STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (2024)

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (1)









lJ~ tfie lLient9ttar:::@eneral of lJictoria.



No 119.

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (2)


STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (3)


Registrar-General's O~ce, '. Melbourne, 31st December, 1861. • SIR,

On the 25th June, 1861, I had the 'honor to publish an approximate .Agrloultura1 Statistics 1br

GenerarSummary of the Agricultural Statistics, showing the acreage, occupied itrot"'1k:mding 31st

and cultivated, and the quantity' Of produce raised "in' each- Cbunty and Pastoral District during the year ending' 3fst March, 1861. I now submit detailed Tables of the same Statistics, and take the opportunity further to illustrate the subject in the following Report.

2 Two years ago I issued the first of a 'series of " Statistical Notes on statistical NolLs 9" the • '" PrOflTe,,. of Victoria,

the Progress of VICtOrIa from the FoundatIOn of the Colony." The first and Parts I and II.

second series of the Notes were published, for 'the sake of convenience, in con-nection with the Agricultural Statistics of 1859 and 1860; but they embraced many important subjects other than the development of our food-industries. At a later period, in a prefatory essay to the Victorian Exhibition Catalogue P"'t 'atory ... eaV~~tY ~ CaEta-

• ' • Of/ue OJ ~ orlan a:~

of 1861, I expanded these notes so as to comprIse a large mass of facts addl- hibitionof186l,

tionally illustrative of our physical, intellectual, and moral progress. Subse-quently tothe publication of this 'essay anlnter-'Colonial Statistical Conference Statistioo,lConf.",nceheld

was held (during' the months of October and November last) at my offices ~dW~~~:be~,l~~ber in Melbourne, under the authority of certain 'of the Australian Governments. The officers who attended this I 'conference were :-, 1. The Registrar-General of New South Wales (Christopher Rolleston, Esq.); 2: 'l'he Registrar-General of Queensland (Frederick Orme Darvall, Esq,); 3. The Superintendent of the South Australian Census (Josiah' Boothby, Esq,);' and '4. The Registrar-General of Victoria. These gentlemen were unanimous in their conclusions A \Wiform plan of stan ...

h d . b'l' f 11' , d bl' hi ' h '1" f h tws for the A1lJltralian as to t e eSIra 1 Ity 0 'CO ectmg an pu IS ng t e annua statIstics 0 eac Colonies resolved upon,

colony on a simple and uniform plan, They held nine formal sittings, and went carefully over every return hitherto published in their respective yearly statistics, They eventually agreed upon such modifications of the old stereo-typed form of Colonial Blue Book as will have the effect of altogether changing

, its style and character. • It would be premature' for me to enter on a description of our proposed future publications: but I may mention that henceforth the Statistic Year Books, of New South 'Vales, South Australia, Queensland, and Victoria will, in the main,' accord, in their groupings with those adopted in the" Statistical Notes" and 44 Prefatory Statistical Essay" above alluded to. This agreement, on'the part of Australian Colonies to unite in carrying out unity of plan in statistical collection and tabulation, not only in regard to the Census, but in respect. to all other important data, will not only be satisfactory to colonists themselves, but will be highly approved by statists in every part of the world, In consequence of this arrangement it will not be necessary for me henceforth to take advantage of the publication of the Agricultural Statistics in detail to prefix, as heretofore, a tractate on the general progress of the country. That can appear in connection with Reports r~el1~ral Pr!,­

the full General Statistics of each year, I now, therefore, in the following ~r~~t;;'o~~=l.t~~ paragraphs limit my observations to the Agricultural and Pastoral Statistics of the year ending 31st March, 1861.


" . 3, The holders ,of' purchased land in"·the l year 'ending '31st ,March, 1861, numbered 13,653, 'against 1'3,175 in tIie year'ending 31st March, 1860.


Number of holders of Pur! ' ohased U!nd. 1800-1861,

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (4)

Increase or d_ of dif· ferent classes of holders.


The increase is not so great as in the previous year, in which 'the holders were augmented by 1,602, being ltn addition of 13'8 per cent., whilst in the year under review the augmentation was only 478, or 3'6 per cent. In the former year all the classes of holdings, without exception, showed increased numbers, but in the latter; the first four classes, comprising all those under 50 acres, had decreased by 93. The remaining five classes, including all those from 50 acres upwards, were more numerous; a tendency to occupy larger lots being thereby indicated. The increase or decrease in the number of each class of holdings is seen in the following table ;-

NUMBER OF lIOLDINGBOF TABLE A.-V ICTORIA.-'\.'11e Number of.. Holdin):;'s of each Class in the two Years ending' F.ACl'f cLAllS, 1860-1861. v

TABLE A. 31st March, 1860 and 1861, with the Increase or Decrease of each Class.

Increase of' the laud in occupation.

In-crease or decrease of' the (Ufferent classes of

EX''ST OF LAND IN HOLDINGS OF EACH ':LASS,1860-1361. TABLE ll. o.r decrea3B of~ la:ld in oOO11pation in the different counties.

SIZE OF HOLDINGS. NUlnber of Holdings of eaoh Cl!Iss. I Increase. . Decrease.

-_ ...... ...-

1860. 1881. 1 acre to 5 acres ... ... 1,082 1,042 . .. 40 5 acres to 15

" ... ... 1,905 1,900 i

. .. 5 15

" to 30

" ... ... 1,439 1,402 ... 37

30 "

to 50 "

... ... 1,380 1,369 ... 11 50

" to 100

" ... ... 2,477 !!,573 96 ...

100 "

to 200 " ... ... 2,316 2,520 204 . ..

200 "

to 350 "

... ... 1,220 1,340 120 ... 350

" to 500

" ... ... 327 380 53 ...

500 "

and upwards ... ... 1,029 1,127 98 ... i

TOTAL ... ... 13,175 I

13,653 I

478 .. .

4. The extent ofland in occupation was increased during the year by. upwards of half a million of acres (501,426!), an augmentation somewhat larger than that between 1860 and 1859, when the increase did not quite reach half a million of acres (496,450~). In the previous year (1859) the increase in the extent of land occupied was 406,022i acres, and in the year before that (1858) it was 580,785Jj; acres. .

5. All the classes of holdings showed an increase in the quantity of land in occupation except the three first, comprising all lots of a less area. than 30 acres, and these showed a slight decrease. Tbe extent of land. embraced in holdings of each class during the years ending 31st March, 1~60 and 1861, is compared in the following tahle, whereby it is seen that of the 501,400 additional acres occupied during the year, 401,400, or upwards of four-fifths, were in lots of the largest size, viz., those of 500 acres and upwards, whilst nearly 35,000 acres, or, upwards of a third of the remainder were in lots of from 100 to .200 acres:- ' TABU; B.-VICTORIA.-The Aggregate Extent of Land comprised'in Holdings of each Class in

the two Years ending 31st l\1arch,1860 and 1861, with the Increase or Decrease of each Class.

I Aggregate Extent of I.6nd oomllri..<;ed

SIZE OF HOLDINGS. • in the different classes of Holdings.

Increase. Decrease.

1860. 1861.

---._------ -----------acres. aeres. acres. aeres,

1 acre to 5 acres ... . .. 3,008 3,007! ... ! 5 acres to 15

" ... ... 16,558 16,388~ ". 169~ 15

" 30

" ... o.. 30,032l 29,232~ ... 800 30

" 50 .. ... ... 52,288~ 54,313! 2,025! ' .. .

50 "

100 " '" o.. 173,979 187,876! 13,897! ...

100 " 200

" ... ... 317,518~ , 352,136£ 34,618 ... 200 "

350 " ... ... 318,485! 345,344£ 26,859t ...

350 ,. 500 " ... ... 133,100 156,6731 23,573! . ..

500 acr~s and upwards ... ... 1,970,637 2,372,060 401,423 ... ---------- ------------

TOTAL ... ... ... 3,015,607t 3,517,033~ 501,426; . ..

6. All the counties showed an increased breadth of land in occupation, with the exception of Bourke and Heytesbury, in both of which there was an.


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apparent decrease. The greatest increase; amounting to upwards of 98,000 acres, took place in Grenville, a county containing land suitable both for 'pastoral pursuits and agriculture, and also including some of our leading gold-fields within its boundaries. The next largest increase, amounting to upwards of 56,000 acres, was in the fine agricultural county of Villiers ; next in order came Dundas, which, although the largest county in Victoria, and also the one possessing some of the finest land, had not, previous to the year reviewed, 47,000 acres in occupation; . but, in consequence of portions of the rich land bordering on the Wannon and its tributru'ies having been brought into the mru'ket, this quantity was, during the year, supplemented by the addition of 43,000 acres. Hampden, Ripon, Grant, and Talbot, each showed an increase of upwards of 30,000 acres of occupied land; the Wimmera, the Loddon, the Murray, and Gipps Land, each showed an increase of over 20,000 acres; Mornington, Normanby, Rodney, Anglesey, and Dalhousie, each showed an augmentation of upwards of 10,000 acres; Evelyn and Follett each showed upwards of 15,000 additional acres, and Polwarth an ·increase of 372 acres. In Bourke and Heytesbury there appeared a diminution to the extent, in the former, of 14,190 acres, and in the latter, of 2698 acres, making a total decrease in the two counties of 16,888! acres, against an increase of 518,314t acres in the other counties, leaving a surplus of increase, as has been ah'eady stated (par. 4),'amounting to 501,426! acres.

7. The quantity of land in occupation in each county during the last two years, ",jth the amount of its increase or decrease in the latter year, will be observed at one view in the follo,,"ing table:-

'fAIlLE C.-VICToRIA.-The Aggregate Extent of Land in Occupation in each Gounty find Pastoral District in the two Years ending- 31st March, 1860 and 1861, with the Increase or Decrease in each during the Year.

A~g:t8~tit't' I "Past.';;;1 Oistriot I

COUNTIES Al'i"D DISTRICTS. Increase. Decrease.

\860. 1861.

acres. aeres. a<JreS. acres, Anglesey ... ... ... ... 19,091i 34,773i 15,682! . .. Bourke ... ... ... ... 623,657t 609,467 . .. 14,190t Dalhousie ... ... ... .. . 145,21Ii 158,387t 13,li5~ . .. Dundas ... '" ... ... 46,651i 89,741 43,089! . .. Evelyn ... ... ... ... 68,849t 74,763! 5,914i . .. Follett ... ... ... ... 8,641 13,928 5,287 .. . Grant ... ... ... ... 461,889 492,942t 31,053t . .. Grenville ... ... ... . .. 183,323 281,440 98,117 . .. Hampden ... ... . .. ... 153,050 191,959 38,909 .. . Heytesbury ... ... .. . ... 39,628 36,930 ... 2,698 Mornington ... ... .. . .. , 139,560~ 158,382~ 18,822 ... Normanby ... ... ... ... 109,704i 126,221t 16,517 ... Polwarth ... ... ... ... 89,791i 90,164 372t ... Ripon ... . .. ... ... 93,696i 126,515~ 32,818! . .. Talbot ... ... ... .. . 250,297t 280,369~ 30,072! ... Villiers ... ... ... . .. 211,291~ 267,511 56,219t . .. --Gipps Land ... . .. ... . .. 79,164! 99,400 20,235~ . .. The Loddon '" ... ... .. . 123,922! 148,394!i- 24,472;1; ... Rodney ... ... ... . .. 23,184! 39,385~ 16,201 ... The :Murruy ... ... ... ... 116,603! 138,873!l- 22,270~ ... The 'Wimmera. ... ... . .. 28,398 57,484 29,086 . ..

TOTAL ... ... .. . 3,015,607! 3,5 I 7,033i 501,426! ' ...

8. The average size of holdings is gradually increasing from year to year, or,.in other words, the extent of laud in occupation increases faster than the number of occupiers. Thus, in 1858 the average size of holdings throughout the Col9ny was 206 acres, jn 1859 it was 218 acres, in 1860 it was 229 acres, and in 1861 it was 258 acres.

. , 9 .. The average area of holdings in each county and district will be found in. the. first column of 1'ablc, VII., whereby it is ascertained that the

No. lI9, a.

LAND OCCUPIED:'IN EAJ;,(I OOtJ',N!rY A...'fD DISTRlc:Tt 186()..1861. TABLE C.

Average size of' boldingg in each county and district'..

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largest holdings are in the comparatively insignificant counties of Hampden and Follett, in the former the average being no less than 1,324 acres, and in

,the latter 1,071 acres. In Rodney the average is 757 acres, and in Dundas 602 acres. The only eounties in which the average is less than 200 acres are the Loddon and Dalhousie, in each of which it is 164 acres, and Bourke, in which it is 170 acres.

Counties in which size of ' 10. In eight counties and districts the average size of holdings is less holdings is greater or ,~

less than tlte averngeof than the £'eneral average of the Colony, viz., Dalhousie, the Loddon, Bourke, the Colony. LJ

Comparison with fanner years.

Talbot, Grant, the Murray, Normanby, and Evelyn. In each of the remaining thirteen the average area of holdings is greater than the average of the Colony.' .

11. On comparing the average size of holdings in the different counties during the last three years, it is found that in some of them but little change has taken place, whilst in others the fluctuation has been considerable. Thus, holdings have been constantly largest in Hampden, while Follett has stood steadily second' on the list throughout the whole period; but Rodney, which now st.'lncls third, was fourth in 1860, and seventh in 1859. Bourke has been nineteenth on the list throughout tlie whole period, and Grant has stood in, the re1.ation of seventeen, eighteen, and seventeen. The figures against the different counties in the following table show the order in which they have stood as regards the average size of holdings during the last three years :-

• ORDER OF CO~JNTIEB AS TABLE D.-VICTORIA.-The Order of' each County and Pastoral District in regard to the, ~";i':'~':9~~~~tF~~~ Average Size of Holdings during the Years ending' 31st :March, 1859; 1860, and 186l. D.

,t\ verage size or ra.rms, 1858-1001. .

.\ vemge size of farms and squatting holdings.

COUNTIES AND DISTRICTS. Year ending 31st MarCll.

1859. 1860. 1001.

Anglesey 16 12 7 Bourke 19 19 19 Dalhousie 21 20 21 Dundas 6 7 5 Evelyn 11 13 14 Follett 2 2 2 Grant .. : 17 18 17 Grenville 8 6 4 Hampden 1 1 1 Heytesbury 3 . 5 10 1'>fornington ... 5 8 12 Normanby 14 16 15 Polwarth 4 3 6 Ripon 13 10 8 Talbot 18 Ii 18 Villiers 12 14 13

Gipps Land 9 11 11 The Loddon 21 21 20 Rodney 7 4 3 The Murray 15 15 16 The Wimmern ... 10 9 9

12. For the purpose of ascertaininO' the average size of farms, as distinguished from that of holdings, it has );een the practice to deduct from the .total number of the latter all those under five acres, as being merely market gardens, and all those above 500 acres, as being occupied more for grazing purposes than agriculture. By this means it was found that in 1858 the average size of farms was 90 acres, in 1859 it had risen. to 95 acres, in 1860 it had again fallen to 94 acres, and in 1861 it had again risen to 103 acres.

13. By deducting the land on stations from tbe general total of purchased land in occupation, and dividing the residue by the number of non-squatting landholders, we have an average of 140 aCl~es to each holder, and by dividing the land so deducted by the number of squatting holders

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of purchased land, we obtain an average of no less than 2,790 acres to each squatter.

14. The extent of land in occupation to each individual in the Colony averaged 6'5 acres in the year under review. In 1860 it averaged 5'6 acres, and in 1859 it averaged 4'9 acres; an increase being thus shown in two years of upwards of an acre and a half of occupied land per head to each individual of the population.


15. The area of land in cultivation in the year ending 31st March, 1861, ·amounted to 419,380 acres, against 358,728 acres in the previous year, and against 298,959 acres in the year before that (ending 31st March, 1859). The increase Qf tillage during the year amounted to 60,652 acres, which has been about the average annual increase of the last six years. The increase from· year to year displays considerable uniformity, as may. be observed by the folloVl-ring figures :-

1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861

Increase of Tillage in the Year ending 31st March.

Mean of six years

acreS. 60,420 64,847 57,747 61,230 59,768 60,652


16. A comparison of the number of acres under crop in each county and pastoral district during the two past years is made in Table III., p. 6, by which it appears that an increase took place in every county and district, with the single exception of Follett, wherein the cultivation was apparently less by six acres. -

Extent of land in ooeupa­tion to each individual of the population.


Lo.nd in cultivation during the lo,st three years.

Increase of tilbge, 1856-1861.

17. The greatest absolute increase, amounting to 16,569 acres, was IucreaseoftillageineaelL county and district.

in Talbot; the next largest augmentation, amounting to 8,087 acres, being in the Murray; Dundas comes next in order, showing an increase of 6,741 acres; then Bourke, with an increase of 5,547 acres; Grant, Grenville, and Villiers follow, each showing an increase of about 3,000 acres ; then Gipps I,and, Vl-rith nearly 2,000 additional acres; and then Ripon, Hampden, and N ormanby appear, each .with an increase of upwards of 1,000 acres. In each of the remainder the increase of cultivation was less than 1,000 acres; the smallest augmentation being in Polwarth, where the land under tillage was only 28 acres in excess of that of the previous year.

18. The proportional increase upon the previous year, of land under Propo;rtio!,aI inprease of

cultivation, as seen by the same Table IlL, was greatest in the :Murray and =i;~~~~ldiS~~jct.cacll the Wimmera, namely, in the former upwards of 56 per cent., and in the latter more than 52 per cent. In Hampden the increase was 47 per cent. In Gipps Land it was 43 per cerit., in Dundas 41 per cent., and in Talbot, the county which showed the greatest absolute increase, it was 37 per cent.

19. It has been already stated that the extent of land in occupation Avemgeof]:;mlcultivate<l

increases faster than the number of occupiers; this is also the case with the fl61~ach occupier, 1807-

land under cultivation. In the year under review the average area cultivated by each holder was 30'7 acres, against 27'2 -acres in the previous year. In the year before that (1859) 25'8 acres under tillage was the average to each occupier; in 1858 the average was 23'2 acres, and in 1857 it was 23'9 acres. With reference to the two last mentioned years, it is, however, right to state t~at, previously to the year 1859, holders of allotments of a less area than one acre were returned with the other occupiers, which has not been done since that date, so that the change is not quite so great as stated.

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (8)

P~~r~o~ltf!ati:C~~~~~:, :', ',! I ;20. ,rhe PToRortionl~.4ich. tl~e cI,ltivatedland ,b~arsto that inOCCl,l-1861. 'pation has varied but slightly during the last five years, as is seen ',by the'

,Average number of acres cultivated by each holder in th0 itifferent eounti~s.

Proportion of occupied land in cultintion ill tho itiffereno counties.

Olass of holders cultivating most largely.

Proportion of land culti­vated by holders of the .targest cw,ss.

~onowing figur~s::- ,_ " ." '" ' \' , Percentage of 'Occupied Land'in CuYtivation.

,', 1857 I • '... 11·74 1858 1l'25 1959 1l'87 1860 11'89 1861 ll'92 ,

21. The average ~u~ber'of acr~s';ofland cultivated by each occupier, aI,ld the ,prop9rtion of occupied land in cultivation in each county and district, ?ere.,given in the third and fourth columns of Tahle VII., p. 8, whereby it is shown that in Ripon as many as 73t acres are 'cultivated by ,each holder; the next largestql~antities being in Rodney, where oyer 44 acres are so cultivated; in T;11bot, where exactly 4:4 acres, and -in Dalhousie, wher~ 43~ acres are culti­vated by each.· In the Murray, Villiers, Gr~nville, and, Grant districts upwards of 30 acres are cultivated by each occupier, and upwards of 20 acres in like manner in Heytesbllry, Hampden, Bourke, Evelyn, and Anglesey. The smallest average ,is in FollGtt, where the quantity cultivated by each holder is only 12 acres. The county of Normanby and the Wimmera district likewise present a low average, only 14 acres to the occupier being cultivated therein; as also does Dundas, in which there are but 15 acres cultivated to ' each holder.

22. The proportion of the occupied land in cultivation is greatest in Dalhousie, where 26 per cent. is cultivated. Talbot comes next, with 22 per cent,; the Lodclon follows with 18 per cent., and the Murray and Ripon appear with 16 per cent. In Follett the tillage extends over 1 per cent. only of the occupied land; it. coveA'S 2 per cent. in Hampden, and 2~ per cent. in Dundas. , , 23. The total quantity of land cultivated by occupiers of different siz~d holdings is fou'Ad in the fourth column of Table VIII., p. 8 ;' and the average area of land placed under cultivatio~ by each of the classes, the quantity. of land cultivated by ~ach class in proportion to the total area under cult~v.fttion, and the quantity of land cultivated in proportion to the extent helq by e!lch ,.class, will ,be found., in the third, fifth, and sixth columns of

! Table, IX., p. 9 ; by ex;:tmining which it will be seen that the greatest extent ,of land is cultivated by holders of lots ranging from 100 to 200 acres, J15,729 acres, or 27',6 peI: ,.cent. of the tota.1 tillage, having been placed under cultivation. by this. class. The next largest quantity of cv.ltivation, 80, 7.42 ~cres, OT 19:3. per.:cent. of ~h~ 'total, is due to the industry of holders . of allotments bytwe~n 200 alld 350 acres ill extent; close to which, in point of the amount 9f" their:.cultivation, .. are holders of lots of from ~50 to JOO acres,. showjng 79,~6.4,acr~s.under tillage, or 18'9 per cent. of the totaL l'he.enti~·~ area ·Gultivated by these thr~e classes amounts to 65'8 per cent., 9r very n~ar~y two-thirds of the ,whole, and this proportion, as regards the ~a~e .classes, has remained. unchanged for the last three years ...

