TNA Impact live results: Knockouts title match headlines Emergence go-home show (2024)

The TNA Knockouts title will be on the line on tonight’s edition of TNA Impact ahead of Friday’s Emergence streaming special.

Jordynne Grace will look to extend her title defense streak as she faces Ash by Elegance who is looking for her first taste of TNA gold. It will be held under “Match by Elegance” rules which have yet to be revealed.

Ahead of their clash Friday for the TNA World title, current champion Nic Nemeth will come face-to-face with top challenger and former champion Josh Alexander.

Alexander Hammerstone will face Eric Young as the former prepares for Ultimate X Friday while the latter will take on Steve Maclin.

Mike Santana will battle The System’s Eddie Edwards while Joe Hendry kicks off what he hopes is a big weekend against Edwards’ teammate Brian Myers.

Former TNA Tag Team Champions ABC will take on Cody Deaner & Jake Something to round out the card.

Gia Miller is standing by with TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace for a backstage interview. “The Juggernaut” talks about being willing to give anyone a title shot as a fighting champion. She says this is multiple shots for Ash By Elegance and this time, under her own special rules.

She doesn’t know what a Match By Elegance is, but she will still walk out the TNA Knockouts Champion. She walks off and the show heads into a commercial break.

Joe Hendry defeated Brian Myers (w/ Eddie & Alisha Edwards)

When the show returns, The System theme hits and out comes three members of the group in their late 1990s Mark Henry U.S.A. jackets and gear. It will be Brian Myers in one-on-one action, with Eddie and Alisha Edwards at ringside..

The catchy-ass tune for Joe Hendry plays and out comes the top star in TNA Wrestling and WWE NXT, to an adoring crowd singing along with the man that they believe in. Highlights are shown in split-screen form of the latest Joe Hendry Concert on Tuesday’s WWE NXT. They promote Hendry vs. Ethan Page with Trick Williams as special guest referee for WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 this weekend.

Fans chant “We believe! We believe!” as Hendry holds a mic before the match gets started. “Say his name, and he appears,” Hendry begins. He addresses Brian Myers, saying this is the part where he’d normally make fun of him. He’s heard rumors of people respecting Myers.

If you do, definitely do not chant “Edge’s b*tch!” Of course, the fans chant exactly that. Hendry says, “Of course, that’s right …nobody respects Brian Myers!” When people want to show respect, they chant “We believe!” He wraps up and the match gets started.

Myers with a headlock and a shoulder tackle off the ropes to start things off. He mugs for the crowd but then gets knocked on his keister by Hendry. He goes for a middle rope splash but Hendry side-steps him and does the hand-on-the-hips super hero pose. He does a stall suplex as fans react in the Impact Zone.

Hendry does the Queen, stomp-stomp clap, “We Will Rock You” beat to lead a “We believe!” chant and then goes to work on Myers on the floor. Alisha gets in his face and goes to slap him, but Hendry catches her hand mid-slap. The referee ejects Mr. & Mrs. Edwards from ringside.

Hendry gloats over this, but gets attacked by Myers from behind, who slams him into the ring steps and the ring apron, as Tom Hannifan talks us into a mid-match commercial break. When the show returns, Myers is in control of the action until Hendry hits a pop-up cutter to slow him down. Seconds later, Hendry hits the Standing Ovation for the win.

Mike Santana defeated Eddie Edwards

After the match, Eddie Edwards hits the ring to join Myers in a post-match attack of Hendry. Mike Santana’s theme hits and the lights go out. Santana makes his way to the ring through the crowd to a lukewarm crowd reaction.

When Santana gets in the ring, the referee clears everyone else out except Edwards, and the scheduled Santana vs. Edwards one-on-one match gets underway, as the bell sounds to start things off. Santana takes the early offensive lead, chopping the hell out of Edwards.

