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VOL. XCV NO. 1 FALL 2013 St. John’s Military School SiMiShesjms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Fall-Skirmisher-PDF.pdf· Fallbrook, California. The day of the reception brings - [PDF Document] (1)

AMS travels

many miles to compete!

Parents’week enda huge success!

Fall sPortsCross CountryFootball soccer

St. John’s Military SchoolVOL. XCV NO. 1 FALL 2013

the 126thbAttAlion


“new Boy” Breakout...a new tradition!

weB! www.sjms.org

Find usON THE


VOL. XCV NO. 1 FALL 2013 St. John’s Military School SiMiShesjms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Fall-Skirmisher-PDF.pdf· Fallbrook, California. The day of the reception brings - [PDF Document] (2)


ON THE BACK COVER Members of the corps participate in

the Army Physical Fitness Test

Academic all stars Cadets achieve Blue Beret,

Dean’s Honor Roll, and Honor Roll.


8 SJMS HONORS VETERANS The 126th supports Veterans Day ceremonies and the band celebrates the Marine Corps Birthday with SJMS neighbor Dan Pestinger.

Fall Parents’ Weekend

The 126th puts on a great show.


4 POW/MIA Ceremony Senior Army Instructor, LTC Matthew Battiston, of the ROTC department, organizes a ceremony in recognition of POW/MIA day.

FINd uS ON THE WEB St. John’s joins the social media movement!


1 SJMSPA The St. John’s Military School Parents’ Association. SuMMER RECEPTIONS D. Dale Browning and Al Ransom host receptions.

7“NEW BOY” BREAKOuT SESSION The “New Boy” breakout session held for the first time this Fall is sure to be a highlight of the Fall “New Boy” experience.

Advanced Military Skills Members of the AMS team

compete for medals and come home with a trophy!

14Football team

makes the play-offs For the first time in 126 years the football team wins a play off game!

15Fall Sports

The soccer and cross-country teams give us reason

to celebrate. 16

BROTHERS lEAd THE CORPSTwins, Eli & Levi Harmon in command!


ON THE COVER The 126th Battalion Staff

from left: James McCaffery S1, Adam Walther S2, Eli Harmon XO,

David Schmaus S3, Levi Harmon BC,Kenneth Slaven S3 SGM, Luke Whitting CSM,

Brandon Mudd S4, and Paul Meyer S5.

The ST. John’s Military School Parents’ Association is under new leadership!

President England honored long time St. John’s Military School Parents’ Association (SJMSPA) officers, Tammy Ashe and Colleen Wunderlich during Parents’ Weekend! Ashe and Wunderlich dedicated many years to the association carrying on long after their son’s graduated from St. John’s. Their years of service and passion for the task created a thriving organization which assists parents at many levels. The SJMSPA grew in membership under their leadership and many programs were developed to enhance Cadet life and the academic program. SJMSPA President,

Jamie Mudd is committed to carrying on those programs and exploring new ways to assist the school.

To volunteer your time and talent to the organization, please contact any of the officers.

Jamie MuddPresident

President England thanks and recognizes Colleen Wunderlich and Tammy Ashe.


Jamie Mudd, [emailprotected]

Theresa Gengler, Vice [emailprotected]

Donna Harmon, [emailprotected]

Janice Rubin, Finance [emailprotected]

SJMSPA Officers

check out the SJMSPA on the web-site www.sjms.org

“Old Boys,” David Dumler, Hunter Nicodemus, Thomas Ashe, Jacob Haskett, Joseph Casey, Tyler Wunderlich, D. Dale Browning, Luke Whitting, Jordan Poelma, Eli Harmon, Jordan Covers, Levi Harmon, Craig Roukema, and Chris Wilson gather on Browning’s back patio.