_ 24: The land cultivated by holders of allotments of the largest· class, those: of 500 acres and upwards, ,has amo:t'mted for the last two, years to about. 14 per, cent. of the ,total, proving that· agriculture as well as pa.sture lS ~atteJlded ,to .};w the large landholders; aJthough the proport~on cultivated bYlthem,is.Q.O~ quit.e so i.t w.~s three years ago, when 16 'cent. of the tillage reslvted from. their enterprise. , . " , . :,' '.

A~~a~3teC; il1ffe~i' ,; 25 .. ,T~e largest_ q~nti~y J!lutivate,d, per holding is uPO,ll allotments,9f classesofoOOUPicrs"!i:0m350 t~ 500acres,,J6- 'acr¢s'being ~heay,~rage.The hextlar~est ~ver:age

.1.~8n lo~ of, from :,200 to 3 RD. ~~r~i3, ;whl~h s119K a;b?,¥;t 60 a,qr~s 9t ~\lltI vatI0II~. : A.ftel; tQ.~se ~r,e Ao~s. of5pO.a«f,es. and ,upw.a,rdf??; sho~mg; ~~,,~h~. a,:,y.:r:age.abo~t _.53, l,1e~e8~ult.jva.t.e!i,. .'fhe-q J?ts or fr.orp,,l9,Q,tp 200 flt.ct:es, a~~rl:lgmga.pout; '\l.6 ~cW~,.. oflt~,§ ... ,' 9n)gt~, lefw~~:q. ,59 .. a~~ J\q9J %F~~itJl, e~~e~~,,~.~bS)l~~, pJ- :r~)es

.' • \ 1


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are cultivated on the average; about 11 aCFes on lots of from 30 to 50 acres; about 6 acres on lots of from 5to 15, and about 2 acres upon lots of from 1 to 5 acres. .. . 26 It may reasonably be supposed that a larger proportion of each of P~oportion. of their hold·

• IDgll cultIvated by each the small allotments is cultivated than of the larger, and such is found to be class of occupiers.

the case, each successive class showing a reduced percentage as compared with the one immediately preceding it. Thus, holders of lots of from L to 5 acres cultivate 76 per cent., or upwards of three··fourths of their holdings; those of lots between 5 and 15 acres cultivate 67 per cent., or about two-thirds; and those of lots between 15 and. 30' acres cultivate about 54 per cent., or more than one-half, and so on, the proportion diminishing at every step as the holdings increase in size, until, on holdings of 500 acres and upwards, it is found that upon the average only 2t per cent., or no more than one-fortieth of each holding, is cultivated.

27. The land in cultivation continues. to extend from year to year, Land cultlvate,l III rtr0l"'" • • tlOn to the po])ulatl<:m,

much faster than the populatIOn of the. Colony, as will be seen by the 1857-1861.

following figures :- ' In 1857 there were 100 acres in cultivation to every 228 persons. In 1858 " " '199 " In 1859 " " 161 " In 1860 " " 149 l, In 1861 " " 129 "

28. Thus, in the year under review, 100 acres were cultivated to Proportion of land culti·

every 129 persons in the Colony, or about four-fifths of an acre to each i;~t!,~~:;:;~.individunl individual. It is probable that, in another year, the cultivation will amount to an acre per head.


29. The principal crops cultivated in the year 1861, as in former Principalcrop~. years, were wheat, oats, barley, potatoes, hay, and green forage. The area Wheat.

under the first and most important of these, amounted in that year to 161,252 acres, or upwards of 38 per cent. of the ar~aunder all crops. In the pre-vious year (1860) the land under wheat amounted to 107,093 acres, so that an increase under this particular crop of 54,159 acres took place during the Increaso of land under-

year. This increase is nearly double that of the previous year (1859), which wheut. .

only showed 28,858 acres above the quantity 'under wheat in the year 1858. 30. Not only, however, is the area under wheat increasing every year, ProlJortiou of wheat 10

but, since 1858, it has, in each successive year, borne a larger proportion to totaicultlvation.

the total cultivation. It has been already stated that it now occupies 38 per cent . .of the entire area under tillage. In 1860 it occupied Jess than 30 per cent. of the same, and in 1859, only 26 per cent. In the year 1857 it equalled as much as 44'5 per cent. of the total cultivation; but the actual area under wheat has more than doubled since then, 'the extent of land devoted to that crop in that year having been only 80,155 acres, against 161,252 acres in 1861. .. .

31. The area under oats showed a slight diminution during the year, Oats.

to the extent of 3,830 acres. The quantity s~wn, however, covered upwards of 86,000 acres, and was equal to 21 per cent. of the total cultivation.

32. The land cropped with barley was 21t acres in excess of that Barley.

under the same crop in the previous year. This cereal, as a grain crop, appears to be but little iu' favor with the Victorian farmers, the whole extent under it amounting only to 4,123 acres, or oue percent. of the total cultivation . . , 33. An e~tent of land l~ss ,by 2,780 aCl~e? than in the year previous l'otatoe ••

was placed under potatoes 'durmg the year endmg 31st March, 1861. A decrease in the area under this crop had' also taken place in the previous year, to the extent of 2,404 acres. The land under potatoes in 1861 amounted to 24,841 acres, or about 6 per cent. of the land under all crops i ~ut in 1860 it. was nearly 8 per Icel1t., and 18'59; as'Jilllch as' 10' percent. of the total cultivation: .' ." ." , "

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Hay. 34. A falling. off also took place in the land under hay, to the extent of 7,650 acres. In the previous. year .the increase under the same crop was 10,626 acres. Notwithstanding the diminution referred to, the hay crop during the year covered 91,000 acres, or . nearly 22 per cent. of the acreage in cultivation. In 1860 it amounted to 27'5 per cent., and in 1859 to 29 per cent. It may be well to remark that, the greater part of the hay grown in Victoria is of cereal grasses, principally oats:' only on 875 acres; out of the 90,920 acres under the crop in 1861, was the hay of any other description,. such as of rye grass, lucerne, &c.

Groonforage. 35. The land under green forage dming the year amounted to 17,661 acres~ or 4'2 per cent. ofthe total cultivation. Ofthis, 11,640 acres were under. permanent artificial grasses, 3,210 acres under cereals, principally barley, 1,091 acres under rye-grass and lucerne, 958 acres lUlder maize, 625 acres under clover and vetches, and 137 acres under sorghum. The increase under the head of green forage during the year amounted to 7,310 acres, an extent nearly equivalent to the diminution which took place in the land under hay.

Minorcrops,&c. 36. The aggregate of the land under minor crops,. vineyards, gardens, orchards, and land in fallow during the year, amounted to 34,245 acres, or 8 per cent. of the total cultivation, against 20,823 acres, or rather less than () per cent. of the cultivation of the previous yea,r. The minor crops showing

lIlaize. , increase were-maize, to the extent of 912 acres, or more than double, and :lIangel-wul'zeL mangel-wurzel, to the extent of 646 acres, or nearly three times the area of Jloo~, carrots, and par- the previous year; beet, carrots, and parsnips, the area under which increased T:;:;~, sorgh!,m, pease, by 276 acres; turnips, showing an increase of 274 acres; sorghum, pease,

beans, and millet. b d '11 f f b f Carr!,ts, tobaeeo, and eans, an ml et, 0 267 acres; carrots, 0 163 acres; to acco, 0 41 acres;

omons. 'and onions and other crops, of 210 acres. rfbe only minor crop showing a Rye and bore. diminution in the area occupied by it was rye .and bere, to the extent of

37 acres. Vines. 37. ~he land under vines in the year under notice amounted to 1,138

acres, 327 of which were planted during the year. 5,'722 acres were devoted Gardens and orchalds. to gardens, and 1,576 acres to orchards; an increase on both, collectively, of

upwards of 1,100 acres during the year. ].andinfallow. 38. The necessity existing in some districts for permitting the

recovery of the land fi'om the exhaustion consequent upon continuous cropping, is recognised by- the fact that 20,457' acres were allowed to lie fallow during the year, as against 11,224 acres in the year preceding.

T~l;:'k'£.ferr;'(l to and in· 39. The proportion of the area of the more import.:'tnt crops in each


county and district to the total cllitivation in each, is given in Table VI., p. '7, as is also the same proportion for the entire Colony during each of the last six years. The area placed under cereal crops, green crops, and- hay, by holders of allotments, classified as to size, is found in theJast three columns of Tahle VIII., p. 8, and the proportion tlu1t each of those areas bears to the total land cultivated by each class is found in the three last columns of the succeeding table Crable IX., p. 9). The extent of' lan(r placed by each of the classes of landholders under wheat, oats, other cereals, green crops, hay, and green forage, gardens, &c., is minutely set forth for each county and' pastoral district in Tables XIV. to XX.', pp. 11 to 14, and the extent placed under the same crops in each county and district by .landholders of the different classes, occupying their allotments uuder various kinds of tenure, is given in Table XXV., pp. 17 to 38. This general reference will be ~ufficient for the intelligent reader, and will save further more minute comment on my part. A report like this is not intended to be . much more than suggestive. Those who take an especial interest in the subject, and have leisure to study it, will find ample material for examination in the carefully compiled tables published herewith.


Wheat. . 40. The gross <2llantity .of wheat grown to 3,459,914 bushels.

to each llldiVldual of tho

produce of the wheat crop during the year amounted This quantity, divided amongst the mean population

JJOPulation, 1800-1861.

a _

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(541,012) living in Victoria during the year, would give 6-395 bushels to each individual-a proportion which the experience of former years has proved to be nearly sufficient for the requirements of the Colony. In 1860* the whole quantity of grown and imported wheat, flour, and bread available for consumption amounted to 7'16 bushels to the" individual; in 1859t it amounted to 6'80 bushels, and in 1858 to 6'85 bushels. It thus appears that a very slight addition to the quantity raised would render the people of the Colony independent of imports, so far as breadstuffs are concerned. , 41. Excluding the Chinese, however, the mean number of which Wheatgrowntocacilindi·

d · I I d 000 d k' h . d f vidual, exclusive of Chi· urmg t le year may lave amoullte to 24, ,an ta mg t e reSl ue 0 nese.

the population as the divisor, the produce per individual would be 6-69 bushels. The quantity of grown and imported breadstuffs to eachjndividual, exclusive of Chinese, was 7'66! bushels in 1,860, 7'40 bushels in 1859, and 7'38 bushels in 1858; by which figures it would appear that it will be necessary to grow about another bushel of wheat per. head to meet the annual consumption of the Colony.

42. The average produce of wheat during the year (21'5 bushels per Averageproduceperaere

) hi h h · . . 1 f h I \. I d d h of wheat. 1866-1861. acre was g er t an III eit leI' 0 t e t }fee prevIOus years. t excee e t e average per acre of 1860 hy only a tenth of a bushel, but was one and a. half bushel to the acre in excess of the crop of 185~ and '8 of a bushel above that of 1858. In the year] 857 the average was 23,2 bushels to the acre, and in 1856, 26-9 bushels, or 1'7 and 5'4 bushels per acre in excess of the year under review; but the quantity grown in those years was compara-tively small, and the prohahility is, that it was cultivated only on the very best land; for which reason any near approximation to a fair average of the Colony's productiveness as regards wheat could not then be formed. Wheat has since become a more general crop, and, from the large acreage devoted to it in all parts of the Colony, it is doubtless often sown now on indifferent as well as upon good land. It is satisfactory to find that under these circum-stances so good an average as twenty-one and a half l)ushels to the acre for the entire Colony still obtains. .

43. It has been already stated that the land under oats was less than Oats.

in the previous year by nearly 4,000 acres. Notwithstanding this, however, the gross produce of this crop exceeded that of upwards of 80,000 hushels. This augmentation is accounted for by the average productiveness Average to tbe aere of oat

of the oat crop for the entire Colony having increased from 28'3 to 30'5 crop.

hushels per acre, the latter heing the highest rate for the last five years, with the exception of 1858, when it averaged half a bushel more, or 31 bushels to the acre.

44. The quantity of oats raised durinO' the year amounted to 2,633,693 Grossprodu!", of oats com·, • • " pared With that of

bushels; thIS, although the largest YIeld of oats that the Colony has ever wheat.

produced, was less than the wheat crop by 826,222 bushels. In the years 1859 and 1860, the quantity of oats exceeded that of wheat, in the former year by 595,565 bushels, and in the latter by 257,480 hushels.

45. Although a slight increase in the acreage under barley took place Barley.

during the year, there was a diminution in the gross produce to the extent of upwards of 14,500 bushels. The average per acre also fell off from 24 to Average to tile acre of

20'3 bushels. The fact, however, of barley being a favorite crop for green b""leycrop.

fodder, always renders the returns of its produce more or less unreliable. A portion of the acreage under it is generally taken for that use, and the farmers, when making the statements necessary for the filling up of their schedules by the collectors, are apt to make either too large, or more commonly too small, an allowance for the portion so appropriated. The whole quantity raised is not large, amounting to less than 84,000 bushels, 'tlld therefore the mistake is not of great momept; and the high average )btained in some of the counties (31;3 bushels to the acre in Follett, 28'8

'" See Stati$lical Notes, Firat Series. Part rr., Table XVII., p. 16. t See Statistical Notes, First Series, Part I., Table LII., p. 50. t See Statistical Notes" First Series, Part II., page 17.

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·bushels,-in Dundas, and 27'-7 bushels in Heytesbury and Villiers), where pro­·bably- gl'E;ater .. -accuracy was observed, proves that, should occasion require a.n.extensive cultivation 'of barley, the soil and climate of Victoria are just as 'capable of pl'oducing, that crop in perfection as any of the other cereals.

Pot.atoo.,andluly. . 46. ,With regard to the produce of both potatoes and hay, a like . satisfactory result has taken place, as has been already noted with reference to the ,oat crop, viz.,. that it was greater than ·in the previous year, while the

Gross311<Iaverageproduce aC~'eag<? upon which it was grown was less than in that year. The gross t~"-t. .. u:es~;,:" produce of potatoes amounted to 77,258 tons, showing an average of 3'1 tons

(t:;}"k,,:davomgeproduce to t):le acre, agaiust only 1'8 tons to the acre in 1860. The aggregate produce ofhaywa~,144,211 tons, and the average l'e tons to the acre. The average of hay tor J 860 was 1'4 tons to the acre.

Average produce of tho ,.. 47. The average produce of. each of the principal crops in each. county principal orops in the 1 d" d h f' h 1 1 . IV ilifferontcounties. anc lStl'lct, an 't at 'or' t e w 10 e of the Colony, are given 111 Table .,

p. ·6, with respect to which it may be remarked, that the highest average of wheat (28'3 bushels to the acre) was in Heytesbury; that of oats; the

;,.:' ~.'J::t." highest average .(38'6 bushels to the acre) was in Talbot; that Follett showed the highest average of barley (31' 3 bushels to the acre); that the liighestavel;age of potatoes (4'1 tons to the acre) was obtained in Follett and Gipps Land, ahd that the highest average of hay (2'4 tons'to the aCl'e) was grown in 'FQllett and Ripon.

Merage produce of wheat ' 48, The average produce ,of wheat and oats upon holdings under and oats on holdings un~ dertliiferonttenuros. different ki~dsof tenure is given in Table V., p. 7, whereby it ,is seen t!tat.,

fol'~ the, entIre Colony, 21'4 bushels was the average acreableproclucf~ of wheat, ang 30'2 bushels that of oats, upon freehold,land ~nconnected with squatting runs; that upon leasehold land unconnected with runs, 21'6 bushels was the average of wheat, and 31'6 of oats; and that on the purchased land connected' with stations, 20'6 bushels was the average of wheat, and 26'9 of oats: It thus appears that, although the freehold land showed a better average, as regards both wheat and oats, than did the land connected

\ wit~l runs, the land held U1?-der lease has shown a larger produce per acre .of ,~,,', the same cr9ps thflll did the land under either of the other tenures.

Averase produoo of wheat , ' 49,: The ,'wheat and oats produced 'on the average ·by holders of :md oats on allotments "-" of\liff~rentsizes. allotments, classified as to size, are given'in Table X., p. 9, by which it i~'seen

";::':~' thatthe largest:Cl:ops of wh~at,'in proportion to the acreage devoted to that Cl~<?p, were 'raised' by hoWers of lots between 100 acres and 200 acres in extent, on w~ich the,aver~ge was 21'.9 bushels to the acre; and of oats, th-e best crops were raised by holders of lots 'between 50 and 100 acres, .whose average was 31'6 bushels to the acre. ' ,

Tnble3,re,ferr~~.\O. ' 50.' In' the, same 'table 'will, also be found the average produce of the same two crops,oli holdings of the different classes 'under the various kinds oftenmej ahd in' Tables XXI. and ~xn., P .. 15, asivellas in the last two colnmns 0f Table ;XXV., pp. 17 to 38, is found the gross produce of thtlse crops on diffe~eIit 'sized holdings'in each county and district. ','

MinQrcropa, produclTcbr.· .... ," :51: In'most cases the pro~uce of the minor Cl'OPS showed considerable lIaize, illcl~ease: ; The quantity of ,l'naize raised amounted to upwards of, 2I:!,OOO

".~;""i:;i2" bushels; being: ali . aug~entatiOll of nearljr 18,000 bushels, on' the pteyiolls , year's crop .. :The'produce :ofthis',crop increased in a greater ratio than-the

a:creage~as"its average was' be~ter, by five ibus4els to the acre than in"the year previo'iis. ',: '" ,i " ':,' ,. '" " ,'" ... : " , ,',': '" .'

Rye and bere, ' ,,', ,52. -The gi,oss pl:o~u'ce 'of'rye ~nd :bere showed. a,: diminu~ion '0£' 9?2 bushels,' l:\:ncl:' its average';nroduce was also, less ,by:2'7' bushels,to the acre;

Sorg:hum, pease, beans, b~t sorghuiil~:' pease, 'beans, and J.Ilillet, turnips, marig~l:wurzel, beet".carrots =:l:!:f~~~ arid i pars~p~?i c~l? ~~ge ,aU? tobacco, a~sho~ed in,cre~se,~?-' b(jt~' tliegr.o~~~ ~ild tobfWCO, ~~~erage: _P~o.Qu~e; of tl?-e'latter crop>the ~produce· ralse~ was 1,255, ,cm;,

being., at the. rate:of'13'8 cwt,;;to the acre, an increase' of 792 cwt."oh.:tlie OnioIlJ!, gross; 'and of 4'5 cwt. 'on the average 'produce; The gross-weight of. onions

produced was upwa~~§ 'A<?t :f.?,,oOO ,cwt~·,:~~gailist"qru..Y l"QO!!. e,yvt. in the year d- i').,.: \-:.., - ' .. ~: ". '\:~ f"~~ .• t. ,! .1:}, , .. .t;'~::,,'" ~'.' ~_.~ ,"J.<:,,.;J. ; prece mg. '" ' .. '.' L ' ,; .... ,,;' _, 't,:_", "

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53. The cultivation' of the vine still continues to increase. In Vines.

addition to 1,896,939 vines which were growing upon 811 acres, according to the returns of 1860, 941,175 cuttings were planted during the year 'upon 327 acres, making a total of 2,838,114 vines upon 1, l38 acres ofland.

, 54 .. "With regard to the produce of the vine crop, it must be borne in mind that, in consequence of its arriving 'at maturity later in the season than the other descriptions of produce, it is always necessarily taken for the previous year; and consequently the quantities severally of grapes sold, and of wine and brandy manufactured, as given in the present returns, are for the year ending 31st March, 1860, whilst the acreage under vines, and the number of vines, are given for the year ending 31st March, 186l.

55. It appears, in the year to which the statistics of vine produce InCloosed quantity of i! h b fi bl 11 h f 't h '" grapes sold, and couse-reler, to ave een more pro ta e to se term t an to turn It mto wme; quent fuJling off in the

as, whilst the grapes sent to market exceeded by 3,506 cwt. the quantity so wmecrop.

disposed of in the previous year, the number of gallons of wine manufactured fell off to the extent 1,838 gallons. As it is calculated that sixteen and a half pounds of grapes, on the average, are sufficient for a gallon of wine, the quantity of the fruit sold for table use over and above that appropriated to the same purpose in the previous year, woul.:]., if converted into wine, have made 2,380 gallons, in which case the quantity of wine made in the Colony would have exceeded by 542 gallons that made in the previous year. This is not, however,commensurate with the increase in the number of vines coming into bearing, but the discrepancy is not surprising, since there is necessarily complication and uncertainty in returns which give the extent of cultivation for the current year, and the produce for the year before, The brandy made during the year amounted to 220 gallons, or an increase of 70 Brandy.

gallons on the quantity given in the previous year's returns, 56. Table XXVIII., p. 40, gives the numbers and ages of vines in Ageaofvines.

each county and district. The gross totals for the Colony are given below, by which it appears that out of upwards of two millions of ,rines of which the ages were specified, less than a third were upwards of three years of age, the remaining two-thirds, unless in rare and exceptional instances, not being old enough to bear fruit.