Edwards starts to fight back until Santana hits a back body drop that sends The System member crashing and burning out on the floor at ringside. Alisha Edwards, who hasn’t been banned from ringside for this match yet, comes out and distracts Santana.

Santana heads out to the floor, but Edwards hides behind Alisha. Santana goes to work on Eddie, but Alisha provides a distraction, allowing Eddie to send Santana into the ring apron with a blue thunder bomb. On that note, the show heads into a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.

When we return, we see Alisha getting involved at ringside, grabbing Santana’s hair. Santana fights back and connects with Spin The Block, but fails to put Edwards away. Santana hits a big flying splash over the top-rope to take out Santana on the floor.

In the ring, he hits a top-rope frog splash for a close two-count. Santana calls for Spin The Block again, but Edwards avoids it. Santana goes for the Rolling Buck 50, but Edwards counters with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a close two-count. Edwards tries for a Tiger Driver, but Santana avoids it.

He tries again and hits it for another close two-count. He takes his elbow pad off and blasts Santana and tries for another cover, but can’t keep Santana down. From his knees, Santana spits in Edwards’ face. Edwards kicks him and pulls his knee pad down. He looks for the Boston Knee Party, with Santana waving it on. Santana avoids it and hits Spin The Block for the win. Another good match.

Matt Cardona To Have Mystery Monster Replace Him At Emergence

“Alwayz Ready” Matt Cardona checks in with a medical update. He says unfortunately he’s not cleared after training too hard for us in the gym. He says because of this, he won’t be able to compete at TNA Emergence.

Santino Marella came in and asked what he’s trying to pull. Cardona says he found a mystery monster to face PCO at Emergence. He tells Santino it’s gonna be amazing. He says he’s 80% and he’ll be ready in a few weeks. Santino isn’t happy. The show heads into another commercial break.

Hammerstone defeated Eric Young

When the show returns, we see Steve Maclin joining Rehwoldt and Hannifan on special guest commentary for our next match of the evening. With that said, Hammerstone makes his way down to the ring. Eric Young comes out next as Maclin talks trash about him on commentary.

The bell sounds and fans in the Impact Zone immediately break out into an “E.Y! E.Y” chant. They lock up and Hammerstone out-powers him. Young catches Hammerstone off the ropes with an arm-drag. Hammerstone fights back up, but Young flips away from him and takes him back down, controlling the big man by his arm.

Hammerstone muscles his way back up and pushes Young into the corner. He spears into his mid-section a few times and hits a big elbow. Young fights back but Hammerstone lands a big boot that knocks Young off the ring apron and out to the floor at ringside.

Hammerstone sends Young crashing and burning right in front of Maclin on commentary. He spikes Young face-first into the steel ring steps and sends him back into the ring. After some more back and forth action, Young is distracted by Maclin, leading to Hammerstone hitting the nightmare pendulum for the win. After the match, the show heads into another commercial break.

ABC (Chris Bey & Ace Austin) defeated Cody Deaner & Jake Something

When the show returns, Cody Deaner and Jake Something make their way out. They cut a pre-match promo, with Deaner wanting to play to the crowd, but Jake telling him it’s not about the fans, it’s about proving themselves in this TNA Wrestling tag-team division.

The reigning TNA World Tag-Team Champions, ABC, make their way out. Ace Austin and Chris Bey settle in the ring and the bell sounds. Austin and Something kick things off for their respective teams, with Something manhandling one-half of the tag champs straight out of the gate.

Something hits a buckle bomb in the corner and tags in Deaner, who picks up where he left off, taking it to Austin, before quickly tagging Something back in. Something hits a big slam and tags Deaner right back in. Deaner goes for the cover, but Austin kicks out at two.

Austin finally rolls past Deaner and makes the much-needed tag to Bey. Bey comes into the ring with a ton of energy, and takes it to Deaner. He knocks Something off the apron and hits a big splash on Deaner in the corner.