During the month of July, D. Dale Browning opens his

beautiful home in Golden, Colorado, for an admissions

reception. “Old Boy” Al Ransom does the same in Fallbrook, California. The

day of the reception brings together generations of “Old

Boys,” faculty, staff, and potential “New Boys” to talk

about St. John’s. Browning and Ransom offer refreshments

and the warmth of their hospitality. Their beautiful

homes, provide the perfect backdrop to help prospective

families understand the St. John’s story.

Summer Receptions


VOL. XCV NO. 1 FALL 2013 St. John’s Military School SiMiShesjms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Fall-Skirmisher-PDF.pdf· Fallbrook, California. The day of the reception brings - [PDF Document] (3)

The 126th Battalion Staff is headed up by twin brothers who came to St. John’s as freshman four years ago. The boys were home schooled through 8th grade, and according to their Father, “experienced moving from one of the loosest educational environments to one of the most regimented. This was both exciting and terrifying for us, as well as for the boys, they were ambivalent about the change.” When asked about the similarities and differences between their son’s the Harmon’s replied, “They are both competitive and have always enjoyed learning. Growing up they both loved to read. I would be trying to get them to do something else, and they would be hiding a book under the table. They have similar interests but they are each individuals.” Chief Edwards let us read a paper that the boys had each written about their futures and they were very similar.”

Their mother, Donna relates a story about Eli and Levi that gives us insight into their determination, “At the end of their first year, on the drive home, they informed us that Levi would be BC and Eli XO. They even described the path to be taken to achieve that goal.” Their prediction came true and the twins are in command of the 126th Corps of Cadets.

What new programs have you instituted as BC of the 126th? “I haven’t necessarily created any new programs, but I have tried to start several traditions. One event I’ve created is a major test at the end of “New Boy” training. I call it Breakout, named after a similar event which new Cadets must pass at Virginia Military Institute. The event is conducted by the upper cadet leadership, and tests the “New Boys” physical and mental endurance, while also forcing them to work together as a team. Following the conclusion of the test, the “New Boys” were pinned with “Old Boy” Shields and passed through a sabre arch signifying the passage from “New Boy” to “Old Boy.” In my time at SJMS, there has not been anything similar to this, and I hope the tradition will continue.”What have you found to be the most difficult part of your job? “The most difficult part of being the BC is finding time to relax. With the combination of school, soccer, and the Corps, its pretty hard to find some time when nothing needs to be done. That has definitely been the most difficult part so far.”What has surprised you about how the year has begun? “Its been surprising how quickly time is passing. If someone told me that nearly 3 months have passed, I

probably wouldn’t believe them.”What is the best part of being in your position? “The best part about being BC is finally having the authority to fix the little things that have driven me crazy for 4 years. Nothing satisfies me more than doing better than the previous Corps.” How does it feel to have your brother as your second in command? “It wouldn’t matter if our roles were reversed, I would know what to expect, and I know that I can trust him. That’s really important.” What challenges do you see when you separate for college? “It will be interesting to see if I can find someone similar to listen to my complaints. I complain about everything and if it wasn’t Eli, someone might think I’m slightly crazy.” What has been the best part of being a twin? “Well...being able to understand exactly what the other is thinking is pretty awesome. If I see someone misbehave, I’ll look at Eli, and he’ll say ‘Yup,’ and I know he is thinking the exact same thing. It’s pretty funny.” Looking back on your time at SJMS, what has been the most rewarding part of sharing the experience with Eli? “The best part of having a sibling here, especially a twin, is being able to look at someone who you know, going through the

same difficulties. Then all you have to say is, ‘If he can do this, I can.’” What new programs have you instituted as XO of the 126th? “I don’t feel as if I have necessarily instituted ‘new’ programs, but I feel that I have motivated my staff to improve upon previous years’ programs. I also have taken it upon myself to represent the senior class as a whole, and organize senior activities such as barbecues.” What have you found to be the most difficult part of your job? “The most difficult part of my job is juggling my responsibilities as XO with my various athletic and extracurricular activities and still finding time to do my homework, rest, and apply to college. It is very draining!” What, if anything, has surprised you about how the year has begun? “The main thing that surprised me is how the school’s staff and faculty regard the cadet leadership of the 126th. They hold us in high esteem and motivate us to perform at a very high standard you won’t find this in any other high school.” How does it feel to have your brother as your commander? “With my brother in command, I have a great outlet to vent my frustrations and brainstorm ideas to improve cadet life. He has impressed me