TABLE E.-VICTORIA.-The Ages of Vines throughout the Colony during the Year ending AG&'! OF VTh':&'l. TAm.>: 31st March, 1861. E,


Under one year One year to two years Two years to three years Upwards of three years ... Unspecified... . ..



847,115 6l9,096 402,393 664,469 805,041


57. The number of acres of grain crops reaped by machinery is also Graincrop3roo.pedbym,,­

given in Table XXVIII., p. 40, by which it appears that in all the extensive ohinery,

agricultural counties this mode of harvesting the crops has become very common. The number of acres of grain crops so treated throughout the Colony during the year amounted to 27,832, or about a ninth of the whole area under cereals. In the preceding year only about 14,000 acres of crops were machine· reaped. .

58. The two following tables show at one view the land cultivated vvith each of the principal and minor crops, and the gross and average produce of each crop; also the proportion of each of the principal crops to the total cultivation, the whole being given for the two years ending 31st March, ] 860 and I861, together with the increase or decrease in the latter year and the average of the two years.

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4 1

, " "



TABfE:;F~':-V)cTORfA.-Th'(t Total Extent of Land under Cultivation, the Numbet: of Acres' under each of ,the P~'incipal Cl'OPS, the Gross Produce of each Cr?p, the P:ropol,tion,pe,l' Cent, of the Acreage under each Crop to the Total Cultivation, and the Average Produce pet'Acre of each description of Crop dUl'ln~ ~!le two Years ending 31st March, 1860 and 1861; also, the Increase or Decrease of each of the Principal Crops ill 1861, and the Average of each descrIptlOn'

. ·of Crop .. during the tw.o. Years. "!'.


Total Extent of Land'

under Oultivation.


I I ' AcrJ'!!..under Gross Prod\lce. Acres ulldc~ Gross Produce I Per Conp. of Average Produce Acres under G 0Sl! Produoe Per Cell.t. of I' Average Produce vEUP. Crop. '. Tobl Cultl,,'atlOn per Acre. Crop.)"r . -ITotal CultlvatlOn per Acre.

---------1---·---1-----1---- ----- ____ I ____ --- ______ . ____ ' ____ _

, .. acres .. : bushels. bushels. bushels. bushels. bushels. bushels.

1860 .• , 186!. ..

35~,727~ 107,092l 2,296,157 29'8 21'4 90,167! 2,553,637 251 28'3 4,101;} 98,433 1'2 24'0 419,~80i 1.61,251t' 3,459,913£ 38'4 21'5 86,337-;!- 2,633,692l 20'6 30'5 4,I23! 83,854 1'0 20'3

Increase-in'r86I Dccrease in-lSG 1 A:verngc-of two Y' ears ...



60,Q 52i


------ ------1-·-----1---5.j.,1~9.l; 1,1~~:756t 1


i34,172k 2,878,035~ 34'1

21i\- "


'4, i'!2~ , 14,579 '2 9'I,I4'3! 1'1


'I I ! ) 80,055~ .j, '. 2::: .' ... 3,830 " 4:5

21'40 . 88;252i 2,593;664~ 2'2:8


YEAR ENDING 318')' JllAltOH. I . Ades under I "Gross Pei' Cel1t~ of Average .Acres under Gros~ rex Cent. of ,Average Acres under Gi-oss Per .Cent. or' .A.verage Ac.res under Gross per1~nr' of



Crop. Pro(iuoo. Oul~~;::'loll. l.:~1~;:. Crop. Pro(lnce. CU1~~~~lon. l.:~o1~:'. Crop. Produ~e. Cul~~~~;on. ~ioi~:::. Cr~p. . Produce. Culti~~'tiOll. ~ ____ I:_' __ '1 __ - '- ---'-' '--'- --- --.-,-I---',-~---I-,----

. : . ,I tons .. ~ tons. . tons. tons. 1 \ ":1:,27,622 '1 48,967 7'7 1'8 98,570~ I· 13;;,643 27'5 1'4 1O,350~ 29 I 20,823i ....... 1 5'8 ... : 24,841~ 77,257i 5'9 a'I 90,920~ 144,211 21'7 1'6 17,660i 4'2 34,245i 8'2

