Building Your Legend: Customizing Armor in Destiny 2 (2024)

The idea of customizing armor and appearance in a game is an exciting one. It’s the perfect way to make your character truly unique and stand out from the crowd.

In Destiny 2, you can customize your armor sets, perks, shaders, emblems, and class items to create a look that’s truly all your own. From picking the right color scheme to choosing the right perks for your playstyle, there are plenty of ways to build an unforgettable legend.

Furthermore, it doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie or a veteran; there’s something for everyone when it comes to customizing their look in Destiny 2.

Key Takeaways

  • Customizing armor and appearance is a crucial aspect of building a legendary Guardian in Destiny 2.
  • There are numerous customization options available, including armor sets, shaders, emblems, and class items.
  • Personalizing a Guardian’s look can provide a strategic advantage in combat and reflect their personality.
  • Choosing the right combination of armor pieces, shaders, and emblems is essential for creating a unique character that suits your playstyle.

Overview of Armor and Appearance Customization

Building Your Legend: Customizing Armor in Destiny 2 (1)

With Destiny 2, you can customize your armor and appearance to truly create a legend of your own making! From color combinations to texture variations, you have the ability to give yourself a unique look that stands out from the crowd.

Pick from various options available in-game to craft an outfit that is distinctly yours. You can build your character up with customized pieces of armor or keep it simple with a classic style. With so many possibilities, you’re sure to find something that works for you and expresses who you are as a Guardian.

Create a signature look by mixing together different parts of armor sets. Feel free to experiment until you find something that suits your tastes – there’s no wrong way to do it!

No matter what combination of pieces you choose, customizing your armor and appearance in Destiny 2 is an important part of building up your legend.

Armor Sets

As a Guardian in Destiny 2, I can customize my armor sets to give myself that unique look. Obtaining new armor sets is part of the fun, as there are many different ways to acquire them.

From completing missions and strikes to participating in events and earning rewards, collecting and customizing armor sets adds an extra layer of excitement and challenge to the game.

Obtaining armor sets

You can get armor sets in Destiny 2 by completing missions and activities, like the Iron Banner event, or by buying them from Eververse for real money. Each set comes with different styles and bonuses that can customize your Guardian’s look. Some bonuses include increased recovery, enhanced mobility, increased resilience, and improved grenades & melees.

These are just a few of the many customization options available to add flavor to your character’s look. With enough dedication and time, you can craft a unique aesthetic that truly stands out from the crowd. Obtaining armor sets unlocks an array of possibilities for customizing your Guardian’s appearance, from changing its colors to adding special effects. This allows you to create a legend around your character like no other.

Customizing armor sets

Transform your Guardian into a hero of legend by customizing their armor sets with unique colors, special effects, and bonuses. Destiny 2 offers plenty of options to customize an armor set to make it look truly unique. Players have the ability to modify the stats on their pieces of armor through Infusion, which can provide bonuses like increased attack or defense. Additionally, they can also customize the colors and visual effects on their armor for a more personal touch.

For example, players can select from over a dozen color palettes for all parts of their gear – helmet, chest plate, leg plates, etc – allowing them to create distinctive looks that will make them stand out in any situation. Furthermore, shaders are available to apply special visual effects such as polarity shifts or electric sparks that give further customization possibilities. The combination of these two features allows Guardians to take control of how they present themselves in-game and show off some creative flair! With this level of customization at hand, Guardians can feel confident that they are ready for any challenge ahead as they continue building their legend. To further enhance their abilities in battle even more so, Guardians must now explore what Armor perks have to offer…

Armor Perks

Destiny 2 offers a wide variety of armor perks to help customize your character, with over 500 combinations available to choose from. Even more impressive is the fact that each piece of armor can hold up to three extra perk slots in addition to its intrinsic ability, allowing players unprecedented levels of customization.

Optimizing perks and choosing the right ones for your build can be key in taking your legendary destiny into your own hands. Perks range from health regeneration bonuses to reload speed increases, so it’s important for players to consider which ones best suit their playstyle and build in order to maximize effectiveness on the battlefield.