immensely this year, and it is just an awesome experience to go through senior year with your twin.” What challenges do you see ahead when you and your brother separate for college? “The only challenge I foresee is that I won’t see him very much because we are most likely attending colleges with rigorous schedules, and we’ll be very busy. Although, after spending 18 years of our lives with little separation, it may not be a bad thing to broaden our horizons.” What has been the best part of being a twin? “The best part about being a twin? That’s easy! Confusing people! We switch places and trade name tags occasionally, as well as acting exactly the same way when we both talk to people.” Looking back on your time at St. John’s, what has been the most rewarding part of sharing this experience with your brother? “The most rewarding part of sharing this time with Levi has been watching the environment mold him into one of the most mature and capable people I’ve ever known. He may be younger than me, but he is one of my role models.”

tWinS in command!

Eli &

Levi Harmon

The Harmons share their thoughts!


Levi Eli

VOL. XCV NO. 1 FALL 2013 St. John’s Military School SiMiShesjms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Fall-Skirmisher-PDF.pdf· Fallbrook, California. The day of the reception brings - [PDF Document] (4)

The 126th Corps of Cadets faced the porch of the Vanier Academic Center for the spoken portion of the ceremony. In preparation for the tear drop Pass-in-Review to follow, the Corps of Cadets performed a counter column march. Counter Column is used to turn a moving formation in upon itself, so that it faces the opposite direction. The SJMS Band has been executing this turn for many years. This was the first time the corps executed this turn. During drill and ceremony practice

on Wednesday afternoons, the corps practiced and learned the turn. On the day of the POW/MIA ceremony the corps executed the turn like they had been using this turn

for many years! HOUAH, 126!

LTC Matthew Battison, SJMS Senior Army Instructor (SAI) is new to the St. Johns family. He joined the staff at the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year. The SAI is the department chairperson and chief instructor of the JROTC unit. He is charged with managing and conducting the JROTC unit according to school rules, regulations, and policies. He must ensure JROTC unit areas are neat and orderly. Current chain of command photos, The Cadet Creed, core abilities, and mission statements must be posted and all sensitive items secured. The SAI is also responsible for teaching the

JROTC curriculum. Battison knows the ropes and has

entrenched himself in the SJMS family. While examining the schedule, he inquired as to what the school does to recognize National POW/MIA Recognition Day. The United States’ National POW/MIA Recognition Day is observed across the nation on the third Friday of September each year. Many Americans take the time to remember those who were prisoners of war (POW) and those who are missing in action (MIA). LTC Battison learned that St. John’s did not have a plan for this significant event and went about the task of organizing a fitting tribute to the

1,741 personnel listed by the Defense Department as missing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam War, as of April 2009. The United States Congress passed a resolution authorizing National POW/MIA Recognition Day to be observed on July 18, 1979.

Under Battison’s leadership, and with the assistance of the other JROTC instructors, 1SG Tony Blair and SFC Geronimo Rivera, the ceremony became a reality.

As the 126th Corps of Cadets lined up in two single file lines along the teardrop, the Legion Riders rode onto campus and parked their rides over by the POW flagpole.



The Tablecloth is white, symbolic of the purity of their intentions to respond to their Country’s call to arms.

The Single Rose in the vase signifies the blood they may have shed in sacrifice to ensure the freedom of our beloved United States of America. This rose reminds us of the family and friends of our missing comrades who keep faith, while awaiting their return.