; .. ~:- i ; ! , I I.. '

~~~:--il~~~ ~I~-~ .----1-:-'-' :.---' '.... -, -. _ -. -', '1 'I-:;,'--::'-'~ . i~ . .1.86} ,.; .J:, ?; i .,28,29q~ ... 13, .... ~;568 ... :' '2! 7,310;\-. ... .' 1"3 ~:. 13,422k: ..... N ' : 2'4 . ,: ••

1)ecre!;tse·1n:.1861 ... " ,"2,7.80!,.\. " 1'8 7,600 5'8. . ... ,~ '- ~ 1

Average of tW'o Years ... 26,~3It.1 63,1l2~ 6'8 2'4 94,745! 139,927 24'6 1'5 14,005ji 3'5 .... _I 27,5~4JlG. I 7'0


>ol ..... -<

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MINOR CROPS-1860-18Bl.

T;ABLE G.-VICl'ORIA.-'rhe of Land under each of the ~1inor Crops, with their Gross Produce lmd Average per Acre; also the Number of Vines, the Quantity of' Grapes Sold, and and Brandy Manufactured, the Number of Acres under Gardens and Orchards, and the Extent of' Land in Fallow du~ing the Years ending 31st Marcll, 1860 and 1861; also the Increase or Decrease of' each in 1861, and the Average of each during the, Two Years.

YJ!,Ul. END!:"O 31ST. MARCH,

Total Extent of Land



..A orca ' A. verage Acres Average Acres Minor Crops. uuder Gross r under Gross per under Gross under I I I

-,-:-------------�------� O,op, ~~~ rore., Crop. I prOdU~\, Acre. I orop·1 produ~I----:---i-----1 Acres

Gross Produce.

Average I per Acre. per


acres. I I bruhela. I b~hels'l I bushel •• bushels. I bUBhelS'j i tons. I tons'l . I tons. • \ tone. ' tons. ton ••

.. , 1~60 ~"I, 20,823! 3'1' 3821' 4,645 12'1 4'0 738 7,374! 10'0 149 5,589~ I 14'2 220£ 4'6 1,029 13,445i 13'1 ,. '18QC ... 34,245:1- 1,6S0 25,045 15'2 l11i 11,973 I 18'1 494i 4'9

f .. ·· ';'-, --1.-, -: --1--1-"--1-.-, -1--1--, ,-1--1--1--, -1--;-, '-1---1--1--,1---1--.1-,-'---'--

Increa'se in 1861 - 13,422 b 912 17:~.~0~ I 5'2 2661 6,383l 3'9 274 1,601! ~:.5 \. ~.~~!\ 8,800! \ 1'0 \ 275! \ ,I,~791: '9 ... ~ .. , . , .. . ..

DeerefiseJ.n 1861 ~ 371 " 972 2'7 9,045% " .' . ... , .. '" . .. , .. . ~ .. . ..

12'6 '32~T\ ....

Average of two :Y cars 1,194, 16,209~ I 12'6 1:30~ 2,20'6 16'7 528f,' 8,i81! 16'1 357!,!, ,I,474ft 38 i 105ki

1,483! 4'4

" "

..,:..... ~ v!


Land --------

YE..I.R,ENDINO 31ST MARCH. Ga.rdena. Or.ha.rd •. in

- _ Acres IA1~e Acres Average Acres Wluer Gros. ACl"CS Number Bmndy Fallow. under Gross· lUlder Gross per Onions and Produce of under of Grapes Sold. Manu·

Crop, Produce. (''roP. Produce. Acre. other email Onions. Crop. Vines. fu.cturcd. Crops. -------- ----- --- --- ------ --- --- ----- ----------------

• tow!, "'~ ... tollS. cwt. em.' om, ewt. gallons. gallons. acres. acres. acres.

. '1860 ... ... .. . 112~ , 355 3'2 50 463 9'3 369 1,029 811 1,896,939 4,473 13,966 ISO S,210! 976 ll,224! 1861 ... '" ... 275 1,905! 7'0 91 1,255! 13'8 579! 26,188~ 1,138 2,838,114 7,979 12,128i 220 5,722i 1,576 20,457l

-.----' --'----'-'--- --- ----............ I-I- --- ---------- ----- ----- ---------- ------" .. : hi 1861 ... '" 162! 1,550~ 38 41 792-1 4'5 210i 25,159~ 327 941,175 3,506 ... 70 511~ 600 9,233 n;;;,;;;; ... in 1861 ... . .. ... .., ... .. - ... ... , .. I,S37t ..... 0.. .~ ".". . ..

Avcrage of two Years ... 193£ 1,130! 5'1 70~ 859! U'S 414t 13,60B! 974Z 2 j 367,526! 6,226 13,047i 185 5,466! 1,276 15,841



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LAND TE.'!U}1.l!:.

Attempts to obtain infor­mation as to tennre.

. XVl


59. An endeavor to obtain returns of the description of tenure under which the several occupiers hold their land, was made for the first time in the year ending 31st March, 1860; but this attempt was not so successful as it might have been, as, in a considerable number of, cases, the tenure was unspecified in the statistics for that 'year. It is satisfactory to observe,

. however, that an attempt to attain the same object in the year under review was entirely successful, not a single schedule having been returned with the tenure of the occupier unstated. The result is given in the following table, the classification adopted being the same as in the returns for 1860, viz., "freehold," "leasehold," and "connected Vicith squatting runs :"-


TABLB H.-VICTORIA.-The Number of Holders, and the Number of Acres of Land Occupiecl and Cultivated; whether held in Freehold, Leasehold, or connected with Squatting Runs, and the proportions per cent. of each to the total quantity returned on the 31st Nlarch, 1861. .



i Number I Proportions of Proportions Number of Proportions I . i per ceut. per cent. Ac:res. l)er cent.

-;8~1~9-1-': 1,214,555 -----

Freehold ... ... ., . 34'53 278,760 66'46 Leasehold ... ... .. . '3,220 23'65 612,130i IN1 122,475! 29'2'2 Connected with squatting runs ... 1_6~ ~~ 1,690.347i 48'06 I 18,144~ 4'32

.. ,113,653 100'00 I I -----

TOTAL ... 3,5H,033i 100'00 419,38Of 100'00

NOTE,-In lhe above tfible lho occupiers of freehold and leasehold land jointly in the one bolding, if unconnected with a rUIl, are set down as freeholders, uml the Innd returned as cultivated hy them is taken to be of their lreehold~ but the whole H6,8S5! acres ofJand held by them nnder lease 11ns been added to the leasehold lund in occupation; the quantity occupIed by the 3t229 exclusively tenant farmers amounting only to 495,24;') acres. Of the purchased land connected with squatting rUDs. only HO tS7S acres, or no more than a twelfth partl is held under lease, all the rest being freehold.

l{esult, cOlllpnre(L 60. On comparing the results in this table with those for the previous year, it is found that the relative proportions of the different classes of occupiers have undergone but little variation, but the proportion of the land held by freeholders'to the entire quantity in occupation has diminished by 5 per cent. ;' that held by leaseholders has increased by 1 per cent., and that occupied by squatters bas augmented from 44 to 48 pel' cent. The latter is now nearly equal to the quantity held by both the other classes, the exact figures being-l,690,347 -1 acres in the occupation of squatters, and 1,826,686 acres ill that of freeholders and leaseholders.

61. Of the laud in cultivation about 66t per cent. in both years was freehold; 29 per cent. in 1861, against 28 per cent. in 1860, was leasehold; itt,ld about 4t per cent. in 1861, against 5t per cent. in 1860, was connected with runs.

b,nd . 62. In Table XXiII., page 16, further details will be found of the cultivatiql1 of the pril~cipal crops. by the first two classes of holders, or those not in connectitm with squatting runs. In this table the holdings of the descriptions mentioned are classified according to size, and the gross number of acres as well as the quantity of acres in every thousand placed under each crop are set forth in separate columns.

63. The next table (XXIV., page 16), shows the same details (classi. fication as to size excepted) for the holders of land under the several descrip· tions of tenure.

, . 64. In the foItowing table (XX:V.,· pages 17 to 38) the number of holders, th~ extent of land occupied and cultivated, and the area placed under each of the principal crops, by freeholders; leaseholders, and stationbolders, in allotments classified as to size, are given in detail for: each county and pastoral district and for the entire Colony. The compilation of this table (XXV.) involved considerable labor, and will, it is h~ped, be found not only

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (17)

xvii .

interesting but permanently useful, presenting, as it does, a minute index of the exact state of cultivation as practised in the Colony by landholders, of whatever size their allotments, and under whatsoever tenure they occupy the soil.


65. The quantity of Live Stock" in the Colony in 1860 and 1861 'are compared in the following table, by which it will be found that a decrease has taken place in the number of she~p, to the extent of upwards of 13,000; but this is more th~n compensated by the large increase in cattle, the numbers of which, in spite of the ravages of pleuro-pneumonia, have been augmented by 38,798; the number of horses has also increased by 7,248, and pigs by 10,294.

TABLE L-VICToRIA,-The Number of Sheep, Cattle, Horses, and Pigs, on the 31st March, 1860 and 1861, with the Increase or Decrease of each at the latter period.

DATE. I Sheep. Cattle. I Horses. Pig!!.


I ~---

31st March, 1860 ••• ... 5,794,127 683,534 69,288 50,965 31st March, 1861 ... ... 5,780,896 722,332 76,536 61,259 --------------

Increase ... ... 38,798 7,248 10,294 Decrease ... 13,231 ... ... .. .

NO:rE.~.A.s In previous years, the figures given represent nearly the whole number of sheep In the Colony; but there are no means of asoortruning the numbers of cattle, horses, a.nd pigs kept in towns, a.nd not running either upon town reserves, or upon purchased land) nor of those horsllB or working bullocks in the possession of roo.d-<ll\rters.



66. Further details respecting the Live Stock are given in Summary LiveStookkeptbyfarmera

Tables XXVI. and XXVII., p. 39, which indicate the numbers of each andsquattera.

description kept on land both connected and unconnected with statiops, so as to distinguish the' stock belonging to the squatters from that of the farmers. It thus appears that out of nearly six millions of sheep in the Colony, only 156,491, or less than 3 per cent., are depastured on farms or land not connected ~th squatting runs; but that of the cattle appearing in the returns nearly a third are kept apart from runs, whilst of the horses only about a third, and of the pigs no more than a twelfth, are the property of squatters.

67. In submitting this Report, I feel it my duty to state, that the leisure at my command has been insufficient to permit nie to give the various tables anything like the careful analysis their importance merits. Enough, however, I hope, has been adduced to show the extraordinary progress which continues to be made in the development of the agricultural resources of Victoria.

I have the honor to be, Sir,

Your most obedient Servant,

WILLIAM HENRY ARCHER, Registrar-General.

The Honorable the Chief Secretary, &c., &c" &c.

No. 119, d.

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (18)


Page 5, column "Wine produced," in the County of Talbot, read "486 gallonSj" and in "Total Wine produced," read" 12,12Sl gallons," instead of 1l,642~ gallons .

. Page 43, County of Anglesey, column 2, remove the word" acres" from above the figure~. Page 48, County. of Dalhousie, column 2, remove the word" acres" from above the figures. Page 72, County of Villiers, column 2, Parish of Koroit, read" 100 holdings," instead of" 500 holdings."


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STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (21)


TABLE I.-Abstract showing the Number of Holders of Purchased Land in each County arid Pastoral District of Victoria, and the Extent of their Holdings; the Quantity of Freehold and Leasehold Land; the Area Enclosed, and the Area Cultivated; and the Extent in Statute Acres under each description of Crop, for the Year ending 31st March, 1861. .

Anglesey Bourke ... Dalhousie Dlmdas .. . Evelyn .. . Follett .. . Grant .. . Grenville Hampden IIeytesbury Mornington Normanby Polwarth Ripon Talbot ... Villiers ...

Gipps Land The Loddon Rodney ... The Murray The 'Vimmera


Total ... ...


Number of I Extent of Total Extent CORN, PEASE, AND BEANS.

Enclosed' 11uder I I HoldIngs


I acre. Ryc and' Beans, Luud. Lond. of Holdings. Wheat. Oats. Uarley. MulZ<). Berc. MlIlet, and Totnl.

Freehold Lell!IDhoid Total Extent Land. I Tillage. I Pease. '

I Sorghum.

73 3,575

967 149 293

13 2,143

410 145 106 492 511 157 272

1,31lS 990

308 903

52 576 133

acr(',.$. acres. ncres* ncres.I· acres" acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. acre.~. acres. 26,199~ 8,574 34,773~ I7,083:!- 1,526 364;} 298{ 2311- 1... 68i!

356,25911- 253,2071,- 609,467 478,3741 88,575;} 26,304i! 14,256 8S9;} 74i JO~ I47;} 4I,652~ 123,089 35,298{- 158,387~' 140,945~ 4I,629} 12,:329;} I7,625~ 123~ 13t· 6 75~ 30,li3Q

88,701 1,040 89,741 46,076k 2,246 1,044 235 25~ .. , .•. ;} 1,305 49,619;} 25,144;} 74,763~ 62,974t I 6,GI6;} 2,~47 1,378 24! 20 ! 18! 3,988! 13,884 44 13,928 13,722 155~ I 21 30 3 ..... 5~

391,816t 101,126 492.942t 320,117 GO,056A 30,455~. 12,7I0} 1,078~ 96t 9 180! 44,530;1-252,031! 29,4?8! 281,4~0 117,736 12,832~ 3,~20 3,174! 127 6 I" 5 6,932~ 182,205~ 9,7:>3! 191,9:>9 149,235~ 3,700 1,199~ S07! 44 .,. .• I3! 2,664~ 29,578 7,352 36,930 33,997 3.134 2,267 224 68 4 •• 5 2,5G8

122,875! 35,507' 158,382~ 127,4LO I 8,163~ 3,153 1,448 49 53! 11 38 4,752! 114,079! 12,142 120,221:!- 69,735 7,201 3,6G6:} 750i 84! LO~ 15;} If 4,528 81,949~ 8,214~ 90,164 77,247 I 4,787~ 2,992* 867 60;} 3 •• 5 3,928

113,422! 13,093 126,5153 I 76,5911 I 19,955jf 7,754 ' 5,313 121 ... •• 9! 13,1971 221,826~ 58,543 280,369t, 224,152~ i .6U,965 26,587!, 16,988~ 354! 'I 5~ 2 25i 43,963! 161,621 105,890 267,511 I 171,730! I 32,143 19,803t j 2,307t 522~ ... ., 74} 22,707!

84,547-A 130,657?i

36,083! 128,971


14,852! , 17,737! 3,302

99,400 148,394! 39,385~ 138,873~ 57,484

9,902! I 2,877


: ! I i

91,018: 5,972t 1,857 ,'I 801 68t 16 42 6! 129,643*; 27,139~ 4,47:1t: 3,070 255! 53:} 4~ 16t

14,058! I 2,302?i 1i34! . 278jf 62! 1 2 103,694~, 22,432! 9,60fij; 3,6041- 137t 1,2911 11 321 29,851!: 1,845;1 72! 169) 30~ t 5

2,791~ 7,873

878! 14,681!


13,653* i2,764,024t

I 753,008! j3,517,033i 2,495,394:} 419,38ot 161,2511 I


86,337t 4,123!- 1,650 lIlt 662 254,136

• In ruldlUon to tbls number of Holders, returns bave been reooivcd, clJieJly from tlte BaU"3l'at District, otDearly 150 unlicensed occnpantsofsmnU6rellS of Crown Lands.


STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (22)


Table I.-Showing the Number of Holders of Purchased Lands, and the Extent of their Holdings, &c.-continued.


GREll" CROPS 1 HAY I GREEN FORAGE ---- 1 (exclusive of lIIarkets and Kitchen ~ardcns.) . ~~_ . ___ I_---,:--_~

I I ' I ' ~ \ I ~ I' 11'fJ , '". =. . ~ I I 'iV e ~""::S '11'Il'''' = JS~. :5 ~ lSI iJ1m- ~ ~~ ;..:I t.,l <[I Q

s .S- I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 0 ~ 'i d ~ ~ 0 r5 ~ e ~ 00 ~ <h .g :2







eI = ~~ Vi ~ ;ad i . ~ ~ ~ -g gj .,; I .:£ 1 I gj, rf1 I Total. I <5 c:. e ~ Totul. I· ts o. . . f! ~ ~;.. ~ 1; Total. "8 a ] ~ g ~ g I .0 ~.e1i I:.E \ f!~ -; ~E ~ ~~ .~ g. -g .s * ~ -5

.--------I~I--~-+ ~ I--! 8 ---1---\ Q~~ 1~1l I~~~ -~ ~2l S --1~1--.- O()-~-~-·~l-~,--acres. acres, I aCleg. acres. lacres. ncres. acres. ncres. aeres. acres. acres. acres. acres. ncres. acres., acres. acre:::.. ncres. acres. nmes. acrusol acrcs,_ acrcs.

i8i ~ ~ ... 1 ••• 128! 208i 396 I 0 405 i 1- 5~ i 70~ 78 155 2t III ~ 41;)- 24!l iO~ 5,512;)- 116i ,1 330~ 171*1148 5,570~1 11,849 2.}.613 228:!- 25,841{ 1,699! 516~ 489i . 45! 92 3,180t 6,024t 279~ £ 291 1,8GO 77613,203

Anglesey Bourke Dalhousie Dundas .. . Evelyn .. . Follett .. . Grant .. . Grenville Hampden Heytcsbury Mornington Normanby Polwarlh Ripon ... Talhot ... Villiers

Gipps l,and The Loddon Rodney

. The Murray .The Wimmera


3,034~ 52 31~1 8! 8t 1,051;)- 4,187. 6,576:J· 13 6,58!lt 60 27t 29~1 7~ 22~[ 243 389! 3t I~ 10 223~ 52 290;} 91i ~' i·..· .. · 131111 224j! 534j 78~ 613!' ~ ····1 3 I'" ... I 3! 40 I~ 5311 !lot

802. 4 [ 13~, 3tl

4 418i, 1,241), S~3~ 10. 84311 24 72i 8 1 8 18 .I 178~ 309t 8~ 75~ 1011 229t 6 1 ". 1 ... I ... I 6 1 12 I IS 78 •.. . .. I ... i'" ... liz ll"

2,410} 65!1 362 13S![ 9! 2,925;J:1 5,908 i 1I,7S7! 128 1l,885ft 057 30!, 200 1 9t 25! 608 1,830 15Gi' G~ 524:!- 988! 226 1.!l02~ 1,186! 28 33~. 23,' '15 758 1 2,044 I 3,451 14 3,465 44 28~1' 4 I' l~ 187 265 13;} 6 14!l- 83 ,0 126 290~ 5 it 5! 47. 356!-1 572 I 9 581 ... "','" I 2~ 20 23~ 2~ Si 2~ 4H 18~ 74 3:;4 341 ... • '358,\ 123 I I I 124 .•. ... 1 ..• 1 ... 49 ,49 Il· 3!- 20~ 341 560! 7l} 32~ Iii 33;)- 1,071~ 1,706~ 795~1 96!1 891! 58~· 64i 32! Gi 23~ 375 561 14l} 32£ 162'1 42~ 252 3i7il:1 4i 81 Iti 1£ 406:!- 800~, 1,190!l-1 41tj 1,232:!-1 4 2!r1 6~' Ii 420 434i 5~ I 177, 22 205! 1M! Ii! 2~.. .. ! 152 306' 298~- I G . 314!W 4 ..... 56 I .... 96 156 i 2 2~ 42 I 35~ 82t

1,42i~1 IS!i 43~1 22 I 8~ 423 1,943;)-1 4,523.1 7 I 4,530, 85 25 I 6 1 1. 44 161 !; . ,.. 5 102· 12 124 4,G5i 1 31tl. 83~1 40!, 15~11 1,83~ I S'656~1 9,119 1 5'1~1 9,203~1 '101 ,109 I' 10~' 7:\-1 11~1 374 61:1!, 4:1 I' 2~'1 21~ 395:1-1 55!!: 518 2,700 I 35:\-! 37 3 1 3., 205~[ 2,983!/: 2,052tl 50kl 2,102Z1 61:\-. . 3q ~ 15!, 3,029 I 6t 9 1 7:\1 341!1 56 1 420!

. I . I I 'I i I I I 1 I : I I " 413~' 24i 14~. 2~1 1 240~ 696~,! 463:}I 60~: 524'1 8 2~1 19:!- 2~ 186~1 1,762!j...... I 6!1150!i 41 197!

329t 59!!1 21:!-1 3411 21!! 3,1~~~ 3'6~6;\-1. 14,5481.1 26 'I' 14,574~1 63l 59. 71 22~ l~ 257 1 31!1 51106~ 610tl 75~ 829.!. 29,1 ... , 1 i ... I i L... }')3{t. 1,220· co. 1,220 1 I ... I .... 1 1 .•• 12 364 1 I 494


3S'!.I.- 1,1.. 6il. 31 },767fl 2,21~ I.. 4,493~ 30~1 4,524 30! 17jf 1I6 16t 131 7l8~1 lIi] "', 19 I 192~ 72~ 295:1; 31;; 2 .1. ;/i .... ' ... \ 53" 81~1 1,375 2 I 1,377 8 ... I 2 '.. 5 2 . 17 ... I 41 i l 791] G~ 86! I 1 I I . . ! . ill , ' I -,---II'-:--i--:- ---·-i----I-· --1--1- 1




24,841~1494i 1,029 i.· 458~! ... 275120'45n 47'556~190'045 90,920k 3,210 957! 1,090!l:/136* 625tl I 17,66011 579:1-, 91 11,138 i5,722!il,576 9,106~ Ii" I, I I I I I


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Anglesey Bourke ... Dalhousie Dundas ... Evelyn ... .Follett .. . Grant .. . Grenville Hampden Heytesbury Mornington Normanby Polwarth Ripon .. . Talbot .. . Villiers '"

Gipps Land The Loddon Rodney The Murray The Wimmera ...



TABLE II.-Showing the Gross Produce of each description of Crop for the Year ending 31st March, 1861.



