InFAMOUS: Operation T.R.U.T.H - Chapter 40 - Mordeckakis (2024)

Chapter Text

None of them went back to the train yard, for Augustine had told them to head to Curdun Cay, even offering to bring Kuki's sector with them. However, Augustine was better than her word, for she had also brought the people Rachel had recommissioned. Numbuhs 1971 and 1476 had been complaining through some of the ride as to why they had to go, but the second a DUP soldier got close, Mrs. Fulbright backed down, with Mr. Boss standing between them in a protective manner.

"I told you guys not to make them mad." Pouted Genki.

"How was I supposed to know they had those sharp concrete spikes?!" Whined Mrs. Fulbright.

"Yeah! You know what the DUPs can do, Genki!" Agreed Mr. Boss.

"All they're doing is their job, and you guys are trying to pick a fight that you both know you'll lose." Reminded Genki.

"Hey, I don't let anybody threaten my wife while I'm around! And nobody lays a finger on my girl!"

"Numbuh 86 shot MY girl, Numbuh 3! Do you really think-"

"Enough! Both of you! Goodness! We've been recommissioned after a few decades, and you think now's the time to fight each other?! Focus, please!" Intruded Monty.

"His daughter started it, Monty!"

"That doesn't give you permission to devolve now of all times! Let's wait until we're on the ground! In the meantime, Numbuh F1 and I will be watching on the sidelines with some rocky road to watch!"

Genki gave Monty's stomach a check with her elbow and turned away, pouting alongside Mr. Boss in silence.

"Uh, mighta been a bad time to mention spectating, huh Monty?" Father sheepishly mentioned.

"... Not my finest moment, I admit." Monty reluctantly confessed.

As the lot of them gathered inside Curdun Cay, courtesy of an escort, most of them were inside the observational alcove.

"Unusually cramped. Probably not a place for a large party." Noticed Nigel.

"Indeed. But that's a somewhat easy fix." Augustine said, pressing a button that made some more breathing room.

"Mmm, better."

"Only for us, Mr. Uno. Only for us."

"Wait. Where's Kuki? And Numbuh 362? She's missing out on the view." Asked Kani.

"The girls are down there. In the arena." Augustine said, pointing to the center.

Everybody saw where Augustine was pointing, and none of them liked what they were seeing. Kuki showed almost no emotion toward Rachel as the Soopreme Leader approached her.

"So, why do you think Augustine brought us here, Numbuh 3?" Asked Rachel.

"Isn't it obvious? Fanny's regimen isn't enough, so of course she brought us here. To help you get reoriented. And get yourself limber again." Replied Kuki.

"Are you sure there isn't some other motive you're keeping to yourself?"

"And what if there is?"

"Then I'm going to find out."

"Good luck with that. You can't even beat me in a fight."

"Maybe not, but I don't need to beat you to figure out what you told her."

"And how do you know that she and I talked?"

"It's why she let me stay at her apartment for six. f*cking. Months."


"I could've sworn I heard a faint voice in her head, asking herself 'How do I break the news to her gently? How would her idea work?' If you ask me, I'd say you were planning to mutiny against me."

"Now, THAT is you being paranoid."

"Hardly. I noticed how you and Grandfather behaved at my brother's funeral. More so, I noticed how you and Ed behaved when I lost my brother in the first place. Like you know something I don't!"

"You want answers so bad? You're gonna have to fight me for them."

"Fine! f*ck diplomacy! Let's f*cking dance, Flame Fatale!"

Kuki summoned an acetylene blade that rivaled Monty in size, and Rachel felt a tingling sensation all over her body as she began to glow. Suddenly, some of the metallic structure inside the arena began to glow, too. Augustine was surprised at what she was seeing.

"What is the meaning of this?" She asked.

"She's channeling what conduits like me were able to do." Said Ed.

Suddenly, everybody turned to Ed to see he was glowing and next to him stood the soul of Alden Tate. All of them gave some berth to Alden and Ed as the elder approached the window.

"Rachel! Use what you have learned against her! Mind your surroundings! Your mind is your weapon, your armor! The world and all it begets are YOUR tools to use as YOU see fit! Go forth! Stake your claim on the answers you desire!" He shouted with everything he had.

Somehow, Rachel was able to hear Alden's advice, and she summoned some of the metal she had around to her. Understandably, Alden gave a proud smile. Inexplicably, so did Kuki and Augustine.

"You FINALLY stop holding back as much, how nice." Said Kuki as Rachel attacked.