A Slice of Lemon on the bread plate is to remind us of their bitter fate, those captured and missing in a foreign land.

The Glass is inverted; they cannot toast with us this day/night. The Candle is reminiscent of the light of hope, which lives in our hearts to illuminate their way home, away from their captors, to the open arms of a grateful nation.

The Empty Chair ceremony was staged in the Steven’s Center.

Top: Blase Whitting sounds “Taps” at the end of the ceremony. Left: The 126th lines up along the outside of the tear drop while the Legion Riders pass through. Right: LTC Matthew Battison and former military advisor,

Tom Slusser render a salute to the Corps as they Pass-in-Review.


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gets on board with Social Media

• check the SJMS web-site, www.sjms.org daily and click on different sections of the home page, and write a positive review!

• visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/stjohnsmilitaryschool, watch our videos, Like Us, click on photos and make positive comments anywhere you feel it’s appropriate!

• visit our You Tube site and watch our videos (over and over) http://www.youtube.com/user/stjohnsmilitary

• follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com

• sign up for a Linked in account and join 225 million professionals who are sharing connections, ideas, and opportunities. See who you and St. John’s Military School know in common! http://www.linkedin.com/in/stjohnsmilitaryschool

Famed actress Betty White, says on her hit TV show, “I’m on the Twitter!” She clearly isn’t sure what that means and just wants to be ‘hip’ with the times. St. John’s Military School administrators and board members know exactly what it means, and know how vital it is for the St. John’s name to be present on all the social media sites. Web trends explains social media in the following way, “regular media is a one-way street where you can read a newspaper or listen to a report on television, but you have

very limited ability to give your thoughts on the matter. Social media, on the other hand, is a two-way street that gives you the ability to communicate your thoughts.”

The marketing committee at St. John’s, consisting of faculty, staff, board members, and administrators, each have assigned tasks to ensure that our presence on the web is strong. Parents, alumni, and patrons of St. John’s also have a vital role in the process.

Together the St. John’s family can build a solid social media relevancy that can directly determine how we rank in search engine results. In short, we can all impact the way the world views our school and build our online profile into a reflection of the great work happening at St. John’s!

What can you do?




“New Boy” Breakoutand pinning

Command Sergeant Major, Luke Whitting, participates during part of the physical training portion of the breakout session held on the grinder.

President England, observes “New Boys” holding their camel backs at arms length. Sean Udofia, Matthew Green, and Nathan Harris standing with the other “New Boys,” meet the challenge.

The first portion of the session took place on the obstacle course. Eli Harmon has a bird’s eye view of the “New Boys’ using teamwork to scale the wall.

“Old Boy” Quan Gao walks though the sabre arch formed by BC, Levi Harmon, XO, Eli Harmon, Company Commanders, Richard Reynolds and Colton Brown.

Nathan Harris receives his “Old Boy” shield from Battalion Commander Levi Harmon, and CSM Luke Whitting.

The “New Boy” Breakout session is patterned after the Virginia Military Institute’s breakout session for their Rats. The session is intended to encourage team work. A three hour physical training session was followed by the pinning ceremony.

VOL. XCV NO. 1 FALL 2013 St. John’s Military School SiMiShesjms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Fall-Skirmisher-PDF.pdf· Fallbrook, California. The day of the reception brings - [PDF Document] (6)

DAYDAYIn November 1919, President

Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…”

The 126th Corps of Cadets stood to honor Veterans for their patriotism,sacrifice, and love of country.

1. Caelon Tautz joins the band for pre-ceremony music. 2. A firing squad of area Veterans fires a 21 gun salute in honor of their fallen comrades. 3. Mark Pearsall and Alexander Hamm present arms during the Star Spangled Banner. 4. 1SG Tony Blair joins his comrades of the Legion Riders as a member of a color guard. 5. The 126th at present arms.

from left: Calvin Guardiola, Jacob Gengler, Willie Johnson, Richard Reynolds, Jake Whitting, Dan Pestinger, Gabriella, Jacque Connor, Robert Conde, Christopher Reilly, Blase Whitting, Mason Clanton, Nathan Harris, Ethan Pizzi, Caelon Tautz, Dustin Wiechman, and Bryce Kisner.