(exclnsive of Market and Kitchen Gardens.) HAY. OrHElI. Cno" •.

~ ~~ I ~ to§. ~;- ~ ---- .. ,;; ,!. I...: 5' . r8 I'!' I Grape.

~ ~'g .! ~ -3B u) ~8!Q . :S rei lsi ... I '. '/l !fifQr~t 'i'ula!. i ~ 1 <il " ~ Total. S.:,:" co\! Total. . § ... . ~ ~ 1 "z ~ m § ~ e: S 'F II § .:~.o ~ ~ ~ I g.! 0 gs ;::! ~.a, -g ~ ~ ,3 ~ ~ ~ &, ~ );1 ~li ~ I 8~~ 1 8 '~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ I~g -- -----I~--- --1-- ---1------1----------

bush. I bush. bush. bush. bush. bush. bush. tom. tons. I' tons. «)flS. tons. I tOilS. tons. 'I tons. fons. I cwt. 1 cwt. No. I owt. gals. !gals. 8,235 6,944 473 30... ... 15,682 212;\- ~ 2... ... 214i' 833!, 19 85211 185~ 85 1,352 25 73 .••

491,88011 381,336 14,611 1,053 83 2,738 891,701!j20,084 468lil 4,414i j 602! 7711 26,341:1-1 34,610, 271 34,881',13,047 'I 5~ 654,454 3,64611: 2,896!iI20 266,066 ' 589,727~ 2,302 316 66 1,648 860'125~j 7,340~ 139 200~ 39 30 I 7,7491' 10,2721 6'1' 10,278 I 178 12 13,1l~12

24,851 6,540 749 ...... 8 32,148 164 ~ 6 ." ... 'I 1701 970 91l! 1,061~11 ... ,447 90~ 35,501 23,121 312 641... 293 59,868, 3,1;5t 18!/ 130 1 23~, IS! 3,312t! 909!, [, , 914~ 518 1 ... ' 229,421

540 1,107 94 ... ... ... 1,741 24~... ... ... ..., 242 185... 185... ." 160 504,374! 267,391 21,034! 1,247 206 i,7!?! 797,02311 7,202! 388!I' 5,834i 804 I 341' 14,26311:1 16,72211:1 163! 16,886tl 7,840 I' 12511,348,691 13,064~1 8,132 1100 81,059j 100,797 2,484 200 ... 184,634 '3,19611 107 194 92! 83 3,673j 7,109 I' 10 7,119" 403 IlOt 52,430 24~ 2 42,181 20,877 1,003 ... ... 228 64,289 1,023l 12, 51 16 3' 1,105! 1,158i 24~ 1,183 I 60 'I 150 4,000

44,2471 25,706 652 1,207 196 354 72,362 1,793~ 50 I 240~ 7 249il 2,340~1 1,089~1 142 I 1,231~1 801,... 60,051 64,186 1 5,815 1,883 100... 158 72,142 1,165 10 I 52 ... ... 1,227 1 238! 3 241~!... ... 800

87,532~ 20,714 2,054 346 215 15 IlO,876~ 1,196! 29! 105 2 2~1 1,335, 1,981 il', 44 2,025!1 20 'I 54, 3,790 58,971 I 18,063 1,012 20... 79 78,145 4671 7 30 If ... 5061 534!' 34 1 568~, 155 100 I 6,000

208,665 229,415 2,459 ... ... 167 440,706 4,160 61' 392 123 62 '4,798 10,905 11 10,916 134 1 1 10,480 680,619 656,4831 7,757 147 32 487 1,345,525~ 14,183!! 23311: 875{ 268~ 112liI5,674ti 17,525~ 96~117'622 1,432 I ~ 183,202

35 10

.... ~I


, "I

529,300 61,414 14,461 •.• ... 2,120 I 607,295 8,5521 236 601~1 36i 25 9,451£1 4,069 74 4,143 414 I 160 19,842

42,90n \ 21,333 1,708 492 665 168 67,273! 1,722! 69 I . 102 13 211'908111 715 1321 847 'I ... II'" 1,859 40



282 99,390 1 89,911~ 4,546! 594 102 174~ 194,718! 539 252~ 199~j 173 509l 1,678!! 22,732 351 22,767 876 ... 234,474 1,046! 12,301 I 8,452 1,145 12... 117 22,027 65 ... I 5... I I 71, 1,573 'I'" 1,573 I 60 I'" 3,600 28

175,3591 93,758 2,332 18,628 155 294 290,526 972k 192~ ... 1 201 4~\ 1,190tl 6,543! 29 6,57211 65 5 8,450 31 10 1,748, 4-,787 782 12... 60 7,389 6n .. · I 10 I'" ... I 77~1 2,343,'" 2,343 I ... i'" 1,040 19 110 I ...

3,459,9181 1~":.'2j "'''-20,045 ",,0 II ,913 1"",,,81 77 ~,,; ""'" 13,,,,; 2,.,31 ',9051 I' 91,107;1 "',020 i " '" '''',211 1",1 ,,;1, ''''il~83'"'-; 7,,," ;-",6421;"0 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I



STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (24)



TABLE III.-Showing the Increase of Land in Culti~ation ill each County and Pistoral District of Victoria, in the Year ending 31st March, 1861, as compared with the previous Year.

, ,



I 1860. 1861- In extent, Per cent.


acres, acres.

i acres'l

Anglesey .. ' ." ... ..' .. , I 1,312£ 1,526 213:1;: 16'2 Bourke .. , .. , ... ... .., I 83,028l 88,575!} 5,547:!;, 6'7 Dalhousie ... ... ... .. . .., 34,88B:!; 41,629£ 6,741t' 19'3 Dundas ... ... '" ... ... 1,593 2,246 653 41'0 EYelyn ... - .. , ... .. . ..... 5,821 6,6f6~: 7951 13'7 Follett ... '" .. , ... , .. 161~ 155~ Decrease Decrease Grant ", ... ... , .. . .. 62,984k 66,056! 3,072 4'9 Grenyille .. , ... ... ... . .. 9,649t 12,B32~ 3,183!i ' "33'0 Hampden .. , '" ... .., ... 2,516 3,700 1,184 ; :41'1 Heytesbury .. ' ... ... . .. . .. 2,7851 ' 3,134 348~ 12'5 Mornington .. , ... .. , ... .., 7,959:1: S,16S! 2041" 2'6 Normanby .. , ... ... ... .., 6,033:1- 7,201 1,167!!: 19'3 Polwarth ..... ~ ... .. , ... .., 4,759! 4,787! 28 : '6 Ripon ... .. , .., .. , ... 18,616! 19,955! 1,339! ,"2 Talbot .. , '" , .. , .. ... 44,396t 60,965 16,568!, 37'3 Villiers ... .. ' . .. , .. ' ... 29,154 32,143 2,989 to'3.

Gipp~ Land ... ... ... .., ... 4,172i 5,972:1- I,SOOt 43'1 The Loddon ',:. ... ... . .. .., 21,180:1: 27,139! 5,959 ' 28'1, Rodney .. , ... ... ... . .. 2,159 2,302l 143~ " 6'7 , The Murray ... ... ... ... ' ... ' 14,345 l 22,432i 8,087! 56'4 TheWimmera ... '" '" ... 1,212 1,845t 633:1- 52'2 i

: ., "


TABLE'IV.-Showing the Average Produce l)er :acre of' the principal-' Crops in each County 'and Pastoral District of Vic~oria for the Year ending 31st March, 1861, and th~ Average of the

'whole Country for each of the last Six Years, 1856:..-1861, both included. ' " ,


nglesey A B D D E F G G H H 1 N P R T V

o11r1;:e ... alhousie undas ... '

'yolyn ... , ollett .. , rant renville amp den , eytesbury

Iornington ormanby olwarth ipon ... albot illiers .. ,

Gipps Land The I,oddon Hodney .. , The Murray The Wlmmera

.. , ... ... ... , .. ..' ... ... ... ... ... .., ... ... ... .. , .. , ... ... ... ... ... , .. .. , , .. .. ,

.. .. .. , ... .. , ' .. .. , ... --... .. ' .. , ...

... .. , ... ...

.. ' .. ,

1860 {"" A yerage of the Colony 1859 1858 181i7 1856

". ... .. , ... .., '" ..' ... ..' ... ... ... ... .. ' .. , ... ... .. , . .. . .. '"

' .. .. , ... .. , ... .. ,

... . ..

... , .. ., . ... ... , .. , , .. ... .. ,

, , .. ..,

.. .. , ... .. . ... ... .., .. . ...

I .. , ", , .. .. , .. , .. ,


I I Wheat. Oats, Barley, Potatoes. Hay,


bushel. bushels bushels tons tons per acre. pcr, acre,


per acre. pet acre~ per acre. 22'3 ' 233 19'9 2'7 2'1 18'7 26'7 17'0 3'6 1'3' 21'6 33'5 18'7 24 1'6 23'8 27'S 2S'S 1'8 I 1'7 13'9 16'7 li!'6 ; 3'9 1'1 25'7 36'9 31'3 4'1 2'4 16'6 21'0 19'5 3'0 1'4 22'4 31'8 19'6 i 2'7 2'1 23-4 2.5'8 22'8 3'5 2'0 28'3 26'0 27'7 3'3 2'0 14'0 17'8 13'3 3'2 1'4 23'9 27'6 24:3 I 3'2 1'6 19'7 20'S 16'S 3'1 l'S 26'9 ' 43'2 20'3 I 2'9 , 2'4 25'6 3S'6 21'9 i 3'0 1'9 26'7 26'6 2i'7 : 3'2 2'0

23'[ 26'6 24'8 4'1 1'6 22'2 293 Ii'S 1'6 1'6 23'2 30'3 lS'3 2'2 1'3 18'2 26'0 17'0 2-' 1'5 24'3 28'3 25'6 2:[ 1'7

21'5 30'5 20'3 :i'l 1'6 2l'4, I 28'3 23'9 1'8 1',4 20'0 27'9 2['4 3'6 1'3 20'7 :n'o 28'9 2'4 1'8 23"2 25'6 31'1 2'2 1'6 26'9 34'5, 29'l 5'4 2'1

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (25)


VICTORIA.-A VERAGE PRODUCE. TABLE V.-Showing by Counties and Pastoral Districts. the Produce per Acre of Wheat and Oats

grown respectively on Freehold Land unconnected with Runs, Leasehold Land unconnected with and on Land connected with Runs.





Wheat. Oats. Wheat, Oat., Wheat, Oats.

bUBhels busl1els bushels bushels bushels bushel. per acre. per acre. per acre. per ncre, per aere. per acre.

Anglesey ... ... .. . ... 22'1 22'2 '21'8 27'3 24'3 22'5 Bourke , .. '"

.. , .. , ... 19'1 26'2 17'7 27'8 38'5 34'4 Dalhousie .. , ... ... .., 22'2 32'7 19'3 35'5 24'9 29'7

Dundas ... ... ... , .. '" 24'2 28'8 28'9 45'6 11'9 16'3 Evelyn ' .. , , .. .., , .. ... 15'5 182 12'1 14'7 8'6 13'4 Follett .. , .. , ... ... , .. , .. 436 . .. .. , 25'7 29'3 Grant ... ... .., , .. 16'6 20'6 16'5 21'7 17'9 24'6 Grenville ... '" , .. . .. 22'6 32'8 21'2 30'9 27'1 27'3 Hampden .. , , .. ... ,., 23'2 24'8 24'1 36'0 20'0 21'1 Heytesbury ... ... .. . '" 27'2 25'6 29'1 26'4 21'2 22'5 Mornington , .. ... ... .,. 14'1 15'7 14'0 19'4 13'4 24'3 Normanby ,., ... , .. '" 24'0 28'0 22'4 24'3 24'8 26'7 Polwarth ... ... , .. '" 20'0 22'1 19'3 18'2 20'5 22'3 Ripon ... ... , .. ... ... 27'7 41'0 26'0 46'7 26'6 44'3 Talbot .. , .. , ... ... . .. 25'5 37'9 26'1 41'3 20'0 33'4 Villiers .. , ... ... .., ... 276 25'8 I 26'1 2S'O 26'6 21'1

Gipps Land ... .. , .., .. , 23'S 27'5 23'2 26'2 19'8 23'8 The I.oddon ... .,' .. , , .. 22'0 29'9 I 21'6 25'2 27'S 29'3 Rodney ... .. , .. , .. , ... 22'0 31'6 : 21'0 26'7 25'3 29'2 The Murray '" ... ... ... 18'2 25'6 20'3 30'1 17'2 23'2 TheWimmera 25'2 31'5 I U'6 IS'I ... .., ... .. , I , .. '"

Total ... ... ... 21'4 30'2 I 21'6

31'6 20'6 26'9 I

VICTORIA.-AREA UNDER CROP. TABLE VI.-Showing the proportion of the Land in Cultivation, placed under each of the Principal

Crops in the several Counties and Pastoral Districts of Victoria, in the Year ending the 31st March, 1861, together with the Proportions for the whole Country, in each of the last Six Years, 1856-1861.


COUNTIES AND DISTRICTS, Wheat, Oats, Barley. Potatoes, Hay. Green


acres acres acres acreS acres aoNS per cent, per cent4 per cent. per per cent, pernent

Anglesey . " ... ... .., 23'9 19'5 1'6 26'5 10'2 Bourke ,', ." ... ,., ... 29'7 16'1 0'9 6'2 29'2 6'8 Dalhousie .. , .. , ... .., 29'6 42'3 0'3 7'3 15'8 0'9 Dundas .... .,' ... '" .. , 46'5 10'5 1') 4'0 27'3 0'2 Evelyn .. , .. , .. , .. , ., . 3S'5 20'S 0'4 )2'1 12'7 4'7 Follett ... .. , ... ... , .. 13'S 19'3 1'9 S'8 50'1 .,. Grant , .. ... .., ... 46'1 19'2 1'6 3'6 IS'O .II'S Grenville ... '" .. , .. , 28'2 24'7 1'0 9'2 27'0 2'1 Hampden ' .. ... ... .. . 48'6 21'8 1'2 7'8 15'7 0'6 Heytesbury .. , .. , ... ... i2'3 7'1 2'2 U'3 4'0 I'S 1Ifornington ... ' .. .., .. , 38'6 17'7 0'6 6'8 10-9 6'9 Normnuby ... ... ... ... 50'9 10'4 1'2 5'3 17'1 6'0 ]'olwarth ... .. , . .. .., 62'5' IS'1 1'3 3'1 6'6 3'3 Ripon 38'9 266 0'6 7'2 22'7

, 0'8 .. , .. , .. , ... ..,

Talbot ... ... . .. .., 43'6 27'9 0'6 7'6 15'1 1'0 Villiers , .. .. , '.' .. , .. , 61'6 ;'2 1'6 8'4 6'5 12'2

--Gipps Land ... . .. , .. . .. 31'1 13'4 1'1 6'9 8'S 29'5 The Loddon .. , ... ... .., 16'5 11'3 0'9 1'2 53'7 0'9 Hodney, .. .. , ... ..' .. , 232 12'1 2'7 1'3 53'0 .. , The Murray .. , .. , ... . .. 428 16'1 0'6 l'S 20'2 3'2 The Wi,mmera ... .., .. , ... S'9 9'2 1'6 1'7 74'6 0'9


j 1861 ... .., ... 3S'4 206 1'0 5'9 21'7 4'2 1860 , .. .., .. , 29'S 25'1 1'1 7'7 27'4 2'9

Total Victoria 1859 '" ... ... 26'2 25'9 1'8 10'0 28'9 2'5 1858 ... ... .,. 36'6 16'9 2"2'- 8'7 31'7 O'S 1857 '" .. , ... [


1 13'9 1'2 9'0 28'8 0'4

, 1856 ... , .. ... 37'0 15'4 I'S 9'5 35'8 0'8 .

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (26)



TABLE VII.-Showing by Counties and Pastoral Districts the Average Ex.tent, and Average Area in Crop, of Holdings, and the Proportion per cent. of Occupied Land in Cultivation, in the Year ending 31st March, 1861.






Follett ...

Grant .. ,






olwarth P R ipon ...

Talbot .. ,

v iIliers

Gipps Land

The Loddon

R odney

The Murray

T he Wimmera


COUNTIES AND DISTRICTS" Extent of Average Area Proportion per cent. of Holdiug13 of Occupied Land

in Cultivation, in Cultivation.

neres, acres. acres,

'" ' .. , .. '" ,., 476'4 20'9 4'4 ,., ... .. , ... .., 170-5 24'8 14'5

' .. ." '" ,., '" 163'S 430 263

' .. , .. ... ' .. '" 602'3 15'1 2-5

... , .. , .. ". ... 255'2 22'6 88

... ... . , . . .. .., 1,071'4 ll'9 1'1

'" .. , ... . .. ... 230-0 30'S 13'4

... ... n • ... '" 686'4 31'3 4-6

... , .. . .... ' .. .. , 1,323'9 255 1'9

,., , .. '" , .. ... 348'4 29'6 8'5

.. , '" , .. , .. ... 321-9 16'6 5'2

... .. , .., ... ' .. 247'0 14'1 5'7

... ... '" . .. ... 574'3 30'5 5'3

.. , ... ... '" .., 465'1 73'4 15'8

.. , , .. .. , .. , .. , 202'4 44'0 21'7

.. , ' .. .. , .. , , .. 270'2 32'5 12'0

---... ... .. , . .. ... 322'7 19'4 6'0

... .. , ... .. . ... 164'3 30'1 18'3

... ... ... ... ... 757'4 44'3 5'8

... .. , ... .. , n • 241'1 38'9 16'1

.. , .. , .. , .. ' ... 432'2 13'9 3'2



TABLE VIII.-Classifying the Holdings according to size, and showing the area held and cultivated, as well as the area placed under Cereal Crops, Green Crops, and Hay, respectively, by each class of holders,


Extent of Areaculti .. Area placed Area placed

Area place<l CLASSIFICATION OF HOLDINGS Number under under

of Holders Land held by vated by Cereal Crops Green Crops under Hay

IN STATUTE ACRES. Qf each class each class by each class by each class by eneh class ellCh class. of of of of of

Landholders. Landholder". Landholders, Landholders. Lo.ndholders.


Holdings-exceeding acres. acres. ae~. acres. fi.Cte$.

1 and under 5 acres .. , ... 1,042 3,007t 2,3011 555! 491£ 392

of 5 "

15 "

.. , , .. 1,900 16,388~ 10,94Oi 4,025!- 2,1921 2,552~

of 15 " 30

" , .. ... 1,402 29,232t 15,876l 7,173! 2,481 4,615~

of 30 "

50 " .. , ... 1,369 54,313! 26,474! 14,077! 3,IS3t 7,314t

of 50 " 100

" , .. ... 2,573 187,876! 79,264 49,897! 8,976£ 17,633!

oflOO " 200 " ... . .. I

2,520 352,136£ 115,7291 76,061~ 13,409 21,552t

of 200 "

350 "

.. , ... 1,340 345,344i 80,741£ 53,534 8,2861 14,734!

of 350 " 500

" ... ... 380 156,673i 28,749~ 16,9591

I 3,042-1 6,315!

of 500 acres and upwards ... '.5. ... 1,127 2,372,060 59,302t 31,852! 5,493£ 15,810 ....... ~~!, I

Total ' .. ... .., 13,653 '3,517 ,033 ~ 419,3Bot !

254,136 I 47,556~ 90,920~

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (27)



TABLE IX.-Sho:wing the Average Size of Holdings of each class; the Average Acreage cultivated by each class of holders; the Proportion, as compared with the Totals for t,he Colony, held and cultivated by each class; the Proportion of their Holdings placed under CultivatIon by each class, as well as the Proportion of their Cultivated Land placed under Cereal Crops, Green Crops, a~d Hay, respectively, by each class of holders.

I ~8b ii¢:~ 13.g~ ~ 'O£~ t . a! ill',,:;!.

~ :o~ . ».c: = ""il ;i~ 'Eo:::i g8~ ~~::§gj g~--g(1) sms1:1

:a """ 'E,>.3 ~ a>.B p ~ ~~ JJil ~ "d~~ ",iri 0

~ ""gjg. 'Ij~ ~"i~ -d~ }r;'i~ >d-a!~ . >.c: "" a" ~!3 ' ~~3!1l g1" il3 CLASSIFICATION OF HOLDINGS "''8 "",,, ;; s'ils ~ ~ sil,l! g '0 1!~ "So (3B.§ (lo1l J.'l ,,-

::8$ 14f.<~~ Jo,,~J:).,'ll .c:",,"

1~ .... ,t::Q)- .... ,cQO If...<0A~~ ..... 0::..»>. ... "'~ ~"il

IN STATUTE ACRES, e'S 0:ll~ :~~~ °il';;.c: 0d 8=:.01 0 ~ s~.o o~ _g! "'- <!w §1hd 0:: ".c ;j =f8dS'~fg§s g"il"'>. ,," ,,::I 'EJ!3 ~~~8 ~~i~ ~8i~:g ~~~&~ i!'-5 If(l o"s 0'd'd '"' Oil"" '" 0,.. .. ~ 0 ....... > ~:a~~ ~" ~~ ~~ ~3; ~~ ~'3E S-1la§~ "" 8'-5", ~Q)<:JQ)

e~~~ 0_ "",,=

~~ ~~= ~""" :tlhs~ £la(ls6 .;:; 118 g.~ ,<" ,.. "''' J!.! po p",d


acres, neres~ acres ~s acres ncres acres ~s

Holdings-exceeding per cent, per cent, per cent, per cent, per cent, per cent,

1 and under 5 acres ,., ", 2'9 2'2 0'1 0'6 76'5 24'1 2l'4 17'0

of 5 " 15 " , .. .. , S'6 5'S 0'5 2'6 66'S 36'S 20'0 23'3

of 15 "

30 " .. , ... 20'9 U'3 O'S 3'S 54'3 45'2 15'6 29'1

of 30 "

50 "

.,. '" 39-7 19'3 ]'6 6'3 48'7 53'2 12'0 27'6

of 50 " 100 " ". .. , 73'0 30'S :;>'2 IS'9 42'2 62'9 U'3 22'1

of 100 "

200 " ,., .,. 139'7 45'9 10'0 27'6 32'9 65'7 11'6



of 200 " 350 "

.,. ... 257-7 60'3 9'S 19'3 23'4 66'3 10'3 IS'2

of350 500 412'3 75'7 4'5 6'S i IS'3 59'0 10'5 22'0 " " ... . .. of 500 acres and upwards ... , .. 2104'S 52:6 67'5 I 14'1 2'5 - 53'9 92 26'7

--- ~I--;o~~t:~ !--

Averages and Sums 257'6 11'9 60'4 i

11'3 21'7 ... I


TABLE X,-Showing in classified arrangement the Produce per Acre of Wheat and Oats grown respectively on Freehold Land unconnected with Runs, Leasehold Land unconnected with Runs, and Land connected with Runs.

I j

Land unconnected Land unconnected I Total of Counties,

I with Runs with Runs Land connected

CLASSIFICATION OF HOLDINGS held in Freehold, held -under Le""e, wlthRllllS,

IN STATUTE ACRES. I ---.. -.-~~~

'Theat. OBIB, Wheat, Oats, Wheat, Oats, Wbeat, Oats,


bushels bushels bushels bushels buahels busbe18 busbels bnshels

Holdings-exceeding per acre, per acre. per acre, per ncre, per acre, per lIC1"(\, per acre, per acre,

1 and under 5 acres .. , 19'5 25'7 19'3 25'S 20'4 25'9 '" '" of 5

" 15 " ... ", 20'2 23'7 20'1 24'4 20'6 21'4 ,.' , .. of 15 " 30 " ... ... 20'3 26'1 19'4 26'2 22'3 25'9 . .. . .. of 30

" 50 " ... .., 21'0 29'7 20'4 30'0 22'4 28'S 33'3 30-0

of 50 " 100 " ... , .. 2l'4 31'6 21'2 31'1 21'S 32'7 20'0 30-0

on 00 "

200 " ,,' ... 21'9 312 21'7 30'6 22'3 32'6 20'1 19'4

of 200 " 350 " ... . .. 21'6 31'3 22'0 30'9 21'1 32'4 12'5 21'3

of350 " 500 "

.. , .. , 21'1 29'3 21'3 29-1 20'6 29'9 26'6 25'6

of 500 acres and upwards .,. '" 20'9 2S'7 21'1 29'0 19'7 28'7 2l'4 27'5

--- --- ------, ------Total '.' ... 21'5 30'5 21'4 30'2 21'6 31'6 20'6 26'9

. STAT,-C,

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (28)


VICTORIA.-CLASSIFICATION OF HOLDINGS-4. TABLE XI.-Showing the Number of Holdings of different sizes in each County and Pastoral District

in the Year ending 31st March, 1861.' " ... ,



A.~ Total. Mure than ' . 5 acres \15 acres 30 acres 50 acreS 100 acres 200 acres 350 acres

1 ncre and and and and and and and 500 acres DISTRICTS. and under , under under under under under under and

under 15 acres. i 30 acres. 50 acres. lOp acres. 200 acres. 350 acres. 500 acres. upwards. 5 acres.

----i--~- --------- ---- ----) Anglesey ••• .,. i3 3· 9 4 6 12 7 8 ." 24 Bourke ... , .. 3,575 397 763 441 . 29l 498 519 355 100 211 Dalhousie ..• ... 967 31 85 99 94 206 241 120 40 51 Dundas ... . .. 149 11 24 14 14 20 18 7 2 39 Evelyn ... .. . 293, 30 32 22 15 51 57 34 13 39 . Follett_ ... ... 13 1 . 1 2' 3 . .. . .. 2 ... 4 Grant ... ... 2,143 168 281 219 255 448 420 195 40 117 Grenville ... - ... 410 - 36

. 42 43 58 79 - -. 54 32 8 58

Hampden ... 145 5 I!? 18 21 80 15 8 3 27 Heytesbury , .... 106 1 8 8 5 12 38 14 5 ,15 l-fornington' ... 492 22 52 41 30 69 ' 101 62 33 82 Normanby ... 511 73 65 I 52 49 91 79 '32 '14 56 Polwarth ... ... 157 21 23 I 10 10 32 25 14 3 19 Ripon ... . .. 272 3 9 13 39 86 64 26 4 28


Talbot ... . .. 1,385 67 112 153 169 368 293' . 136 30 57 Villiers ... ". 990 63 180 90 75 139 210 113 35 85