Kuki wasn't fast enough to dodge what Rachel had shot at her, but she managed to melt the metal enough to where it didn't hit her. Rachel summoned many energy shots to surround the both of them, unleashing as Kuki summoned a polarity shield to block them all, but it wasn't enough to stop her from Rachel; she slammed through through the shield, actually landing a hit on Kuki's face hard enough to launch her back ward. Then Kuki switched from electricity to fire on a dime, Rachel having seen her do so almost instantaneously and dodging Kuki's magnum shot. Rachel then dashed and grabbed Kuki's arm, headbutting her just before she dashed out of Rachel's grip. Kuki then remanifested behind Rachel, but before she could land a hit, Rachel struck her at the exact same time Kuki hit her, causing both to recoil.

"Got stronger and faster. You FINALLY give me a real challenge, how nice." Recounted Kuki.

"I learned from the best." Said Rachel.

"Now let's see how far you can push yourself..."

Kuki entered "Inferno Mode", and Rachel the same state she took when she was challenged by a pine titan. It was clear that a massive clash of the conduits was about to take place, but before anything else could happen, Kuki snapped her fingers, summoning a polarity shield on most of Curdun Cay.

"Good call." Said Rachel.

The fight would've been capable of causing extreme collateral damage. The Beast and her trainee were able to unleash freely, no longer needing to worry about innocents or civilians. It seemed like a stalemate for the most part for an entire 10 minutes as the both of them were going with everything they had, Rachel using everything to defend herself against Kuki's near constant onslaught of dragon, phoenixes, and otherwise, alongside Rachel's frequent exploitation of blind spots Kuki was presenting to her, regardless of whether she knew about it or not.

Eventually, the both of them had finally reverted after some time, and although Rachel was getting exhausted from fighting, Kuki had dashed to a torch and began to recharge, so Rachel finally let out a burst of speed to her, not stopping her from recharging, but managing to finally restraining her to the ground, enough to where even SHE couldn't get out easily. Both of them were panting heavily, although Rachel was completely out of breath.

"Finally..." She huffed.

"Gotta... gotta admit... this is surprising..." Admitted Kuki between breaths.

"Might need to.. adapt to faster PASSIVE draining at some point."

"Yeah... now... let's have... those answers..."

By the time Kuki could register what Rachel had said, it was too late. Rachel was on her, clasping at her forehead. At first, there was nothing, but as Rachel concentrated, she started to see things in Kuki's head. Memories, thoughts, feelings, and something she hadn't expected. Rachel's eyes and mouth glowed as Kuki's thoughts put themselves out into the world, much to the other's shock.

"It's been so long ago. Three years, at least. But it all feels like it happened yesterday. Father trying to burn down the treehouse, me learning I was a conduit, me going to Curdun Cay to protect my friends from myself... so much of it harrowing. When I got back, I wasn't expecting my friends to be alive or to still want me around, but they did. That's when things started to look a little better, and when I started to fight back against the bloons. As I developed my powers, I learned some things that I probably shouldn't have. That someone I chose to call a friend was scared of me, enough to turn their back on me eventually. I had the upper hand, but that didn't make it hurt less. And then, I got myself a boyfriend after making one of the boss bloons learn a valuable lesson about what happens when you mess with a conduit on a very bad day.

Funny enough, those same bloons tried to get me on their side more than once. Even used the fact that I didn't want my powers as leverage. I didn't think they were sincere, but I can't deny it was tempting. Ultimately, I chose to keep my powers and my alignment towards the people. Seeing all of them beg me not to give them up, beg me not to turn my back on them, despite so many people wanting me dead because of what I became completely outside my control... I learned right then and there it wasn't about me or about what I wanted anymore. It was about keeping those people safe. And I swore from that moment on that I would use my powers for the sake of the people, to protect them as best as I could. Sure, I can't protect everyone, but they all know I'd do my best to protect who I can. Damn shame Numbuh 13 couldn't get my protection, but that's just how thing are, I suppose.

Only a couple years after I took down Bloonarius, Grandfather showed up, forced me to go all out against him. Then, I slipped up and performed a bioleech on him. I wasn't trying to take his power, only his life for threatening everybody else. I swore I wouldn't let anything happen to the other because of Bloonarius, and I couldn't help myself as I drained his powers and asserted them as my own. If only I had known before that moment that leeching off of him would get me his powers. And then, John White... he gave me even more. I hate to admit it, but the power increase, across the years... the power was heaven. All of that power... getting more and more... it was pure ecstasy. Oh, I love the feeling of when I get more. It's addictive. But it's an urge that I've taught myself not to scratch. Because if I do, I'd become like Ikuk; a monster that took over her own world, turned it into a wasteland. Thank God she's not like that as much anymore, but that doesn't make what she did any more acceptable.