1. The American flag and Marine Corps flag. 2. Granddaughter, Gabriella, stands with her Grandpa, Dan Pestinger, as he reads a letter from the Commandant of the Marine corps. 3. Calvin Guardiola, Bandmaster, waits to begin the ceremony.

The SJMS Band carried on an honored tradition by celebrating the Marine Corps Birthday with SJMS neighbor and Marine, Dan Pestinger. For many years, the band rises earlier than the corps, marches to the north side of campus, and sounds the Star Spangled Banner while Pestinger raises the flags. Following

the reading of a letter sent to Pestinger from the Commandant of the Marine Corps, the band plays their rendition of the Marine

Corps Hymn. What follows is a breakfast inside the Pestinger home. The band sits around the dining table devouring homemade biscuits,

sausage, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and milk. It was a beautiful and memorable day for all concerned. Sempre Fi!








VOL. XCV NO. 1 FALL 2013 St. John’s Military School SiMiShesjms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Fall-Skirmisher-PDF.pdf· Fallbrook, California. The day of the reception brings - [PDF Document] (7)

Parents’ Weekend 126th puts on a show!1. Luis Garcia is surrounded by his family, mother Mayra, sister, Renata, and father, Gabriel. 2. Mark Pearsall poses for a family portrait with his father, COL Gurney, brother, Gurney III, and mother, Marina after the “New Boy” promotion ceremony. 3. Jake Whitting, Richard Reynolds, Jacob Gengler, and Oluwatimi Osunkoya play the rope tension drums purchased by D. Dale Browning in 2009. 4. Matthew Green’s father, Brian Green, helps attach his “Old Boy” ranks. 5. The St. John’s chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) gathered for a photo after the 2013 induction ceremony. Eli Harmon, Levi Harmon, Thomas Elliott,* Luke Whitting,* Paul Meyer and Adam Walther.**2013 Inductees






Parents’ Weekend gives teachers a chance to meet with the parents about their son’s academic progress during parent-teacher conferences. The reception Thursday evening gives everyone a chance to meet the St. John’s family and provides parents with the opportunity to network with other parents. Ceremonies during the weekend showcase the Corps of Cadets and recognize Cadet achievement.




11. The drill team performs a drill on the impact zone in front of Jack Vanier Hall. 2. Adam Walther serves communion to Emmanuel St. Martin. 3. Andre

Popovic, drill team commander, performs a solo drill. 4. The color guard consisting of Letser Ostertag, Xinyang Du, Andre Popovic and Caelon Tautz

present the colors during the Star Spangled Banner.


VOL. XCV NO. 1 FALL 2013 St. John’s Military School SiMiShesjms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Fall-Skirmisher-PDF.pdf· Fallbrook, California. The day of the reception brings - [PDF Document] (8)

dean’s Honor RollHigh School

Honor Roll

Middle School






Sean udofia















Xiao FengXu










Cheng MingXing



EmmanuelSt. Martin

david Ginther









luis GarciaQuintanar

Seth Werner









High School

Middle School

High School






Yifan Xu







The Blue Beret

Cadets are also members

of the Dean’s Honor Roll!