--Gipp~ Land ... 308 '11 46 31 33 51 54 30 12 4Q The Loddon ... 903 70 87 102 136 207 160 67 17 57 Rodney ... ... 52 2 4 2 6 6, . 8

I '8 2 14

The Murray ... 576 i

19 39 34 50 .151 144 69 , -17


53 1'he Wimmera , .. 133 8 20 4 10 17 13 8 2 5.1.

w'''''' " " ~,~

"''''II'''' --- ---_.

2,.573 . 2,520 I~W) --__ i ____

Total. .. ... , 1,900 1,402 1,369 380 1,127 ---- -------- __ t' _____

Per centage ' .. 100'0 7'6 13'9 10'3 10'0 - 18'~ 18'5 I 9'8 2'8 8'8 ,

- , . --....

VICTORIA.-CLASSIFICATION OF HOLDINGS-5. TABLE XII.-Showing the Extent· of Land occupied by Holdings of various sizes in each County and

Pastoral District during the Year ending 31st March, 1861:


" ,AND Total,

. DiSTRIC'rs,


]\fore than 5 acres 15 acres 30 acres 50 acres 100 acres. 200 acres '350 acres

I ncre and and and. and and I and ' , and and' under uuder under under under under under

under 15 acros. 30 ncres. 50 acres. 100 acres, 200 acres. 350 acres ' 500 acres.

,500 acres and

npwards, _-,-______ 1 _____ 5 acres, ________ ---4- ______ ----1- ___ ._

Anglesey Bourke' .. ,. Dalhousie Dundas .. . Evelyn .. . Follett ... Grant ... -Grenville , Hampden Heytesbury Mornington Normanby Polwarth Ripon ... Talbot Villiers ...

Gipps :Lan~ 'The Loddon Rodney .•• The Murray The Wimmera


34,773! 609,467 158,387t

89,741 74,763~ 13,9~8

492,942! 281,440 191,959 36,930

158,382i 126,221!-90,164 126,515~ 280,369~ 267,511

7 1,3091

98i1: 39 77!

5 388!

64 20~

4 58' ,"

204 481-1O!

172! 208~

75t 6,45.6 731~ 196!

"255 II

2;473i 345! 160!

82 435 577~ 206!-


79 9,116! 2,183!

279! 430 40

4,440! 878~ 408 157 8201

1,140~ 202, 257

1,02n ,3,287~· 1,538! 1,865~

242 12,701i 4,080 545~ 546

95 9,781! 2,205

792!t ,199

1;147 1,94ot

374 1,559' 6,501 2,807!

830! ' 1,005 39,576! il,493 14,523! 33,728

1,521 2,361 3,436 7,716

33,440! 5,657 2,01l!

814 4,656!t 6,430 2,251i 6,465

26,894: 9,485~

61,921* 7,878 2,049 5,188

l.t,526 10,988 3,500 8,876

40,453~ 29,637

2,308 93,796 .30,4461:

2,011 8,624

640 46,5851

7,934' 2,265 3,757

17,086 8,717?; 3,748 6,219

34,7291 28,393i

41,315 16,413 .

820 5,418

16,661 3,200 1,146 2,006

13,797 5,898 1,137 1,539

12,3i1 15,215

30,137 333,703t

56,182t 81,967 48,261 13,137

317,249i' 253,278 183,106

24,723 105,S56!; 90,3251

I 78,697 . 101,516 "


154,932 , I 178,359!'

99,400 35!: 3981 GS9!, 1,203~1 I 3,393~ 7,012! 8,156! 5,191t I' 73,3i 9) 148,394i1: 1901 787 2,l44 5,1054114,402~ 21,302f 17,440l 6,832' 80,Hioll

39,3851 4 31 ,311 204, 460 1,022 2,446 •. 735 34,452. 138,873! 42! 3261 693 1,9061 10,477-.1:' 19,645!- 17,584 6,1361 'I 82,062

57,484 19 199 89 3771 1,149 1,835, 2,367 843 50,605!" __ , --__ i ____ ------- ---1---1---

1-,-, --'.--,.--~

'" 3,517,033! 3,007! ~881 29,232! 54,313! 187,8761 :2'2,136i 1345'34~1156'673i 2,312,060 ~ '" 1000 0'1,1 0'5' 0'8 1'6 5'3 10'0 9'8 ,,4'5 67'4

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (29)


VICTORIA.-CLASSIFICATION OF HOLDINGS-6. TABLE XlII.-':'Showing the Extent Cultivated of Holdings of various sizes in each County and

Pastoral District during the Year ending 31st March, 1861. -EXTENT III ACaEB OF LAND 011LTrV ATED BY HOLDEl1.!! OF-


AND More than I • acres I. ncres 30 acres 50 acres ' 100 acres 200 ac~ea I 350 acres Total, 000 acres DISTRICTS. 1 acre , and and and and and and and

and , under under under under under under under and nnder 10 a.eres. 30 acres, 50 acres. 100 acres, 200 acres. 350 acres. 000 acres. npwards.

5 acres. ------------------,---------Anglesey.,. '" 1,526 4i 50 64~ 148 256~ 281ii 129t


Bourke ... ... 88,515:1- 974! 4,I44t 4,508 4,1l~ 12,134 19,895! 18,4511 15,628 Dalhousie ... 41,629! 69! 495 l,a51! 2,165j- 1,516! 13,520:1- 8,406 3,541£ 4,503! Dundas ... ... 2,246 39 Ullt' 126! 199 473! 365 148f 79~ 683! Evelyn ... ... 6,616! 61 135l 150 148! 1,364l 1,894 1,091~ 396l 1,368l Follett ... '" 155j 2 11 16 41

13,760£ I ... 11 ... 62!

Grant ... . .. 66,056j 367 1,846} 2,111i 4,7131 18,459£ 12,936! 3,8741 7,3261 Grenville ... ... 12,8321 451 261! 56?! 1,355 3,027 2,983t 1,992 492 2,108! Hampden ... ... 3,700 16! '1I6! 202 430 990:1- 969! .387 38l 549! Heytesbury ... 3,134 4 56 86 84 294 1,153 571 135 745 Mormngton ... 8,163! 32! 128 197 1921- 686t 1,499j 1,162£ 1,241 3,0231 Normanby ... 7,201 138 346 368! 473§ 1,346t 1,696! 921! 340! 1,569! Polwarth ... ... 4.787~ 261 113 lSI 189 1,340j- I,4541 7791 9I! 642 Ripon ... ., . 19,955£ 7 56t 152 1,2251 4,8671 5,824 4,638 912! 2,2721 Talbot' ... . .. 60,965 115! , 716 1,982! 3,924:1- 15,231 18,872t 11,641 3,006t 5,475 Villiers ... . .. 32,143 164i 1,1241 1,095~ 1,576l 4,I55t 9,5081 8,205! 3,359I 2,953

--Gipps Land ... 5,972:\- 281 2801 285t 383i 678t 1,537 914t 326t 1,537 The Loddon ... 27,139t 145! i 602 1,415t . 2,964! 6,21O~ 6,994} 4,262 1,175 3,3701 Rodney .. , 2,3021 Ji ' 25 29 139 133~ 380 4141 153! 1,027 4

The Murray ... 22,432£ 33! • 198! 290i 1,167£ ! 4,513! 8,151:1; 3,601! 1,434 3,042! The Wimmera .. , 1,845! 19 102t 65 230!, 223 283} 64 30 828t --- ___ 1 __ -

115,729!I SO,741i ---

Total ... ,,, 419,380i 2,301:1- 10,9401 15,876! 26,4741' 79,264 2S,7491 59,302t 1t ------ ------

Per centage ... 100'0 0'6 2'6 3'8 6'3 IS'9 27'6 19'3 6'8 14'1

VICTORIA.-CLASSIFICATION OF HOLDINGS-7. TABLE XIV.-Showing the Extent placed under Cereal Crops of Holdings of different sizes in each

County and Pastoral District during the Year ending 31st March, 1861.


A~'D lI[orcthan 350 a.eres 1 Total, 5aeres 15 ncres ao neres 00 acres I 100 acres 200 acres DISTRICTS, 1 acre and and nnd and , llnd and and 500 aeres

and under under under under under under nuder and under 15 acres: ao neres, 00 acres. 100 acres. I 200 acres., 350 acres. 500 aeres. npwards.

5 acres. ---------:;-----------,---

Anglesey ... ... 6S7i ... 361 57t 81 1911 125 56 . .. . 140 Bourke '" ... 41,652! U6! 642t 951t 1,4641 5,577! IO,141l 1O,678! 4,152t 7,928t Dalhousie ... ... 30,173! 32:1- 284 920 1,356 5,346! 9,721; , 6,786! 2,652 3,075t Dundas ... ... 1,305 14! 97! 88! 153! 335t 302 70 65 178! Evelyn ... . .. 3,9HS! 19! 7lot 69t 961 822; 1,1201 ' 6R4 271t 833t Follett ... . .. 54 ... 1 ." 18 ... . .. 5 .. . 30 Grant .... . .. 44,530-! 148 90O! 1,510 2,864l 9,333£ 13,198! B,833;} 2,754! 4,987! Grenville ... ... 6,932l 23t 1491 333! 644! l,675l 1,571 1,077~ 263 1,1941 Hampden ... ... 2,6641 • 4j B7~ 141! 350! 806~ 809! 259 31 174! Heytesbury ... 2,568 2 34 62 65 259 940 495 116 595 Mornington ... 4,7521 5~ 66~ 105 133 3191 1,051 8nI 463~ 1,677 Normanby ... 4,528 56t 220 218! 351 989~ 1,389!} 573~ 252~ 476! Polwarth ... ... 3,928 5! 85 123 150 1,204' 1,319! 664 69 3OS! Ripon ... . .. 13,197l ... 29 36" 756 3,37811 3,98l>! 3,264 592! 1,156 Talbot ... ... 43,963! 23t 284 I,1l9! 2,748~ 11,2421 14,I74t 9.084! 1,793 3,494 Villiers n. ... 22,707~ 63 699! 768! 1,177 3,255; 1.220 5,602! 2,052 1,8701

-- . Gipps Land ... 2,7911 61 1481 180! 240~ 303 684 461t 2231 5431 The I..oddon ... 7,873 20t 921 • 3291 606t 1,691 2,169! 1,622 342; 992{ Rodney ... ... 878! Ji Ii ... 72 77! 203 !l9 65 339! 4 The Murray ... 14,681t 12t 82i 136! 690! 2,969 5,886j 2,3171 SOO! 1,786 The Wimmera ... 277! . .. 12! 23 58 53! 491. 10 '" 71

, .. !------------------,-------------

Total ... '" 1254

,136 555t 4,0251 : 7,173l 14,0771 49,897t , 76,0611 53,534 16,959t 31,852t --- -------

Per centage ... 100'0 0'2 1'6 I 2'S 5'5 19'7 29'9 21'1 6'7 12'5


STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (30)

, .



TABLE XV.-Showing the Extent placed under Wh~at of Holdings of different sizes in each County and Pastoral District during the Year ending 31st March, 1B61.



AND Total. More than 5 acres 15 acres 30 acres 50 acres 100 acres QOO acres 350 acres 1 acre and and and nnd and and and

500 acres

DISTRICTS". and under under under under under under under .nd ! under 15 acres. 30 acre'. ;'O.cres. 100 ncres. 200 acres. 350 acres. 500 acres. upwards.

€> acres. ------ ------ --- ---- --- --- ---Anglesey ..... 364! II 24 41 9-1. 103 25 63 ... ... 14 .. . Bourke ... ... 26,304i 85:1- 357! 533~ 90S! 3,291~ 6,301 6,921 2,892' 5,014t Dalhousie ... 12,329:1- 25k 1I3t 351 478 2,088 4,300~ 2,606! 1,067 1,299 Dundas ... '" 1,044 9~ 79:1- 71~ 125! 285 24q 62 52 118 Evelyn ... ... 2,547 1'),1 ~5 48~ 61 537:1- 661t 447 164i 569! -, Follett ... ... 21 ... . ~ ~. ... ... . .. . .. 3 . .. IS Grant ... ... 30,455~ 89 522 917:1- 1,758;1 6,401 9,080t 5,923 2,216! 3,548! Grenville ... ... 3,620 1~~ 82~ 167 306~ 830~ 883! 588 131 61It Hampden ... ... I;799~ 3! 68! 122~ 274 548 504 137 27 115 Heytesbury ... 2,267 2 34 61 59 246 803 432 100 530 Mornington ... 3,153 5! 47* 80 89! 284t 682! 588! 351! 1,023~ Normanby ", 3,666! 46 144! 186 277i 842! 1,163~ 474 207i 324 Polwarth ... ... 2,9921 5t n 112 90 957 I,OIO! 517 69 161 Ripon ... . .. 7,754 ...

1O!1 8 30 374 1,892 2,359 2,151 380 560

Talbot ... ... 26,5871 127~ 615t 1,355! 6,183k 8,680! 5,863 1,314 2,437 Villiers' ... , ... 19,803;1 48! 630 6881 1,037 2,838 6,304 4,931 1,804~ 1,522

+ --Gipps Land ... 1,857 3Jl 10li 128! 172 181 442 :l37~ 158~ 332 • The Loddon ... 4,473~ 4j} 36 140 290i 966~ 1,222! 1,063 198 I 552~ Rodney ... 534! ... ... ." 23 59 132 71 35 214! The Murray ... 9,605! 9 60! 79 440~ 2,117~ 3,78:;~ 1,506 379 1,228 The Wimmera ... 72:1- . .. 8 5 12 171 15 8 ... 7

--,'--- ---- ,-_ ... - --------- -Total ... 161,251* "'1 2,548!! 4,,,lt 8,1701. 3.6631


",6751 34,655 11,547! 20,247!

~ --1-.6-1----;.;-- -5-1 ~ ---;0:;- 2M -----Per centage ... 100'0 ' 7'2 12'5


TABLE XVI.-Showing the Extent placed under Oats of Holdings of different sizes in eaeh County and Pastoral District during the Year ending 31 st March, 1861.



5 acres I 15 acres 200 acres \350 aeres r 500 acres AND Total. lIIore than 30 acres 50 acres 100 acres .. I acre and find and and and and and' and DISTRICTS. and under under under under under adt,n::ca. bO~n!e;es. up~ards. nnder 15 "erea. 30 acres, 50 ncres, 100 acres. 200 acres.

5 aCres. I! --- --- ------------I-A nglesey ... '" 298! .,. 2Si! 32 39 91! 22 23 ... 65 B ourko ... ... 14,256 22 2151 376 509! 2,159 a,607! 3,4981- 1,180 2,692 Dalhousie ... ... 17,625l 7 167 565 86i~ 3,226 5,3351 4,1551 l,568l 1,783 D undas ... ... 235 4: 17i 16~ 241 48 53 8 10 53 Evelyn ,. ~. .0. 1 1,878 6al 26! 201 34i, 275! 4281 221 105 259!

" Follett ... ... 30 ... ... ... 16 , ... ... 2 .. . 12 Grant ... .. ' 12,710!- 41!- 321! 493! 1,022 1 2,7201 3,7071 2,67'1! 449! 1,277i Grenville ... ... 3,174~ 8~ 61 160~ 321 790 675 474 125 564t Hampden ... ... 807! I 121 18 I 68~ 249 2S61 112 4 56 Heytesbury ... 224 ... ... 1 . 6 10 122 . 51 15 19 Mornington ... 1,148 ... 16! 23i l 4" SOl 331kt 250! . 97 60i! Normanby ... 750! 71' 7l! ;;11 61l 126t 196! 83 37 ! 139~ Pol warth ... ... 867 ... 14 41 236 290 142 ... 133 Ripon ... ... 5,318 '" 15 48~ 874 1,449 1,602 1,078 :::1 579 Talbot ... ... 16,988! lit! I~t 1,376 4,957 5,853! 3,154 1,042 Villiers ... ... 2,307l 8~ 58 71 . 106 361 728l 5171 .146& 310!

-- I;il Gipps Land ... SOl 44 51 64 119t 207 1I3 60! 139 The Loddon ... 3,070 47 162 293 666 817 502 138!! 429 Rodney ... 2781 i , .. ... 49 161 58 42 30 82~ The Murray, ... 3,604! 16t 44l 175i 569! 1,409! 593· 31411 4811 The Wimmera .. , 169f , .. I 2! 16 41 82:} 22 ... . ... 55!

--- ------ ---. ------Total ... 86,S37:}1 133 1,28Q! 2,584 5,531 18,183 25,253:1- 17,693i 4,949t , 10,729~

Per centage ... ---.00:01--0-'1- 1'5 3'0 6'4 21'1 29'3 20'5 -;;-I~ I I

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (31)


VICTORIA.-CLASSIFICATION OF HOLDINGS-lO . • TABLE XVll.-Showing the Extent placed under Cereal Crops (exclusive of Wlleat and Oats) of

Holdings of different sizes in each County and Pastoral District during the Year ending 31st March, 1861.



AND Total. !lrorc than 5: aercs 15 acres 30 acres 50 ncrcs 100 ucrcs 200 ncres 3.10 acres 1 acre

""d and and and and nnd !lIld 500 acres DISTRICTS. and under under under under under under under and

under 15 acres. 30 acres. 50 acres. 100 ncres. 200 acres. 350 acres. 500 ncres. upwards. 5 acres. --- I-i----------

Anglesey ... ... 2-1-1 ... .. . It 1 2~ ... 8 .. . 12 Bourke ... . .. 1,092 9~ 68·1 41lt 46£ 127 232! 263& 80t 221! Dalhousie ... , .. 21S£ '" 3t 4 1°2 32t 85! 23! 16i 43t Dundas ... ... 26 1 1 3 3! 2t 7~ ... 3 7! !i , Evelyn ... ... 63t ~ . .. . .. 1 10 30t 16 Ii 4! 4 Follett ... ... 3 .. . 1 '" 2 ... ... ... . .. .. . Grant ... . .. I,364~' 171 57! 99:1- 84;} 212! 410! 2321 88! 161! Grenville ... ... 138 ... 6 6 17 55 12~ I5! 7 19 Hampden ... ... ,57! ... 6~ I 8 9~ 19 10 .,. 3l Heytesbury ... 77 ... ... .. . ... 3 15 12 1 46 Morni ngton ... 151! ... 3 It 2!! 14t 37i 32 15 46! Normanby ... 111. 31. • 3~ 41 II! 20! 29! 16! 7! 13! Polwarth .•• ... 68t ... ... . .. 19 II 18! 5 ... 14~ Ripon ... ... 130~ ... 6 .., 8 37! 24! 35 2! 17 Talbot '" ... 387! 1 7i 16 16£ 102 140t 67! 21 15 Villiers ... .. - 597 6t Il! 8! 34 56! 187! 153! lOl 38

" --Gipps Land ... 133~ . .. 21 it 4i 21 35 ]011- 4! ~<)l

'-"2 The Loddon ... 329! t 9! 27! 221 64! 130 57 6 llt 1l' Rodney ... '" 65k ... 1~ ... . .. 2 13 6 . .. 43 The Murray ... 1,472! 3 5! 13! 75 2811 6911 218! 107 76k The Wimmera ... 35! ... 2 2 5 4 12t 2 .., 8l ------ ,---- ---

Total ... ... 6,547 421 196 228! 373t 1,050£ 2,133 I,I85i 4621 874! -------. ------

Per centage ... 100'0 0'7 3-0 3'5 5'7 16-0 32-6 18'1 7'1 13'3


TABLE XVIII.-Showing the Extent placed under Green Crops of Holdings of different sizes in each County and Pastoral District during the Year ending 31st March, 1861.



AND Toml. than :5 acres 15 acres 30 acres 50 acres 100 acres 200 acres 350 IU>res acre amI and and nnd and nnd and 500 acres

DISTRICTS, nnd under under under under under nnder uuder and under 15 ncres. 30 "cres, 50 ncres. 100 IIcres. 200 acres, 350 ftCtOS, bOO ncres, upwards,

5 acres_ !---- --- ----1-" ---- ---- ---, ---

Anglesey ... ... 208! Ii 11 3' 19 14~ 47! 27t ..- 84 ,. Bourke ... ' .. 11,849 186 1,094i 1,115 9681 1,870 2,427 2,140i 794 1,254 Dalhousie .•. ... 4,187 I 13 96! 175~ 194! 743! 1,559 '98i 374 Dundas ... ., . 22~! 4~ n 19i 18i 88 11 6 63~ Evelyn .. , ... 1,245 16i 34~ 42i 30t 266! 416t 221 143! }'ollett .. " ... 12 ... 7 1 i . .. ... 2~ ." 1 Grant ... ... 5,908 911 215~· 343~ 470 1,339! 1,734 901~ 21O! 602l} Grenville ... ... 2,044 I4!1: 31 29t 225l 466 670 349 53 205! Hampden ... ... 356! 3~ 19 341 33 87! 86! 39! 6 46£ Heytesbury ... 358~ 2 20 19 19 35 138 61! 16! 47Jt Mornington ... 1,706? 10 30 39! 49 194 243 136;} 503;t 50O!/; Norrnanby ... ~ 800~ 27 40! 38 42:!· 119 149 100! 26 258! Polwarth ... ... 306 10 ",17 121- 6t 80l 771 56 7; 38! Ripon ... .. ' ~~1,943:l: 4 91. 11 97; 304 672~ 616, 68 161 • Talbot ... ... 6,G66!t 12~ 79~ ISS! " 299! 1,646:l; 2,211! 1,109 419 700t Villiers ... . .. 2,983;'} 68~ 319i 222; 179 421 839! 478~ 222 232!

--.Gipps Land ... 69G! 9! 57;} 35:1: 49 101 21 9k 83 15 126i The Loddon .. , 3,606t 9;} 65t 133! 342! 633!! 1,204! 747;} IIi! 352! Rodney ... ... 153i .. . 10 4 7 6; 23 8 32! 63 The Murray ... 2,213 6; 211 6i 115 547! 647! 402 238 228~ The Wimmera ... 87t I 6 7 171 14 311 2 1 7! .-- --------

TotaL, ... 47,556t 4911 2,192i 2,481 3, I 83:l; S,976! 13,409 8,286:l; 3,042t 5,493! ---I- -'-- . --------

Per centagc ... 100'0 1'0 4'6 I 5'2 I

6'7 18'9 28'2 17'4 6'4 U'6


STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (32)



TABLE XlX.-Showing the Extent placed unde!! Hay of Holdings of different sizes in each County and Pastoral District during the Year ending 31st March, 1861.



AND Total. More thun 56Cras Ifj 6Cras I ao acres . 50 acres 100 acres 200 acres ·350 acres 1 acre and and and and and aud and 500 acres

DISTRICTS. and under under nnder under under nnder under and under 15 neres. 30 acres. 50 acres 100 acres. 200 acres. 350 acres. 500 acres. upwards.

5 ncres. --- ---- --- - --------- ----

.Anglesey ... .'. 405 ... 2 4 23 46 113 ::l5! , .. lSI! Bourke ... . .. 25,841t 2001 1,067! 1,662 1,414 3,929! 6,0681 4,670~ 2,176! 4,652 Dalhousie ... ... 6,5S9! 2 94 236! 585 1,404! 2,O70l 757! 46S! 965! Dundas ... . .. 613! 11 22-.!; 13k 24 48 42! 61 6 385 Evelyn ... , .. S43! 15! 13 12! lIt 124t 259~ 133! 35l 16Sf Follett .. , ... 78 ... 2 15 27 .. , ... 8 .. . 26 Grant ... . .. 11,8851 35i 382! 570t 990! 2,4S1 2,988 2,6011 773 1,063 Grenville ... - 3,465 5 55! 168! 476 858 627! 517 164 593& ... Hampden ... ... 581 51 . 6 22~ 43 86 61 80 ... 277 Heytesbury '" 124 .. , , .. 4 ... ... 7l 17 ... 32 Mornington ... 891! 3 4! 26! I,} 60! U8! 99! 153! 4231 Normanby ... 1,232! 191 64! 81,\ 59! 198~ 135~ 224t 55! 393! Polwarth ... ... 314! 3 9 15 30 51 50 55t 14 87 Ripon , .. ... 4,530 1 12 100 359 1,147 1,098 690 245 878 Talbot ... ' .. 9,203! 26 286 619i 790~ 2,01lt 2,251! 1,351 . 766 1,101 Villiers ... ... 2,102! 4 30k 41t 84 287;1- 46(; 514 315~ 359!

--Gipps Land .. ' 524 4 19 22 43 41~ 45~ 116 II 222 The Loddon ... 14,574! 42 314! 813! 1,885! 3,6S3! 3,449t 1,817 673! 1,895! Rodney ,., 1,220 ... 12! 21 50 48~ 146 279 53 610 The Murray ... 4,524 2l 77t 134i 279~ 911! 1,30n! 658 376 778t TheWimmera ... 1,377 12 774 32 138~ 145 178 48 29 717

--- --------------- ;------Total. •• ... 90,920~ 392 2,552~ 4,615! 7,314! • li,633! 21,552! 14,734~ 6,315~ 15,810 --------1--Per centage ... 100'0 0'4 2'8 S'I 8'0 19'4 23'7 16'2 7'0 17'4


TABLE XX.-Showing the Extent placed under Green Forage, Gardens, &c., of Holdings of different sizes in each County and Pastoral District during t~le Year ending 31st Ma:rch, ]861.




.An B D D E F

glese:; .. , ourke .. , alhousie ... undas ... velyn ... ollett ...

Grant ... Grenville ... Hampden ... Heytesbury Mornington Normanby Polwarth ... Ripon ' .. Talbot ... Villiers ...