It's crazy how I was given powers to save this world from this great transformation, but now I could be standing and directing its epicenter. I have become The Beast, a conduit with immense power. All conduits, prime and forced, yield only to me. I'd say it's terrifying, but then I'd be lying. It's actually something that feeds my ego. I can't just let it get to my head, though. Because now I know that I'm so powerful and well trained, The DUP couldn't stop me if they wanted to. I could decimate their entire operation with mere thoughts and sleight of hand. I know that there has to be somebody that can stop me if the time ever comes, but I didn't know if anybody could. At least, until I found out Rachel was a conduit. I wondered how I could give Rachel the power and prowess she needs if I ever have to be put down, but then John White provided me the solution. He said I can grant powers to conduits, as well as take them away. I wonder what would happen if I trained Rachel myself? Perhaps I could give her enough power to kill me if it ever becomes necessary? I can't refuse a chance like that. If it works, Rachel can protect the world from me if she ever has to..."

The strain and stress of Rachel poking around in Kuki's head was enough to knock both conduits out at once, but by the time they woke up, they were surrounded. Rachel was the first to notice the lack of emotion in Kuki's eyes, and she scrambled away from her in horror.

"You... you've been trying to use me as a way to kill yourself!" She said.

Kuki didn't say anything; she just propped herself up as she sat there.

"Why?! Did any of those Lifeline activists get to you?! Are they why you'd rather die than be a threat to anybody?!"

Kuki still didn't speak.

"Answer me, damn you!"

"You already know the answer, Rachel. But if it's any consolation, I'm not actively saying I'd like them to lynch me, but if it were to happen, then I wouldn't have much of a problem with it." Kuki finally admitted.

"Kuki, you need help."

"As if there's a single-"

"No! I mean with your head. You need therapy. A lot of it. You're not a monster, you're just... sick. Some kind of sick your powers can't help you with."

"Yeah, well, I seriously doubt doubt there's a single therapist out there that would accept patients that are conduits."

"There are." Debunked Augustine.

"They just charge extra and require special protocol I don't cover fully."

"Hmph. Might be time to rethink your health care benefits, huh?" Snarked Kuki.

"Enough. This fight is over. You need to go home. Rest up. Maybe have a moment to yourself?"

"I'd settle for being able to take a bath without somebody trying to kill me."

Augustine didn't like what Kuki had said, especially with the tone she said it.

"What was that?" She said, crouching down to her.

"You heard me, and I'm sure you remember what you picked up on my phone when my sister did it again."

"... Call my number if it happens again."

Kuki kept herself quiet as she got up and left Curdun Cay, leaving the others visibly worried about her.

"What happened to our little girl? We know she was having problems with her powers, but I never thought they were this bad." Asked Kani.

"They made her grow up. In a sense, Father won in the absolute worst possible way: he took a child and force them to mature far too soon." Answered Nigel as he used his rocket shoes to follow Kuki.

"So what she's trying to have me do is just about as bad, isn't it. She doesn't even know how to be a kid anymore, does she?" Asked Rachel.

"I imagine not. We all DO have to mature at some point, sometimes only to an extent, but she's at the age where she should be taking chances and making mistakes, generally enjoying herself. But she's had to give it up because she's a conduit. Being a conduit means learning responsibility." Said Augustine.

"But Augustine... it's literally gotten so bad, she's losing what made her so nice to be around for her friends."

"Yeah, well... I don't blame her. I'm mostly the reason, anyway." Said a remorseful Fanny.

"Well... I guess a lot has happened, and at this point, unless she somehow gain time travel as a power, we'll just have to take it all as it comes."

"Well, that's one thing you could do." Said Augustine.

"Another thing would be to stop Moldenhauer."

"Yeah. Moldenhauer has caused so much of this crap to happen. He needs to die." Agreed Rachel.

"Correct. But how do you propose to pull it off if you don't even know where he is?"

"Simple. By now, he's definitely made another Ray Sphere, but without Vortex to help him get access to anything he can use to make it so it only causes fatalities to bloons, he's liable to have resorted to the original blueprints, which caused the plague. Therefore, we need all of his possible blueprints for the Ray Sphere and the RFI so we can either destroy them or lock them up. Then we find the fruit of his labor and deal with it. Finally, he'll have no reason to run anymore, so we track him down and kill him."

"... Solid plan. Everyone is dismissed. We have much work to do starting tomorrow, so rest up. The time for subtleties is over. Now is the time for aggressive action."

InFAMOUS: Operation T.R.U.T.H - Chapter 40 - Mordeckakis (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.