VOL. XCV NO. 1 FALL 2013 St. John’s Military School SiMiShesjms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Fall-Skirmisher-PDF.pdf· Fallbrook, California. The day of the reception brings - [PDF Document] (9)

2. “Your Raider Team is off to a great start this year! We traveled to Clinton Missouri on Friday night, September 14, 2013 for the competition on Saturday. This was the first Challenge of the year and for the majority of the nine cadets it was their first Chal-lenge ever. The event started with the modified PT Test which was a fifty meter truck tire flip in lieu of Push-ups and Sit-ups, then a team 2 mile run. The participants were given a loaf of bread, peanut butter and jelly, and some fruit for breakfast. A 10K run followed breakfast. Once that was completed, we went to the Raider Challenge Course for more running and about five different stations, including: logs and concrete blocks that needed to be moved from one pile to another, a military vehicle pull, a rope climb, and a rope traverse. While doing all of this, the team members carried a couple of 35 lb. ruck sacks and a couple of truck tires. Once they finished this event, they went on to the one rope bridge site and finished on the obstacle course. The team earned a trophy for third place on the obstacle course and a very respectable fourth place, in most all other events. Upon completion of the team events they

had an Ultimate Raider event for a buddy team. Levi Harmon had injured his hand on the rope climb and chose Cadets Popovic and “New Boy” Ginther as the buddy team. I can’t tell you how proud they made us! These two Raiders ran a one mile course in ACU’S with Boots in 4:45, one second behind the first place team. They then beat that team in pull-ups and went straight to the archery course to shoot two arrows at a target. We scored one, and the first team scored two on target. The result was ST. JOHN’S SECOND PLACE IN THE ULTI-MATE RAIDER TRIATHLON! Cadets Popovic and Ginther were both awarded second place medals. I would like to thank Cadet McCaffery for taking pictures of the team and helping teach knots. I would also like to thank SFC Giles for joining us on the trip. Most importantly, Thank you all, for your support!” SFC Rob Cruce

A M S1. Andre Popovic and Eli Harmon participate in the physical training test. 2. Xinyang Du, Colton Brown, and David Ginther hoist the tire around the course.3. Eli Harmon and Xinyang Du wrestle with one of the logs.

Advanced Military Skills

front row: Xinyang Du, Eli Harmon, Jonah Comeaux, and Xiaofeng Xuback row: Colton Brown, Andre Popovic, Levi Harmon, David Ginther, andGabrielius Gurskas gather around their trophy following the awards ceremony.






The mighty Muleskinners ended their regular season with a 2 game winning streak. Roy Lawrence reported, “If you see any of the guys please tell them good job and good luck in the playoffs. It has been a very difficult season to say the least but the guys found a way to get it done.” Under the careful guidance of coaches, Roy Lawrence, Curtis Pickering, and David Leonard, the football team took it to the end zone on the throwing arm of QB “J Whit” Jake Whitting, and the legs of record breaking running back Thomas Elliott. The front line blocking, combined with a stellar defensive effort combined for a chance to move into post season play. All-in-all this 2013 football squad ‘got it done’ through hard work

determination and valiant efforts by all. For the first time in the history of St. John’s the team won their playoff game against Sunrise Academy in Wichita, Kansas on November 5, 2013.

The Victory Photo!Front row: Blake Williams, Coleman Williams, Brandon Swain, Dakota Kinnett, and Colby Harrrison. Second row: Coach David Leonard, Ari Milat, Matthew Wilder, Calvin Guardiola, Francisco Arismendy, Nolan Krieger, Leroy Cross, Willie Johnson, and Coach Curtis Pickering, Third row: Kenny Slaven, Thomas Elliott, Luke Whitting, Nathan Bower, Jake Whitting, Coach Roy Lawrence, Jordan Vera, Matthew Stern, and Matthew Green.


“Fans got a thrill when Jake Whitting and Nolan Krieger connected against St. Mary’s Academy. The connection was good for 65 yards, the longest such play in Kansas Christian AA (8 Man) this season.” One for the record books!


Thomas Elliot set an SJMS rushing record carrying 309 times for 2,165 yards.

