted that there was a no-contact clause and if anyone throws hands the next title match will get called off. Rehwoldt talked about how good Josh Alexander vs. Nic Nemeth was, which went to a draw.

Rehwoldt noted that people were saying that Josh “couldn’t continue” when everyone wanted five more minutes. Josh talked about how people are on his time. He said he’s been the flag bearer for TNA and now has to look out for himself. Rehwoldt talked about how Josh has a point. Rehwoldt then asked Nic if he can handle the pressure of being TNA’s flag bearer.

Nic said he’s been waiting a long time to be the TNA Champion. He talked about some of his favorite wrestlers holding the title. He said he respects Josh being the flag bearer. Nic said he’s going to be a fighting champion. Nic then talked about Josh being a good wrestler, but more people know Nic’s name than Josh.

Nic wondered if that was because of Josh being the flag bearer of TNA, or Josh was “just good at wrestling”. Nic said he’s been dying to get in the ring with Josh. Josh said it wasn’t time to talk about family or who is riding Josh’s coattails. Nic said Josh could have confronted Nic in the face.

Nic said he understands using dirty tactics as a person who has been down that road. Nic said Josh is a former champ. Nic said rather than attack Nic’s family, Josh could look him in the eye and say “Fight me!”. Nic said it looks like Josh doesn’t have it anymore. Rehwoldt talked about Nic making a good point.

Rehwoldt asked “what’s gone wrong” after Josh didn’t get back the title he never loss. Josh said it’s everyone’s fault, the fans, management. Josh said Nic brought up nobody knowing Josh’s name. Josh said if you look in the history books: Angle, Sting, Joe, and Styles. “I am above them all”. Josh said he was the longest reigning TNA Champion and that belongs to him.

Josh talked about the welcome mat being brought for Nic, and Nic getting granted a title shot quickly, and failing. Josh said they are doing this on his time now, and in his match. He said he is looking at Nic’s eyes and saying “Fight me”. Josh said he will win the title back, and TNA being better for it.

Nic said wrestlers get better every day. He said you can look at the history books, but what have you done for me lately is what people care about. Nic said it’s fantastic that Josh was the longest reigning champion, that’s great, but “what have you done for me lately”. Cheap shots and sneak attacks.

Nic said he can go all night long. Josh said to prove it. Nic said this is somehow Josh’s match type, the only match he’s good at. Both men got in each others’ face with Nic posing with the title and saying he’s holding the title forever. Josh yelled that he’s getting it back and will be the flag bearer. Josh said tomorrow is “lately”.

He talked about spilling more blood for the company than Nic will every do. Josh said Nic will be in the hardest match of his career. Josh said he’s the best wrestler in the world. He said he’s the “f–king Standard”. Nic said Josh used to be one of the best in the world, used to be champion, but Nic is the champion now. He said the title is sticking with him.

Nic said he’s not getting injured or second guess himself. He said he’ll fight to the death for the title. Nic said every f’n night it counts and that’s why he’s the champ, and not Josh. Josh walked off to close the show….

John’s Thoughts: A bit long winded with repeating points, but I thought that made things feel organic and intense. Both men did a good job making this feel personal without throwing hands. Very interesting Josh as a pure heel (when he was with The North, he was more of the straight-man for Ethan Page’s goofiness). He’s doing a really good job expressing his “villain arc” where the hero becomes the villain.

Looking forward to Nic vs. Josh for the title. The 20 minute draw proved as a good preview and we know that both men can really bring it. Curious to see where they go, because I don’t see the former Dolph Ziggler having yet another “transitional” run that some people mock was his WWE ceiling. Curious to see what they do with Josh too, because if he doesn’t win the title, I still think there’s an outside chance of him being at NXT at No Mercy to reunite with Ethan Page.

TNA Impact results (8/29): Moore's review of Mike Bailey vs. Rich Swann for the X Division Title, Jordynne Grace vs. Ash by Elegance in a Match By Elegance for the Knockouts Title, Joe Hendry vs. Brian Myers - Pro Wrestling Dot Net (2024)


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