--Gipps Land The Loddon 1I.odney ... The Murray TheWimmera


Per eentage

", ... ... ... ... . .. ... .. , ... .. ' ... ... '" ... ... ... ... ... .. , ... ... ... ...

Tot!\!. More tban 1 ncru

and under ;; acres.

2' . .. 471

22A ~ 102i/: 9

539 IS! 11~ 2

3,732! 92 391 2i 971 2t-83~ ...

813 14k 640t 35 238£ 8! 285 2

1,ISI! 53! 4,349t 29!

1,960~ 81. • 1,086 13k 50t ...

1,014 12~ 103! 6

--- ---26,i67t 862i ------

'100'0 3'2


I 5 Ilcres 15 acres : 30 acres 50 acres 100 ncres 200 acres 350 acres

and nnd and and and Ilnd and 500 aCres under uuder under uuder under under under - and

15 acres. 30 acres. 50 ncres. 100 acres. 200 acrc3. 350 ncrcs. 500 acres, upwarus.

----------- -- .--- ---. ... 25 4~ Ii 11 ... 180 'I 1,340i} 779! 870i 757! 1,258~· 962! 998~ 1,793!

20i 20 29! 82! 164 63! 188! 88! 4 5-1 3 2~ 9~ III 2 56!

16! 26 1O~ 81l 97~ 53 16 222£ 1 ... 1~ , .. . .. Ii ... 5!

348 347!} 3S8! 606! 539! 60O! 136! 6i3t-25l 36;} 9 27~ 1141; 48!

I 12 1I5

4 3t 3~ lOt 12A 8~ '1~ 511 2 1 ... .. . 4 3~ 21 70:1-

27 26:1- 9 52! 87 55


120 422 21 31 20~ 391 22~ 23i (;k 440i 2 ~ 2!i 4£ N 4 • 208 .\ .-6~ 5 13 3S 68 68 7 77!

66! 54! 85! 330! 235~ 96k 281 179t "75 63 136~ 191~ 982l 1,610i 770 490!


56 47~ ill! 233! 588 254! 77 644! 128! 139! 130k 196! 170;,\ 75! 41! 129£

1 4 10 I 8 8! 31 141 2

17! 13 S2~ 8St 311 223! 19r i 249'1; 61 3 16t 10~ 24~ 4 ' . 32"

-"-'-I--~ --------- -2,170~ 1,606i 1,899! 2,756l 4,706~ 4,187 2,432~..! 6,146~ ---------

9'1. I 23'0 S'I 6'0 7'1 10'3 17'6 15·6

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (33)



TABLE XXI.-Showing the Gross Produce of Wheat grow'ri on Holdings of different sizes in each County and Pastoral District during the Year ending 31st March, 1861.



15 ncrcs I 30 acre. ! 50 acres AND Total. More 5 acres 100 acres 200 acres 350 acres than and and and and and and and 500 acres

DISTRICTS. 1 acro under under under under under under under and and under t5 acres, 30 acres. 50 acres. 100 aere •. 200 acres. 350 acres. 500 acres. upwards.

5 acres.

---- ------bushels. bushels. bushels. bushel •• bushels. busbels. bushels. bushels. bushels. bushels.

Anglesey ... ... 8,235 ... 136 440 668 2,250 2,539 412 . .. 1,790 Bourke ... ... 491,880i 1,134 5,4331 8,065! 16,074 61,532 125,040i 128,7!t7 51,633 94,181 Dalhousie ... .. , 266,066 407 2,002 6,782 9,827 40,620 95,634 58,062 23,165 29,567 Dundas ... ... 24,851 209 1,892 1,550 2,530 8,200 4,720 1,360 1,600 2,790 Evelyn ... ... 35,501 154 442 650 581 8,555 10,320 4,958 2,630 7,211 Follett ... ... 540 ... . .. ... ... ... 60 .. . 480 Grant ... . .. 504,374t 1,346! 8.0021- 13,565 28,661 106,228 153,046! 97',967 35,018 60,540 Grenville ..• ... 81,059 400 1,634 3,129 7,014 18,048 18,850 15,082 2,700 14,202 Hampden ... .. , 42,181 100 1,661 2,613 6,054 12,658 13,110 2,780 I 665 2,540 Heytesbury ... 64,186 70 1,210 1,700 1,532 6,859 18,255 13,245

I 3,150 I 18,165 Mornington ... 44,247 60 707 1,135 8i8 4,2i2 9,284 7,974 5,208 14,789 Normanby ... 87,532~ 1,142 3,774~ 4,339 6,899 19,833 27,988 10,878

I 4,510 8,169

Pol warth ... ... 58,971 95 1,178 1,677 1,710 19,067 20,094 10,408 1,382 3,360 Ripon ... ... 208,665 .. . 220 663 9,970 49,708 65,057 57,157 10,500 15,390 Talbot ... ... 680,619 317 3,044 14,944 35,651 158,426 224,569 150,560

I 34,938 58,170

Villiers ... ... 529,300 1,668 16,070 20,198 26,938 75,476 173,304 126,313 50,006 39,327

-- I Gipps Land ... 42,907~ 100 2,370 2,731 3,381 4,120 10,598 7,7l3!: 4,128 7,i66 The Loddon ... 99,390 32 668 2,754 5,808 20,447 26,744 24,319 4,057 14,561 Rodney ... ... 12,301 ... ... .. . 540 , 1,160 2,740 1,720 1,020 5,121 The Murray ... 175,359 16O 945 1,746 7,


38,314 65,758 I 29,182 7,759 23,958 The Wimrnera ... 1,748 ... 120 140 : 360 315 400 i 320 93 ...

---------- 88,821~117~,613 I 656,028 1,068,050! 749,257~! 244,069 ---

Total. .. ... 3,459,9131


7,394! 51,509~ 422,170 -------

-2-'-6-1-;;-I-m Per centage ... 100'0 0'2 1'5 30'8 21'7 7'0 12'2


TABLE XXII.-Showing the Gross Produce of Oats grown on Holdings of different sizes in each County and Past{)raJ District during the Year ending 31st March, 1861.



1I10re I ;; acres 1 15 acres I A:SD Total. 30 ucrcs 50 acres 100 acres 200 acres 350 acres than and and I and and and and and 500 acres

DISTRICTS. 1 aere I under under under under under under under and and under 15 aeres, 30 acre. 50 acres. 100 aeres. 200 acres. 350 acres. 500 acres. upwards. 5 acres. ---,-------- ---- ---- ----:------------

bmbels. bushels. bushels. bushels. bust.els. bushels. bushels. bushels. bushels. bushels. Anglesey ... ... 6,944 .., 479 954 1,210 1,921 470 495 ... 1,415 Bourke '" ... 381,336 323 4,427 8,621 12,901 55,018 99,785 94,996 31,092 74,17:l Dalhousie ... ... 589,727~ 172 4,557 17,306 27,018 106,377 176,097 151,578~ 47,325 59,297 Dundas ... . .. 6,540 44 529 402 535 1,770 1,380 230 420 1,230 Evelyn .. , ... 23,121 100 452 284 i 514 4,629 7,702! 3,371 1,786 4,282l Follett ... ... 1,107 .. . . .. ... 697 ... .. . 60 ... 350 Grant ... .. , 267,391 1,043 5,850 8,454 21,661 57,064 80,445 59,845 9,947 23,082 Grenville ... ... 100,797 165 1,436 4,673 9,499 26,971 23,731 14,230 4,500 15,592 Hampden ... ... 20,877 40 230 462 1,747 6,270 7,306 3,500 80 1,242 Heytesb\1ry ... 5.815 ... ... 30 170 250 3,225 995 490 655 Mornington ... 25,706 ... 324 285 563 1,302 6,022 3,746 1,449 12,015 Normanby ... 20,714 298 1,869 614 1,340 3,825 5,985 1,888 1,290 3,605 Polwarth '" ... 18,063 . .. 225 190 710 5,130 5,716 2,957 ... 3,135 Ripon ... ... 229,415 ... 415 220 16,577 62,637 70,533 49,320 7,850 21,863 Talbot ... '" 656,483~ 261 4,878 15,902 48,042 192,016~ 215,952 117,838 16,745 44,849 Villiers ... ... 61,414 255 1,776 1,615 2,882 10,227 19,520 13,068 4,019 8,052 --Gipps Land ... 21,333 91 1,155 1,208 1,799 3,187 5,164 3,406 1,915 3,408 The Loddon ... 89,91I& 565 1:.~88 I 4,566 9,609 20,285 22.776 13,056 4,586~ 12,880 Rodney ... .. , 8,452 25 ... 1,530 510 1;690 1,000 1,140 2,557 The Murray ... 93,758 38 223 1,255 4,033 13,543 33,332

I 18,332 10,400 12,602

The. Wimmera 4,787 40 500 1,365 1,187 I

430 1,265 ... ... I ... '" --- ---'--- ----;---- ---'---'--- --- ---Total... ... 2,633,692i 3,420 30,453 67,541 I 164',402 574,1l9~ 787,261~ 553,9111 145,034~ 307,549&

----- ------ ---;:;:-1---;;;-I-~- ------ ------Per centage .. , 100'0 0'1 1'2 21'8 29'9 21'0 5'5 U'6

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (34)


TABLE XXIII.-Showing the Number of Holdings of Alienated Land unconnected with Runs, classified according to Size, and the Area held, cultivated and placed under different Crops by each Class: also, the Proportions held and cultivated by each Class as compared with the respective Totals of Holdingr> and of Cultivation,

. and the Proportions of every Thousand Acres in Cultivation placed under the various Crops.




Nntnber of Extent of Area untler II Area under Area under I Aren under Area under other Crops.

I Proportion of Proportion of I,and cultl· ----,---li-;--T---l Land held by vatcd by each I each Class as Class ns com-

compared pared with .


Holders. Holdings. Cultivation •. Cereal Crops. Green Crops. I Hay.

I I with the Area tile Total cuI- \ All Crops.

occupied by tlVllted by all all Classes. Classes.

Cereal Crops.

Green Crops. 'Hay.

btller Crops.

. . i llCrcs In tt. acres IIi a nctes in n acres in a ---.-1--1----1----1--'--1-' -"--Holdlngs-exceed1ng acres. acres. ncres. acres. I IlCres. ~ 1 acres. acres per cent"acres per cent. acres. thousand. thousand. I thousand. thousand.

I and under 5 acres 1,042 3,007~, 2,301t 555:} 491!- 392 I 862! 0'2 0'6_ 1,000 _ . 241 214 I 170 I 375 of 5 15 1,900 16,38S! I 10,9401 4,025!- 2,192! I 2,552!l-1 2,170! 1'0 2'7 1,000 363 I 200 I .234 I I 198 of 15 " 30" 1,402 29,232!', 15,876t 7,173~ 2,481 4,615~ 1,606~ 1'6 I 4'0 1,000 452 I .156 291 101 of 30 50 1,368 54,273!' 26,4441 14,067~ 3,ISOt 7,304! 1,892:} 3'0 I 6'6 1,000 532 I 120 276 72 of 50 ]00 2,572 ]87,78.6! I 79,236i 49,879! 8,9731 ] 7,627~ I 2,7551 10'3 i 19'7 ],000 630 ] 13 222 35 ofl00 200 2,503 349,451i I J]5,455~ 75,951& ]3,368:!- .~1,482!' 4,653 19'0 28'8 1,000 658 U6 I tS6 40 of 200 350 1,285 328,890:!- 79,403! 52,9]n 8,154! 14,281 I 4,048! IS'O 19'8 1,000 666 103 ]80 51 of 350 " 500 " 369 IS3,lIOt 28,5131 16,858! - 3,010:1- 6,248 I 2,396~ 84 7'1 1,000 592 105 219 8_

o of 500 acres and upwards I __ ~ .:... 704,545!-I 43,064_. 25,967:} 4,224~ 1_ 9,23Ii l~~ __ ~ ~~.~~ ~O':"'" __ 9~1-=-1~ __ 8~ Total . 13,047. 1,826,6S5! I 40],235! 247,3971 46,0761 I 83,735!- 24,026 I 100'0 100'0 I 1,000 616 115 I 209 60


TABLE XXIV.-Showing the Relative Proportion of Lalld held, cultivated and placed under different Crops by Freeholders, Leaseholders, and Station Holders respectively. .



Tenur {Freehold } Unconnected . e Leasehold Runs

Held in connection with Runs


I ProporUon I Proportlon of P.aopoaTlONS PLACED UNDRr.-

Number of I I Mid by each each Deserip· Holders. Description of tion of Hold-

Extent of Area ulluer Area under Area under Arca under Area under Holders as ingscultivated II Holdings. Cultivation. Cereal Crops. Green Crops. Hay. other Crops. compared as compn:rcd All C Cereal Green H Otlter

with the Total with their rops. Crops. Crops. ay. Crops.

I . ofallHoldlngs. Area.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --------. . I . Acres in n acres in n acres ill a acres in a ! I acres:. acres. ncres. acres. acre<:'. acres. acres percent. acres per cent. thousand. thousand. thousand. thousand. I 9,818 '],331,4401 278,760 168,274 32,234 61,418 16,834 37'8 20'9 1,000 604 116 220 60

I 3,229'1 495,245 122,475! 79,123~ 13,842i 22,317t 7,192 14'1 24'6 .],000 646 113 182 59

606 . 1,690,347~ ]8,144! 6,738! 1,4791 7,]85i 2,741;' 48'] 1'1 1,000 372 81 396 '151

~"I' 13,6;-1 3,SI7,OS3i 419,38Qi ~~I 47,556! 90,920~ 26,767! ;;0:0- 1l'1} 1,000 605. 114 217 64


_.' •. He no,. ".00 n<1ooooil'onn whlr.h form a noriion of the nol<llllgll of Frecholllcl'$ being worked In cOlllleetlon with the freehold IlIlId.

..... O'l

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (35)



TABLE JL~V.-Showing in Classified Arrangemellt the Number of Holders, Extent and Cultivation of Holdings of Alienated Land in each County and District, distinguishing the Freehold from the Leasehold Land unconnected with Runs, and exhibiting the Quantity of Purchased Land held in connection, with Runs.


HOLDINGS Extent Arcn. under 1

Area I ,I Are. Area Area PaoDucE. Area under Area under unoer under

IN STATUTE ACRES. ::,~::rl of Cul- Cereals. Whent. under Grecn under other HolderS'

j HoldIngs. tivation. Oats, j Crops. Ray. Crops. Wbeat. Oats.

------ --- ---- --- ----'---1---- ------- --------Holdings-exceeding ..

acres. acres. acres. acres. acrcs. acres. acres. acres, acres. bushels. bushel •• I and under 5 acres ~:~~~

3,OO7t 2,301t 555! 37911 133 42~ 491! 392 862i 7,394~ 3,420 of 5

" 15

" ... 16,388~ IO,940! 4,025;1; 2,548A 1,280! 196 2, 1921 2,552:l: 2,170~ 51,509~ 30,458

of IS "

30 "

... !:;~~

29,232! 15,876~ 7,173:\: 4,3Glt 2,584 228! 2,481 I 4,615A 1,606~ 88,82H 67.541 of 30

" 50 " '" 54,313i 26,474! 14,07i~ 8,1i3;\- 5,531 373;\- 3,183!1 7,314! I,899! li2,613 164,402

of 50 "

100 " '" ~:~;? 187,876! 79,264 49,897! 30,663~ 18,183 1,0501 8,97611-1 17,G3M 2,756~ 656,0213 574,ll9l

ofloo "

200 " .. " 352,136!l 1l5,729f 76,061i 48,6751 25,25:3;\-12,133 13,409 21,552t 4,706~ 1,068,050t 787,261l of200

" 350 "

.. l,~~? 345,344~ 80,7411 53,534 34,655 17,693! 1,185!18,286t 14,734~ 4,187 749,257~ 553,911l of350 500 ... 156,6731 28,749~ 16,959!\1I,547t 4,949t 4621 3,042; 6,315! 2,432~ 244,069 145,034~ of 500 acr~s and upw'~rds

i 2,372,060 59,3U2; 31,852* 20,247j} 1O,729i; 8U! 5,4931 15,810 6,146t 422,170 307,549l

13.653\ 419,380i!;;~,136-1161'25Ii 86,337116,547 147,556~i 90,920i ~---

Total ... . .. 3,517,033~ 26,767; 3,459,913£ 2,633,692; 1 I


, Holdings-exceeding ncres. acres. acres. acres. acres., acres. acres, acres. acrc..q. busbels. busbels.

I and under 5 acres 857 '2,3161- I,S87t 451! 307 I17! 27:1- 3911 333i 71O~ 5,916~ 3,oIS of 5 "

15 "

... 1,499 ' 12,398! 8,643 2,938~ 1,755~ 1,018~: 164~ 1,725 2,158 I,!!:.!!; 35,206 24,856 of 15

" 30

" ... 1,088 321,604 12,197 5,261i 2,980! 2,091f 188£ 1,852 3,823:1- 1,260~ 58,015~ 54,S04

of 30 "

50 " ... 1,020 • 37,474~ 19,074 t 9,SS2~ 5,645~ 4,037 200 2,145~ 5,572! 1,474 115,936 121,356 of 50 "

100 " ... 1,919 5 128,765~ 5G,~S7! 34,40i~ 20,624~ 13,006 777 6,535i 13,657il: 1,956! 437, lIS 404,34 I l

of 100 200 ... 1,790 6228,H70 78,817 49,8ll 30,783!f 17,372~ 1,6541 9,669! 15,871! 3,4651 667,876! 531,002 " " of 200 "

350,,, ... 917 7214,102 50,744 33,964j} 21,534 1l,635t 795~ 5,243 9,743! 1,793 474,328 359,998, 278 SI00,031! 19,964t 12,058 7,991! 3,SOlt 265i- 1.926~ 4,400:1-1 I,579it 170,755 110,845 500 ... of350

" " of 500 acres and upwards 450. 9468,892 30,8741 19,498! 12,893:1- 6,147!: 457!12,745!1 5,858:1;! 2,77211 271,553 I 78,694?!

Total ... ... 9'8181~2-14'5551278.;;-~m Wi,5_16tf59,227i'1 ~,530! 32,23~i 61.4IS-116,834-j2,236,704f1l,788:015t


Holdings-exceeding I and under ') acres

of 5 15 of 15 30 " of 30 50 " of 50 " 100" of 100 200 of200 350 " of350 " 500" of 500 acres and upwards


Holdings-exceeding I and under 5 acres

of 5 " 15

" ...

of 15 "

30 " ... of 30 "

50 " ".

of 50 "

100 "

... of 100 " 200

" ...

185 401 314 348 663 703 368

95 152



. " ... 1 1


acrE:S. acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. acrcs. 657! 413q I03~ 721 lSi 15! 100

3,5331 2,2971 1,0861 793 262! 31! 467~ 6,570~ 3,679~ 1,91201: 492! 39~ 629

14,150 i,370! 4,1841 1,490 liS! 1,0341 49,914~ 2,ll679 15,411~ 5,167 2731 2,438! 98,34501: 36,638~ 26, 140~ 7 ,844~ 461 ~ 3,699 94,I50! 28,659i 18,955 5,843 358~ 2,91I ~ 39,096 S,611 4,830~ 1,129~ 184!' 1,084~

__ I8_8_,~2_7_:l-___ 12_,_12_6_! _6_,4_3_9_1 _____

1 __ 2_,2_0_8_!1 130:1-11'478

495,24.'; 122,475it 79,123£ 24,452~ 1,668 13,842i1


acres. acres, acres. acres. acres. acres. acrcs. ... ... ... ". ... .., .-. ... -.. ... " . . .. ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

40 30 10 6 4 ... 3 90 I 27~ 18 8 10 ... 3

2,685 274 llOt 57~ 36 16i 40!


acres. !

58t 394~ 792t

I,732~ 3,969! 5,611! 4,537! 1,8731 3,347

acres. ... ... " .



15 11 349 346 41St 799:t

I,I8H 2,255!

822! 862Ji

acres. .. . ... '"

7 .It 4

53! I~ i

of200 "

350 "

... 55 16,454~1 1,338! 614t 36n 215 31! 131Ji 453~ 1381 3,56S! I 236! 67!1 36 of350

" 500

" ". 11 100ii 57t 30~ 13 32 of 500 acres and upwards 521 I ,667,5 14li 16,238t 5,8851 3,236 2,361i 287; 1,269} 6,578!: 2,505t

II 1,690,347i[l8,144~ --- ---- ---- -~;5ti 2,7~ii Total ... . .. 606 6,738t 3,732! 2,657i 34S£ 1,4i9i


• In connection wIth this freehold lnnd 33£ ncrcs nrc held Luder lens!!, making the total of holdlngs of this class 2.3.1)0 acres :! In connectioll v.1th this freehold land 556 acres are held llnder l(.Illsc. making the total of holdings of this class 12.054£ acres. ;) In connectlon with tltiS freeholct laud 1 !O~8 acres are held under lease, making the total of holdings of this ciusEl 22,662 ncres. "' In connectIon with this freehold land 2,G49i' !tcres ure held under lease, making the total of holdings of this class 401123i acres. ,;; In connection with this freehold land 9,106 aeres orelwld uuder lenso, mnldllg the total of holdings ofth18 class 137,871t acres.


t) In connection with this freehold land 22,136i acres are held under lease, making the totnl of holdings of tIJi!) class i51,IOftA acres. 7 rn connectlon wIth this freehold land 191997~ ncres ure held under lease, nmk!ng the total of ho!diugs of this class 234,1199;1 acres. S In connection with this freehold land 14,522i acres are lleld under lease, maltit:g the totul of holdings of this class 1 14.i541 acres. )) In connection with tilis freehold land 4o)S2i) acres nfe held under lease, Inaklng lIle total of holdings of this closs 515,71S acres.

bushels. 1,478

16,303! 30,806 56,477

218,750 399,018 269,916

72,684 80,908

busbels. .. . ". ... 200 160

1,156 4,601~ 1,522



busMl •• 402

5,597 12,737. 42,926

169,478 255,561i 189,328 33,759 63,444


bushels. . .. . .. '"

120 300 698

4,585 780!



10 '.rhe total quantity of leasehold luud returned as beld ill connection with freeholds (exclusive of statiolls) amounts to 116,88.1 aeres, malting tlte total of these freeholders' holdings I ,331 ,HOi/ neres,

It Of these 1,690,347~ acres 140,878 acres arc beld uuderlea,.,


STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (36)




,HOI,DIXGS Extent Area Area Area Area Area PRODUCE.

Il'l' STATUTE ACRES. of under under under under under Holdings. Outs. other Green Hay. other

' ___ I Ccr(~als, Crops. Crops. Wheat. ----- --- ------

Holdings-exceeding acres. acres. ucres. acres. acres. acres. acres. ncres. aereg. bushels. bushels. 1 and under 5 acres 3 7 4! Ii 2! of 5 15 9 75! 60 36! 11 25! II 2 t 136 479 of 15 30 ,. 4 79 64& 57! 24 32 Ii 31 4 '440 954 of 30 50 6 242 148 81 41 39 1 19 23 25 668 1,210 .'l! of 50 :' 100 ... 12 830~ 256~ 191~ 97* 91i '>1 14~ 46 4~ 2,250 1,921 of 100 200


" '; 1,005 287! 125 103 22 47! 113 It 2,539 470 of 200 350 8 2,398 I29t 56 25 23 8 27t 35~ 11 412 495 of 350 500 of 500 acr~~ and upw~rds ::: ....

1,415 24 30,137 585~ 140 63 66 U! 84 1811 180 1,790 --- --- ------------ ----- --- --- ----,----Total 73 34,773£ 1,526 687! . 364t 298! 225! 8,235 6,944


. Holdings-exceeding acres, acres. acres. ncres. acres. uCW!. Mns. ncres. acreg, bushels. bushels. 1 and under 5 acres 2 5 4 It 2~

4 , of 5 15 5 41t 25 18i 6A 12 4 2 ~ 68 227 of 15 80 3 59 44~ 39:1- 14 24 It It 4 240 714 of 30 50