With careful consideration of these variables, you can take control of how you progress through Destiny 2 and create a legend all your own! As you fine-tune your gear set up with the perfect combination of perks, don’t forget about customizing further with shaders…


Building Your Legend: Customizing Armor in Destiny 2 (2)

Give your Guardian an iconic look with Destiny 2 range of shaders, allowing you to express yourself and show off your style in the game. From customizing the color scheme of your armor to providing special effects, shaders offer a variety of ways to customize your appearance:

  • Color Schemes: Create unique color combinations for each piece of armor using any combination of up to three colors from Destiny 2’s palette. Choose from classic hues or more vibrant ones, depending on how you want to represent yourself in the game.
  • Shader Effects: Apply shader effects that alter the texture and appearance of your gear. Give it a metallic sheen, make it glow with energy, or give it a more subtle finish – the possibilities are endless!
  • Combining Shaders: You can also mix and match different shaders together for even greater customization options. Experiment with different combinations until you find something that truly represents you!

With shaders, there are plenty of opportunities for you to create a look that is all yours. From creating completely unique looks with shaders to expressing yourself through armor perks, Destiny 2 gives players plenty of ways to make their Guardian stand out from the crowd – and now you’re ready to take things one step further by adding an emblem as well!


Now that I’ve discussed shaders, let’s move onto emblems.

Emblems are an important part of customizing your Guardian in Destiny 2. Not only do they provide a signature look to my character, but they also show other Guardians who I am. With emblems, I have the ability to make myself visible and known in the Tower.

Emblem visibility is a key element of customization; they can be seen by other players from across the map. This allows me to showcase my creativity with emblem design and really stand out amongst all of the other Guardians in the Tower.

My choice of emblem design will be something that others recognize me by, so it’s important for me to choose carefully! From simple geometric shapes to more complex designs, there is a wide range of possibilities when creating an emblem for my Guardian.

With this freedom comes responsibility – choosing an emblem that reflects who I am and what I represent as a Guardian is essential for standing out from the crowd.

Now let’s talk about class items and how they factor into customizing my armor and appearance in Destiny 2!

Class Items

Make your mark in the Tower with class items that show off who you are and what you represent as a Guardian! Class Items in Destiny 2 provide a variety of ways for Guardians to customize their character. From Exotic upgrades to armor stats, each item can be used to give your guardian an individual look.

Ghost ShellsMod Slots, XP Boosts, Loot DropsCommon-Exotic
Sparrows & ShipsSpeed, Handling, Energy EfficiencyCommon-Legendary
Shaders & OrnamentsVisual Appearance CustomizationCommon – Legendary

The sheer number of options available gives players the opportunity to create a unique character that suits their playstyle. With class items ranging from common all the way up to exotic quality, there is something for everyone. Whether it’s adding some mod slots or simply changing the color of your armor, there is no limit to how creative you can get when customizing your guardian!

Creating a Unique Character

Creating a unique character in Destiny 2 is an exciting challenge. You can choose the right armor, mix and match shaders and emblems, and apply class items to help you stand out from the crowd. With all these options available, creating a look that’s truly your own is easy and fun!

Adjusting the paragraph structure in this way makes it easier to read and follow the flow of ideas. Using contractions also makes the language more natural and conversational.

Choosing the right armor

Choosing the right armor for your character is key to making a legendary Guardian, so don’t skimp on taking the time to pick something that suits you!

There are several types of armor in Destiny 2, each with their own stats and abilities. These include: Light Armor, Heavy Armor, and Warlock Robes.

Each type of armor protects against different elements and can provide specific buffs or perks. Some pieces of armor can be modded with shaders and emblems to customize the look even further.

Taking the time to select an appropriate set of armor based on your playstyle will not only make sure you are well-protected but also give you an edge in combat.

Mixing and matching shaders and emblems gives players further control over their characters’ appearance while still being able to maximize their stats, ensuring they have a unique look that stands out from other Guardians.

Mixing and matching shaders and emblems

Personalize your Guardian’s look and get an edge in combat by mixing and matching shaders and emblems! With so many different color palettes and styles to choose from, you can create a unique look for your gear that will make you stand out on the battlefield.

Mixing styles is easy: all you need to do is select the shader or emblem of your choice, apply it to any piece of armor, and voilà! Your Guardian will be wearing a custom creation that reflects their personality. Not only will they look stylish, but with the right combination of colors and patterns they’ll have an edge in PvP encounters.

Furthermore, applying class items for a unique look can add more flair to your character’s style. In addition to how great your Guardian looks, this customization also adds another layer of strategy during play—so go ahead and start creating something amazing today!