VOL. XCV NO. 1 FALL 2013 St. John’s Military School SiMiShesjms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Fall-Skirmisher-PDF.pdf· Fallbrook, California. The day of the reception brings - [PDF Document] (10)

“The Cross Country team finished the season as a group of much stronger and well conditioned athletes. Every Cadet improved their time and built their endurance.David Ginther posted the best time of the season; 20:08, and earned 3 medals. Ginther participated in 1A regionals, posting a time of 20:32:52, placing fifteenth out of sixty!”Coach Bernhardt



“ We faced some good teams skill-wise, and we won a few games. Our boys did very well, and we are proud of them. We are also very proud of our team leaders, seniors, Eli Harmon and Levi Harmon. It is going to be difficult to replace these two next year. Our numbers didn’t show all we accomplished on the field.” Coach Leo Alvarado

S O C C E RName Goals Assists Saves

Luis Garcia 17 11

Xiong Jiaqi 3

Levi Harmon 9 14

Eli Harmon 12 4 5

Jack Glasgow 7 1

Sean Udofia 2 16

Xinyang Du 1

Gian Falossi 73

Nathan Harris 5





Blase Whitting

David Ginther

Coach Rob Glenn

Coach darinbernhardt

Chengming Xing

Xiaofeng Xu





Levi Harmon and Luis Garcia mug for the

camera after a Soccer match in Wichita!

Team Photo - At Southeast of Saline MeetFirst row: *Andre Popovic, *David Ginther, *Geoffrey Houchins Second row: *Xiaofeng XU, *Chengming Xing, *Paul MeyerThird row: *Brandon Burrage, *Blase Whiitng Not pictured: *Jacob Weise, and *Nicholas Sheldon

* designates lettering inCross Country 17THESkirmisher

VOL. XCV NO. 1 FALL 2013 St. John’s Military School SiMiShesjms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Fall-Skirmisher-PDF.pdf· Fallbrook, California. The day of the reception brings - [PDF Document] (11)

St. John’s Military SchoolBox 5020Salina, KS 67402-5020

The Skirmisher is published 3 times a year for

alumni, parents, students, and friends of

St. John’s Military School110 E. Otis

P.O. Box 5020Salina, KS 67402-5020


EditorsWendy Stein & Katy England

Contributing WritersRob Cruce & Wendy Stein

Photographers James McCaffery, Paul Meyer,

Terry Plumberg, Zachary Reimer, & Scott Wiedeman

Layout and DesignDerius Mammen

Wendy SteinProduction


Board of TrusTEEsE. andrew England, President

d. dale Browning, Trustee EmeritusLarry Britegam, Chairman of the

BoardLee Young, Immediate Past

Chairman of the BoardTom Bell

David DumlerRob Exline

Dr. David HendrickBill MedinaBob Miller

Tom PestingerPete Peterson

John Seitzdavid TerryMike TerryJohn Vanier

doug dutton, TreasurerKari Wilson, Secretary

The adjutant General’s army Physical fitness Test (aPfT), fitness Challenge is a challenging competition held every year at the 235th Kansas regional Training Institute in salina, Kansas.

Civilians & soldiers compete in three aPfT events. Participants are tested and scored by soldiers from the Kansas National Guard. The 3 events are army Push-ups (maximum in 2 min.), army sit-ups (maximum in 2 min.), and the Two -Mile run (as fast as you can).

Push-up and sit-up events are timed events and participants have 2 min. to do as many correct army Push-ups and sit-ups as possible. Participants are also timed on the 2 Mile Run. Additionally the events are demonstrated before they begin.

St. John’s Cadets took second place overall in the high school team division and david Ginther, freshman from Brighton, Colorado, took 1st place in the high school individual competition! Congratulations!

Photos left: david schmaus, senior, from Broomfield, Colorado, climbed the rope faster than his opponent!


david Ginther

VOL. XCV NO. 1 FALL 2013 St. John’s Military School SiMiShesjms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Fall-Skirmisher-PDF.pdf · Fallbrook, California. The day of the reception brings - [PDF Document] (2024)


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