All four end up in the ring, with things breaking down deep into the contest. Austin and Bey collide into each other attempting to take out Something. Something capitalizes and takes them both out. Deaner hits a cross-body off the top onto both ABC members.

Austin and Bey fight back, sending Something to the floor. Something and Austin end up at ringside while Bey works over Deaner in the ring. Back on the apron, Something gets met by Bey with kicks. Austin drives Something into the apron and then tags back in.

Austin and Bey hit a double kick on Deaner in the corner and then hit their one-two finisher combo for the win. First Class duo AJ Francis and Rich Swann hit the ring after the match, brutally taking out the TNA Tag-Team Champion duo of ABC. Jake Something simply watches on at ringside.

Jordynne Grace (C) defeated Ash By Elegance to retain the TNA Knockouts Championship in a Match By Elegance

It’s main event (match) time!

We shoot backstage and see George Iceman speaking with TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Champions Malisha, the team of Masha Slamovich and Alisha Edwards of The System. Tom Hannifan questions what they are talking about as he promotes the Match by Elegance for the TNA Knockouts Championship coming up next.

On that note, we shift gears and head into a quick pre-match commercial break. When we return, Hannifan and Rehwoldt are shown on-camera. Rehwoldt leaves to go get ready to sit down with Nic Nemeth and Josh Alexander for their final face-off after the upcoming Knockouts title tilt, which is revealed to essentially be a Falls Count Anywhere bout.

Hannifan runs down the lineup for TNA Emergence as the official match graphics flash across the screen. We see a pair of shoes laying on a pink steel chair, a pink kendo stick, champagne bottles and other goodies surrounding the ring as we get ready for a Match By Elegance.

Ash By Elegance’s theme hits and out she comes accompanied by George Iceman for our final match of the TNA Emergence 2024 “go-home” show. A “Tale of the Tape” graphic flashes on the screen for our second championship contest of the evening.

After the challenger settles inside the squared circle, we hear the familiar sounds of Jordynne Grace’s theme music. Out comes “The Juggernaut” for the latest defense of her TNA Knockouts title. Hannifan says this match will have no disqualifications and falls count anywhere.

Before the bell sounds, we head into another quick pre-match commercial break. When the show returns, Iceman cuts off the ring announcer so he can handle the introduction for Ash By Elegance. When Grace is introduced, Ash attacks her from behind with a chair.

Ash dominates the first few minutes of offense until Grace fights back into the lead with her power, slamming Ash on a pink trash can. On the floor, Ash chokes her as George Iceman gets unbearably annoying on guest commentary alongside Hannifan.

We head to a mid-match break with the two fighting on the floor. When we return, Iceman continues to annoy, just as much as Hannifan annoys while complaining about being annoyed himself. Meanwhile, Grace is setting up a table until Iceman helps Ash spray something in her eyes.

They put a tablecloth on the table together. They lay Grace on the table. Ash heads to the top but Grace recovers before she can jump. She climbs up after her and looks for a superplex. Iceman passes the bedazzled brass knuckles to Ash, who decks Grace with them.

Ash leaps off the top-rope to splash onto Grace, but Grace catches her on the way down and hits “The World’s Strongest Slam” followed by a Vader Bomb for a close two-count. Fans chant “Tables! Tables!” Grace grabs a mixed drink bottle of some kind and then dumps diamonds all over the ring. You know, instead of thumbtacks because it’s a Match By Elegance.

Ash drop toe-holds Grace face-first into a steel chair. She breaks a champagne over her head and covers her, but only gets two. She screams like a banshee after coming up short on the pin attempt. Extra annoying, even for her. Ash chokes Grace with a rose thorn as Iceman comes in with heels as a weapon. Before he can use them, Rosemary appears and hits a spear for a big pop.

She heads out to chase off Iceman, who runs away to the back. Grace covers Ash, but Ash kicks out. The Malisha duo of Masha Slamovich and Alisha Edwards hits the ring, but Grace takes them out. Slamovich ends up hitting a package piledriver on Grace. Ash goes for the cover, but Grace kicks out.