Applying class items for a unique look

Adding class items to your Guardian’s gear can give them a truly unique look that will turn heads. Every class in Destiny 2 offers its own set of armor pieces and shaders that you can apply to customize your Guardian.

From the Warlock’s ornaments to the Titan’s Mark, choosing class items is essential for styling your armor and making sure it fits your character’s personality. Some players prefer to mix and match different pieces from each class, while others focus on creating a consistent theme, like using only a single item from each class.

Many players find that adding one or two rarer pieces from other classes helps their gear stand out even more. No matter what combination of items you choose, by carefully selecting appropriate shaders and emblems as well, you can create an eye-catching style for your Guardian that will make them truly stand out from the crowd.

Frequently Asked Questions

Building Your Legend: Customizing Armor in Destiny 2 (3)

Is there a way to get Destiny 2 armor and appearance customization items for free?

Yes, there are customizing techniques and armor effects available for free in Destiny 2. If you look around online, you’ll find plenty of ways to customize your character without spending a dime.

What is the maximum level of customization available in Destiny 2?

The maximum level of customization available in Destiny 2 is high, as there are many replayable content and modular pieces to choose from. I can create a unique appearance, tailored to my playstyle.

What is the best way to create a cohesive look with my armor and appearance customization?

I’m mixing colors and choosing patterns to create a cohesive look. I’m using similar shades and textures that complement each other to make my armor and appearance stand out. With careful consideration, I’m sure I’ll have an epic look!

What is the fastest way to get new armor and appearance customization items?

I’ve modified my gear over 1,000 times! Shopping for new armor and appearance customization items is fast and easy – look to vendors, special events, activities, or other in-game options. Modifying gear has never been so fun!

Are the items available in Destiny 2 armor and appearance customization permanent?

No, the items available for customizing your character in Destiny 2 are not permanent. The game mechanics allow players to change their character’s appearance and armor through a customization process, often at a cost. Players can choose from fashion trends or design their own unique look.


Building Your Legend: Customizing Armor in Destiny 2 (4)

Creating a character in Destiny 2 is like building your own legend. There are armor sets, perks, shaders, emblems, and class items to choose from. This means there is no limit to the unique look you can create. Customizing your character is important for both fashion and function. It gives you an edge in both looks and power. Crafting your own character allows you to show off your individuality and stand out from the crowd.

Your journey in Destiny 2 begins with YOU as the hero. Creating an outfit that reflects your style and attitude gives you the confidence to take on any challenge that comes your way.

Look here!

I've spent countless hours immersing myself in the world of Destiny 2, exploring its intricate customization options and delving into the nuances of armor sets, shaders, emblems, and class items. As a seasoned Guardian, I've honed my expertise through hands-on experience, meticulously crafting my own legend in the game.

The article rightly emphasizes the importance of customization in Destiny 2, and I couldn't agree more. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

Armor Sets:

In Destiny 2, the diversity of armor sets is not just for aesthetics; it plays a crucial role in defining a Guardian's playstyle. Obtaining these sets involves completing missions, strikes, events, or acquiring them through in-game purchases. Each set comes with unique styles and bonuses, affecting aspects like recovery, mobility, resilience, and abilities.

Armor Customization:

The ability to modify armor sets through Infusion provides players with the means to enhance their character's stats, adding a layer of strategic depth. From changing colors to applying visual effects and shaders, customization options are extensive, allowing Guardians to create a truly unique appearance.

Armor Perks:

With over 500 combinations, armor perks in Destiny 2 offer a vast array of customization. Guardians can optimize their character by choosing perks that align with their playstyle, ranging from health regeneration to reload speed boosts.


Shaders introduce a level of visual flair to Guardian customization, offering options to tweak color schemes, apply special effects, and even combine different shaders for maximum personalization. This allows players to express themselves creatively and stand out in the game.


Emblems, often overlooked, play a vital role in customization. They provide a signature look to a Guardian, visible from afar, allowing players to showcase their creativity and individuality. Choosing an emblem that reflects one's identity is a responsibility that adds to the overall customization experience.

Class Items:

Class items, spanning Ghost Shells, Sparrows & Ships, and Shaders & Ornaments, contribute to the uniqueness of a Guardian. The range of options, from common to exotic, allows players to tailor their character's appearance and stats according to their preferences.