All three continue to blatantly set up Grace, while the referee has no choice but to watch and hang around to count the pin if and when the time comes. Spitfire duo Dani Luna and Jody Threat hit the ring to even things up. They take out the TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Champions, leaving Ash alone with Grace.

Grace blasts Ash with a pink chair and then takes her off the top rope into a Muscle Buster position. She hits it to put Ash through the table on the floor after leaping off the apron. Ouch. She covers her on the floor and gets the win to retain. Fun match.

Nic Nemeth, Josh Alexander Final Face-Off With Matthew Rehwoldt

It’s main event (segment) time!

Hannifan sends things to Rehwoldt, who is sitting at a table in a different location outside of the Impact Zone. He is seated with Nic Nemeth and Josh Alexander. He mentions their Iron Man match for the TNA World Championship at TNA Emergence on August 30 and how there is a no physicality clause for this final face-off.

Rehwoldt reminds everyone of their past meeting in the ring on Impact, which went to a 30-minute time-limit draw. Alexander explains his decision not to go another five minutes during that time-limit draw. Alexander vows he’ll be ready to finish the job at Emergence.

Nemeth is asked if he can handle the pressure of being TNA World Champion. Nemeth says he’s always looked forward to being the TNA World Champion one day. He looked forward to that responsibility. He mentions Alexander having that same responsibility in the past.

He says Alexander just needed to come to him, face-to-face, like he would’ve in the old days, and asked for a title shot like a man. He didn’t need to involve his family and take the route he did. He dogs him for taking cheap shots and doing it the snake way.

He says he can tell by the look in his eyes, he’s only going to weasel his way through this. He’s not ready to beat him man to man. Rehwoldt says being in Nemeth’s spot is Alexander’s goal but he hasn’t gotten back there. He asks him bluntly what’s gone wrong.

Alexander loses his cool. He stands up and turns his chair around backwards and sits back down. He raises his voice and says Nemeth says he respects him for being a champion, but claims no one knows his name. He mentions AJ Styles, Sting and others and says he’s above them all as a longer reigning champion.

He says there’s nothing wrong with him or the way he’s been doing things. He says like many before him, Nemeth benefitted from being a shiny new toy that came into the company and got fast-tracked to opportunities others, like him, spent years earning.

He vows he will take back the title that rightfully belongs to him at Emergence. He says TNA will be better for it. Nemeth loses his cool and stands up and turns his chair around and sits back down. He raises his voice and explains why this business is a “what have you done for me lately” business. His past doesn’t mean anything.

He got to the title because of what he did lately in 2024. He says you don’t get to talk about what you used to do, like being the longest reigning TNA World Champion in the past. He says it’s what have you done for me lately. What Alexander has done lately is try to take shortcuts and take cheap shots.

Nemeth says he’ll prove he can go all night long. Alexander says he has already proven it. He says an Iron Man match is something he’s done before. Nemeth says it’s what have you done for me lately. They each stand up and raise their voice again as they argue. Alexander says lately is tomorrow when he takes the title and takes TNA to new levels.

He says he earned it and spilled more blood in that ring than Nemeth ever has. He says he’ll prove it. He says he is the “f**king standard.” Nemeth says he wants to believe him, but he’s staring him in the eyes right now and he doesn’t believe that. He says the TNA title stays with him for “f**king ever.” He says he’ll fight to the death for it.

Not eventually. Not once in a while. Not talking about history books and this being his kind of match. Every night. That’s why he’s the champion and Alexander is not. Alexander just smiles and walks off. The show ends on that note. That was unbelievably good. Like really, really powerfully good stuff. Kudos to Nemeth and Alexander. Thanks for joining us, and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter/X.

TNA Impact live results: Knockouts title match headlines Emergence go-home show (2024)


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