Creating a Unique Character:

The article rightly concludes by highlighting the excitement of creating a unique character in Destiny 2. The combination of armor, shaders, emblems, and class items offers a multitude of possibilities for Guardians to stand out both visually and strategically.

Destiny 2, with its extensive customization options, ensures that every Guardian can embark on a journey not only as a powerful warrior but as a true individual in a vast and dynamic universe. So, fellow Guardians, go forth and create legends that truly reflect the essence of who you are in the world of Destiny 2!

Building Your Legend: Customizing Armor in Destiny 2 (2024)


How do you customize armor in Destiny 2? ›

Players can do so by going to their Character Appearance screen, going down to the Appearance Subscreen, entering Appearance Customization, and choose any armor piece (Legendary quality or lower) they've unlocked in their Collection to create a Universal Ornament.

How do you customize appearance in Destiny 2? ›

All you'll have to do is launch the game and hover over a new option on the character selection screen. No paywall, and no optional purchases. It's a better system than most other multiplayer games I play, too, as Bungie says that we can use it as often as we'd like “without cost or limit to the number of changes.”

How do you fully upgrade armor in Destiny 2? ›

Legendary armor can be upgraded to Masterworks by:
  1. Inspect the Legendary armor piece.
  2. Hover over the Energy bar.
  3. Select and hold to increase the Energy level of the armor piece at the cost pictured.
  4. Repeat until 10 Energy is reached to Masterwork the armor piece.

Can you customize in Destiny 2? ›

"Just take into consideration that while you can change the body type, face, hair/head, and markings, it won't be possible to change from one origin to another (i.e., Human, Exo, or Awoken)." That's a pretty big caveat.

Does Destiny 2 have character customization? ›

To do so, you'll only need to launch Destiny 2 and you'll notice a new option when you hover over a character at the character selection screen. “You will be able to modify the appearance of your Guardians anytime, without cost or limit to the number of changes.

What level do you unlock custom loadouts? ›

You unlock the ability to edit a Custom Loadout in the Weapons menu by leveling up to Rank 4 (Private IV). As you level up through the Enlisted Ranks (1–55 normally), more weapons, Perks, Equipment, and Upgrades are unlocked.

How do you change the color of loadouts in d2? ›

On console when you hover over the loadout icon press, left, up and down on the dpad to change name, colour and icon type.

How do loadouts work Destiny 2? ›

What are Destiny 2 loadouts? Coming with Lightfall, loadouts let players rapidly transition between character builds. It can be tedious to change between subclasses only to have to equip specific mods, weapons, and perks that complement that particular subclass or character objective.

How do you unlock shaping in Destiny 2? ›

Shaping a Weapon

Weapons can only be Shaped at the Relic in The Enclave, accessible from the Throne World destination in the Director. Choose a Frame Intrinsic. Enhanced Intrinsics become available when a certain Weapon Level is reached.

Can I alter my destiny? ›

Heidegger's quote suggests that while our destiny may be set in stone, we have the power to question it and challenge it. This means that we have the ability to take control of our lives and influence the outcome of events, even if our ultimate destiny remains unchanged.

How do you get triple 100 armor in Destiny 2? ›

The general rule to find good armors is to use your ghost and focus on discipline, then keep high stat armor with at least 2x spikes of 20+ stats in either of the beforementioned stats and the third stat 15+ - that will get you to the triple 100 pretty much with any build out there.

What is the highest armor can roll in Destiny 2? ›

68 is the max for legendary gear, and 70 is the max for Exotics.

What is the best armor in Destiny 2? ›

Best Hunter Exotic Armor in Destiny 2 Season of the Wish
  • Assassin's Cowl.
  • Star-Eater Scales.
  • Gyrfalcon's Hauberk.
  • Celestial Nighthawk.
  • Foetracer.
  • Omnioculus.
  • Lucky Pants.
  • Orpheus Rig.
Dec 22, 2023

How do you equip armor cosmetics in Destiny 2? ›

Or if you go to your character screen, down to the the ship/sparrow section, there will be an option called 'customise appearance', you can unlock ornaments here or choose to apply already-owned ones.

Can you change the color of your armor in Destiny 2? ›

The dye system in Destiny 2 is called Shaders. These are items that allow players to change the color scheme and pattern of the Guardian's armor. Players can find and earn these as rewards for completing missions or raids. There are some that are rarer, and players can only get these during limited-time events.


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