" 5 193 126 61 41 19 I 19 21 25 668 510 of 50 100 10 670~. 182! 12H .59! 68! 11! 40 31 1,390 1,296 of 100 200 4 '486 265! 113 100 " 13 44 108 I 2,500 330 of200

" 350

" I 278 9 •• ,.! 5 4 '" of350 "

500 " of 1)00 acres and upwards .•• __ I_i_9~ 122 30', .. , ,20 110 17 15 , 60 400 ------_. -I--Total 31 I 2,632~ 779 389! 220i! 166t 12k 103 190 96i 4,866 3,477



Holdings-exceeding acres .. acreS. acres. acrcs. acres. ' acre>. \ !1cre~. acres, acres. bushels. busheL!. 1 and under fi acres I 2 ~ ... ... ... . .. ... 2 .. , ... ... 11 ...

of 5 " 15 " ... 4 34 25 18 4! 13i ... 7 ... ... 68 252 of 15 " 30

" ... 1 20 20 18 10 8 '" 2 ... . .. 200 240 of 30

" ,50

" ... , I 49 22 20 ... 20 ... '" 2 ... ... 700 of 50

" 100

" ... 1 70 46 46 30 13~ 2ft '" ... ... 700 325 of 100 '

" 200 " ... I 149 ! ... ... ... ... ! ... . .. ... . ..

of 200 " 350 . , ... 1 200 20 8 ... ... 8 ... 12 ... ... .. .

of350 "

500 " ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. . ... .. . ... ... '"

of 500 acres and upwards ... 1 8,000 6 2 ... 2 ... I '" 3 ... 40 - ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ ---Total ... ... .11 8,524 UO! 112 44l 57 IO~ lIi 14 3 968 1,557



. I I

Holdings-exceeding ncres, acres, nc~es. acres. acres. flcres. acres. acres. acres. bushels. bushels. I arid under 5 acres ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ...

of 5 " 15

" ... ... ... ... ... '" ... ... '" ... ... ... ...

of 15 "

30 " ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... '" .. . ... ... ...

of 30 "

50 " ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... . ..

of 50 100 ... I 90 27i 18 8 10 ..... 3 6 ! 160 300 " " ,of.lOO 200 ... ,' 2, 320 IOU 20t ~ 12 3 9 2! 5 1 39 140 ...... -n'C" " ... 4 48 .. 2'5 ' -23'

_." 23l 7 412 495 of200 "

350 " ... 6 1,920 laO! ... 22!

of 350 " 5.00 " ... 2'2 121,;'37 . 457!, i'o8 ~" ... "'2 S'6 ... ... ... ...

of 500 acres and upwards ... 63 ,43 166!, 117 I .1,790 975

-:- 23,5:-1-606! -1:-

-------------- ----Total ... ... 99 ,85 '. 2 94 I , 201 125'!' 2,401 ,1,910

:, " '.

j I

- .. I In connectlon witb tIlls freehold lund 50 acre. are beld under lease, multi':!! the total of holdmgs of tbls class :;36 acr~. ,

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (37)






H oldings-exceedin g I and under 5 acres ...

of 5 15 " of 15 30 " of 30 " 50" of 50 100 " oflOO 200 ., of200 " 350" of350 " 500" of500 acres and upwards


Holdings-exceeding 1 and under 5 acres •••

of !i 15 " of 15 30 " of 30' '50 " of 50 100 " <.)flOO 200 " 01'200 350 of350 " 500" of500 acres and upwards


HolUings-exceeding 1 and under 5 acres ...

of 5 15 of 15 " 30" of 30 " 50" of 50 100 " ofl00 ,. 200 of200 " 350" of350 " 500,,· of500 acres and upwards


Holdings- exeeeding I and under 5 aeres ...

of 5 " 15 of 15 30 ,. of 30 50 " of 50 " 100" oflOO " 200 of 200 350 " of 350 .. ,n" 500" of 500 acres and upwards


Of Ho!der.s~

Extcnt of


Area under Cul-


Area under



Area under


Area under Oats.

Area unuer other


Area. under Green Crops.

Area under Huy.


Wheat. Oats.

--- --u:=- acres. ~~- ----1--=.---- --=- -=-='-::s~ :::.-;:~ i:~~:!1 4,i~!t ~l~t aC:!~il 2~~i acr;~·~II,~~~i I,~~~t 1'~~~~li !:!~:~ 4,~;~ 441 9,116* 4,508 951!- 5334

' 376 i 41it! 1,115 1,662 779i, 8.065Z 8,621

291 12,701~1 4,718 1,464il: 908t: 509i' 46! 968f 1,414 870!! 16,074 12,901 498 39,57 Gil:. 12,134 5,57n 3,29141 2,159 127 1,870 3,9291 7~7il 61,532 55,018 519 71,493 119,895~ 10,141t 6,301 3,607! 232il: 2,427 6,06841 1,2D8ti 125,040! 99,785 355! 93,796 I' 18,451t 10,G7St 6,921 3'493~1 263~ 2,140;} 4'6!0~1 962!: 128,787 I 94,996 100' 41,315 8,121i 4,152t 2,892 1,180 80!- 794 2,L6i 99841 51,633 31,092 ~I 333,703*115,628 7,928* 5,014~ 2,692 221t 1,254 4,652 1,793t 94,181 74,173

3,575 1 609,467 i 88,575* 41,652ii 26,304i 14,256-1 1,092[11,849- 25,841tI9,23211491,88041 381,336

317 629 348 204 361 331 231

71 126


80 134 93 86

137 188 124 29 74





ncres. 1936k

25,142~ 36,862 ; 7,745~

"24,447 642,173 755,239 824,482


acres. acres. 95

3,886! 6,600 , 6,679i! 3,018:1 5,448!

acres. 72~

225i 332 5661

2,292 4, til! 4,252 2,153 3,564

acre:6 : 159! 319 254 !

acres. 6~

61! 34{ IS!

103t 176

acres. 148 940 879 5 14i

1,164! 1,658! 1,1031

482 1)25

acres. 164! 905!

1,381 952!

2,8761 3,866 2,869 1,414~ 1,838

acres. 392!

1,162! 600 756 557 S36! 504! 91O!


busbels. 978

3,391 4,996!

10,008 42,639 83, II 21 79,778 42,955 68,504

bushels. 213

3,242 7,093 5,951

38,363 60,723 61,254 23,141 44,959

----.---1-----1---- --i----I----

30(1,2401 58,779! 27,699 17,569l 7,5151 16,267! 7,297! 336,362 244,945



a~r2'ii! 195! 265~ 615!

1,691! 3,541 4 3,998! 1,134 2,442

acres. 12{

132 201! 335~ 9994

2,189! 2,669


acres. 6

564 57

251! 668

1,295 1,241!

376! 937

acres. 3 7 7

284 23i S6i/: 88 18! 74!

acres. 38

154! 236 451 705t 768!

1,036A 312 622

----1---1---- --- ---

4,889* 307 4,3231


acres. 36!

162! 281 45li

1,052! 2,2021 1,8011.


acres, 781


179! 107! 200! 321! 458 87!


bushels. 156

2,042~ 3,069 5,866

18,893 41,928 49,009

8,678 24,877

bushels. 110

1,185 1,528 6,830

16,655 39,062 33,742

7,945 28,714

154,518~ 135,771

acres, acres. acres. acres. acres. n.cres. acres. acrcs. acres. bushels. bushels.

40 30 10 6 4 3 10 7 200 120

1064,038 129l 38 20 14.4 73~ II 800 500

64,078 159~ 48 26 18 4 10 83! 18 1,000 620

I In conncolion wilh (his freehold land II t1Cres are held under lease, mallln~ the (o(al of (hIs class of holdings 947! acres. 2 III connection with (his freehold land 164i acres are held under lease, makIng the to(al of (his class of holdlngs.5,307 acres. 3 In connection with tbis freehold land a09~ acres are held under lease, making the total of this class of holding. 7,J71~ acres. 4 In eonneclion with (his freehold land 468 acres arc held under lease,. making (he total of (his class of. holdings B,213k acres. 5 I n connection with tbis freehold'Jand 1.~3!i1 acres are beld undcr lease, making the (0(01 of (hi. cltlSS of boldings 25,962£ acres. 6 In connection with (his freehOld land 3,392 acr"" are b,,:d under lease, making the total of tbis class of holdings 45,~65 acres. 7 In connection with (his freehold land 5.553, acres arc held under lease, makIng the total of this cl""" of holdings 60,792! acres • • In connection with this freehold In~d 4.719 ncres nrC held nuder lease, making tlte total of tills class of holdings 29,201 aere •. 9 In connection with tills freehold land·IS.B7I ncres are held under lease, makIng the total of this class of holdings 161,084i acres.

10 Of these 64,038 acres 17,059 IlCres are held under lcase.

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (38)






Numoor of


Area under


.t\rea. under


Area under


Area under Oats.


. Holdings-exceeding 1 and under 5 acres ...

of 5 15 of 15 30 of 30 50 " of 50 100 oflOO " 200 of200 350 " of350 " 500 " ofsoo acres and upwards


: Holdings-exceeding 1 and under 5 acres ...

of 5 " 15 of IS " 30" of 30 50,,? .• of 50 100 " oflOO 200 of200 350 of350 ,. soo" of 500 acres and upwards

under under Green Crops.

ncres. acres. ncres. acres. ncres. 31 69~ 32i 25!'7 13 85 495 284 113! 167 3! !J6i 99 1,351:'1- 1 920 351 565 4 175~ 94 ~',165;} 11,356 478 867~ 1O~ 194~

206 7,576~ 5,346! 2,088 3,226 32t i 743t 1,404~1 241 13,520!· . 9,72!~ 4,300~ 5,335~ 85t 11559 2,075it 120 8,406 6 786 J• 2,606i! I 4, 155~ 23i ' 798i 757 i 40 3,541~ 2:652 -l 1,067 1,568~ 16! 232, 468~

,:: I' OS,381 I ,:::::: I ,::::: I':::::l I':::::; -,: 4,::: 6,::::

29. B2!

164 63!

188i 88i



26 68 78 7i

164 185 95 35 29

acrcs. 180i

25iljf 31,663~ 43,038~ 10,948:1;

024,861:1: 721,351 s 12,280 923,911


69 393!}

1,!41A l,i99i 6,030:1: !l.9:!7!} 5.785~ :l,023!} 2,246

. acres. 26i

234!l 778

1,145~ 4,131'~ 6,88S;} 4,508i 2,242~ 1,576!

acres. 19lt

lO6,t 29S~ 418~

1,674 3,204 2,013i

791 826

ncl'C'S. 7

126 4i5! 71i

2,431 3,622! 2,4i2~~

'1,440 736


2t 4

10 :l6i 52! 22! Il~ 14:1:

acrCB. acres. 19 16 16;} 27 7T~

159! 60i

188;} 69!

bushels, 301

1,877 5,911 . 8,950

33,728 73,168 45,082 19,200 19,025

Oats .

bushels. 172

4,557 17,306 27,018

106,377 176,097 lSI,578! 47,325 59,297

bushcls. 172

3,415 15,003 22,683 75,608

121,159 85,035} 43,140 27,361

-----1---- ---- ---- ---- ---1---1--- ---Total 757 98,706 30,413~ 21,532~ 9,352 12,027;1- IS3! 635! 207,242 393,576! .


Holdings-exceeding acrcs. acres. acre.. I acres. acres. acrCS. acres, acres. acres. bushels. bushels. I and under 5 uer,cs ... 5 13 1O~ 5.\ 1 5! •.• ... I~·... 3t 106 ...

of 5 " 15" '" 17 150 101t 49! : 7t 41 I 28i 19 4;} 125 1,142 of 15 " :30,.... 21 384 2 lOt 142 I 52~ 89~ ... 35 30 3t 871 2,30se of 30 " 50"... 17 G27~ ::I65! 21O~ 1 59~ ISO} ~ 21 131~ 2;!- 877 4,335· of 50 " 100" ... 42 3,015 l,fj40~ 1,2141 II 414 795 5~ .100! 220~ 5! 6,892 30,769' 0000 " 200" ... 56 7,482:1: 3,592! 2,832;} 1,096~ 1,713t 23 325& 430 4:1; 22,466 54,938 of200 " 350 "... 25 6,213 2,620t 2,278 I 593 1,683:\ q 185~ 154 2! 12,980 66,M3 01'350 " 500"... 5 2,173 518 409~ 276 1284 5 39! 69 ... 3,96.'i 4,185 of500 acres und up\vards 7 5,123! 1,028~ iG9 238 526 5, 103 151 5! 4,688 17,960

Total ... • .. Ii~ --;;,181 9,987t 7,9ll1 .2,742! 5J:27! -~i840 I,;'M'~ 52,97; 182,175 i

Holdings - exceeding I and'under;) acres ...

of 5 " 15" ... of 15 " 30" ... of 30 " 50" ... of 50 " 100" '" ofIOO " 200" ...

acres. nCres. acres.


acrcs. fiCTCS. acres.. acres. acres, acreS. bushels. I bushels.

':i5 10 25;397 l,ii29 7'30 2'35·1 471 /1 24 II "S3 422i i'3~ 5,854 13:976 ... -U '~~7T~:;;;-17;- 235 471 __ 24 63 422~ 13~ 5,854 ~m,

of200 " 350." ••• of350 " 500" ... of 500 acres and up\vards


I In connection with this freehold In-nelS ncres are held under lense: making the totul of this class of holdings S5l ftcres~ :.l In conllection 1yith this freehold land 10 acres RfC held ulleler lease, maldng the total of this class of holdings 58 I! acres. :) In cOnlwction with thIs freehold land 13G acres arc held nncler lense, maIling tlie,totul 0(1.11i5 class ofholtHngs 1,"7903 acres • . ~ In connection ,yith this freehold land 414 Heres are held under lcasc t making tlle total o[t11is clues of holdings 3,452! aercs~ ,,) In connf:ctioll with this fi'echohllnnc !)GO.~ ncrcs nrc heW l~ml('r lense, making the total of 1his class of lloldings 11 ,50S! acrcs. o In connection with this frechold land 1,3841~ ncrcs are heltl under least, making the total of this clt1Ss of holdings 26.245! acres. 7 III connection ,,1th this freehold laml 2,882£ acrcs are held under Jensc, making the total of this class of holding'S 24,233;f acres. g In <ounection witll.thls freehold luml I ,9GO acres arc held under lease, makIng the total of this elass of holdings 14.240 ncres, 9 In connection with this freehold land 1,751 acres !ire held under Icase, making the tolal of this class of holdIngs 25,G62 acres.

10 Of tIlese 2.5,397 ncres 1,014 acres nrc held uuder lease.

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (39)






Holdings-exceeding I and under 5 acres".

of 5 " IS " ". of 15 " 30 " ". of 30 " 50 " ". of 50 " 100 " ". oflOO " 200 " ". of200 " 350 " ... of350 " 500 " ". of 500 acres and upwards

Holdings-exceeding 1 and under Ii acres".

of 5 " 15" ". of 15 " 30" ". of 30 " 50" ". of 50 .. 100 " ". of 100 " 200 " ". of200 " 350 .. ". of 350 " 500 " ". of 500 acres and upwards


Holdings-exceeding 1 and under 5 acres".

of 5 15 of 15 30 of 30 50 of 50 100 of 100 200 of200 350 of 350 .. 500 .. of 500 acres ~lld upwards


Holdings-exceeding I and under 5 acres ...

of 5 15 of 15 30 of 30 50 of 50 100 of 100 200 of 200 350 of 350 " 500 .. of 500 acres and upwards


Numbe r Extent of lIf

Holders, Holdings.

11 24 14 14 20 18 7 2


acres. 39

196;} '2in 545~

1,521" 2,361 2.011

820 81,967


- I tivation. Cereals. ·Wheat.

Arc'a under Oats.

Area under other


Area under Green Crops.

Area under Hay.

Arpa under other Crops.


Whent. Oa Is.

Are~:~I~dcrIAl'ca under ArC'a under

---- ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- ---- ----acres.

39 131! 1261 199 47.3~ 365 1~8~

79l 683!

acres. l-l~ 97~ 881

153! 335,} 302

70 65 178~

acres. 9~

79! 71~

125± 285 241~

62 52


acres. 4

17;} 16~ 242 48 53

8 10 53

3 7~

acres. 4} 7!

19± 18! 88 11

6 6~


acres. II 22! 13~ 24 48 42;} 61

6 385

acres. 9 4 5t 3 2~ 9!

II! 2


bushels. 209

1,892 1,550 2,530 8,200 4,720 1,360 1,600 2,790

IHlshcls. 44,

529 402 535

1,770. 1,380

230 420

1,230 --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- ---- ._--


149 189,741

11 24 13 13 18 17

5 2 6

acres. 39

1 1931 2 2111 3 4974

41,327 52,234

1,371 820


2,246 1,305 1,044 235 26 224i 613~ 102;} 124,851


ncres. 39

131± 1261 184 4031 365 105 i9~


acres. 14~ 97~ 881


3ll! 302

70 65 85

acres. 9;t


lI3! 265 241~

62 52 65

acrcs. 4 17~ 16! 23£ 44 53

8 JO 19

acres. 1 ~ :}

I} 2;} 7~

3 1

acres. 4! i!

19;j-18! 46 II

6 6~


acres. 11 22;j­J31 24 44 421 29

6 94

acrcs. 9 4 5! 3 2~ 9±

2 Ii

bushels. 209

1,892 1,550 2,330 7,450 4,720 1,360 1,600 2,100


bushels. 44

.529 402' 505

1,520 1,3~0

230 420 610

--- ---- ---- ----- ---- ------ --- --- ---- ----.- ----









24 41

187 100







1,631 I,Ii2~ 959 196 135l 286~ 36ii 23,211 5,640



15 70








15 24




12 20



acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. bushels.

1 4

2 42 4

200 750

"4 ... ". "5 ~1 __ i'20

9 2 42 9 1 1,070


30 250




acres. acres. ncres. acres. acres. acres. acres. bushels. bu~hels ••

32 Ilk

84i 48 30 6! 47~ 286 54~ 5iO 490 ---- ---- ----'.-- --- --- -----,------- -------

84~ 48 30 I

6~ 47~ 318 66 I

570 490 I

I In conncction with this frechold land;) acrcs arc held under lease, making the total of holdings of thi!:i clnss 19G;'1 nercs. In conncction with this frrcholtlland -14 acres arc held under lC:1se, making thc total of holdings of rl,is class 2;j~~ acres.

3 In connection with Ihis frccllQlcllawi i acres arc h~lll nnder ICtl!,;c, makillg the total of hohlin~s of this class ;J04k acre~. ]n eOllncetion WiLh tIll:'; freehold l[,IIU7 acres urc held ullder lcase, lIIal.:.:ing- the total of hoMing:; of this class 1,334 acrc;~. In connection with this frcchuld land 27 ttCl'CS arc beld uuder lense, making the total of holdings of this class 2,261 acres.


STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (40)





Number Extent Area Area Area. Area Arell Area Area Area PaODtJCE. IN STATUTE ACRES. under nnder under __

of of CulUVlI- under under under otber under , under

other' : Holders. Hold:ngs. tlon. Cerenls. Wheat. Oa(.<" Cereals. Green Hay. Crops. I Crops. Wbeat., Oats.

--- ---- --

=-=~ -==-'-bUshets. i-::::-Holdings-€xceeding acres. 1 acres. :l.Crcs~ acTCS. acres. I and under 5 am'es ... 30 77i 67 19! 12i 6i I6l1: 15t 15!' 154 100

of 5 "

15 " ... 32 255 135! 71:1- 45 26t . .. 34{i 13 . 16! 442 452

of 15 "

30 .. ... 22 430 150 69! 48~ 20i ... 42! In 26 650 284 of 30

" 50

" ... 15 546 148i 96i 61 34i 1 30! lIt 10k 581 514 of 50

" 100 to ... 51 3,436 1,364t 822! 537t 275:1- 10 266! 194! 8H 8,555 4,629

oflOO "

200 "

... 57 7,716 1,894 1,120i 661~ 428j!- 30! 416! 259~ n! 10,320 7,702! of200

" 350

" ... 34 8,624 1,091k 684 447 221 16 221 133~ 53 4,958 3,371 of350

" 500 " ... 13 5,418 396~. 271! 164! 105 Ii I~~t 35~ 16 2,630 1,786

of 500 acres and upwards 39 48,261 1,368~ 833! 569! 259k 4! IGBi 222! 7,211 4,282~ - -------- 1--:- ---- ._---

Total ... ... 293 74,763~' 6,616t 3,988! 2,547 1,3i8 63! 1,245 843& 539 35,501 23,121 ,


Holdings-exceeding 1 acres. acres. acres. Heres. nores. oores. nern'). acres. ncres. , bushels. bushels. 1 and under 5 acres ... 27 '64! • 60! 18i 1I! 6i ~ 15~ IIi 15

I 144 100 4

of 5 "

15 " ." 24 zl73 ll3t 56! 3:g 231· ... 30 HZ 15~ 339 407

of 15 "

30 " ... 19 "346 131~ 59! 38& 201 ... 41! 11 20 540 284

of 30 " 50

" ...

I 11 384 lOi! 70 45 24 I 27 5t 5 449 330

of 50 "

100 " ... 28 . 41,814 729 398 2714" 120l 6 175ll: 90 65t 4,413 2,039

ofl00 "

200 .. ... 34 '4,190 1,2611 7l6~ 443~ 251 22 305! 166! 73£ 7,436 4,698 of200

" 350 .. ... 21 64.791 522~ 371 192 174 " 954 30 26 2,678 2,881

of350 .. 500 "

... Il 74,406 375,\ 260£ 154~ 105 It 7lf 28~ 14! 2,550 1,786 of500 acres and upwards Hi 89,883 515 4211 324£ 95~ I 45 38 lOi 4,863 2,422!

~'I 26,05Itl'3,816t

--- - 1--1---1------

Total ... ... 2,371! 1,514 821! 36~ :1392 245£ 23,412 14,9471


Holdings -exceeding acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. acrcs. nere~~:

acres. acres. bushels. I and under 5 acres ... 3 II 6~ 1 1 ... ... 3i l 10 • of 5

" 15 It ... 8 65 22! '15 12~ 2rr ... I~ 1 103

of 15 " 30

" ... 3 59 18~ 10 10 ... ... I q 6 110

of 30 "

50 "

... 4 162 411 26~ 16 10i ... . ??i! 1O~! 5k 132 of 50

" 100

" ... 23 1,480 635,} 4241 265~- I 54;} 4 IS! 4,142 of 100

" 200

" ... 23 2,949 632t 404t 21S! li7!t 8t I~~; 93t 23i 2,884

of200 350 ... II 2,843 448~ 207 169 31 7 I 99~ '>9lL 1,680 " " --.

of350 "

500 "

... 2 772 21 10~ 10 ... 211

7 I; 80 of500 acres and upwards 11 9,001 657i 373! 223 148 8()~ 55~ 138t 2,030

--, .- - '-Total ... ... 88 17,342 2,483} 1,472! 925q 524£ 22t ,13! 381l! 215! II,171

: .


Holdings-exceeding tlcr!3S. acres. acres. acres. ncres. nl;rcs~ acres. ru::rcs~ acres. bushels. I and under 5 acres ... ... ... '" ... .. ... . .. . .. . .. • •• t . ..

of 5 "

15 "

.. , ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. of 15 "

30 "

... ... ... . .. ... ... ... . .. ... ... . .. ... of 39 ... 50 "

... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... .. . .. . of 50 "

100 "

... ... ... ... ... . .. . ... . .. . .. ... ... .. . of 100 "

200 "

.. ... ... .. , ... ... ... ." '''6!

... . .. .. . of200

" 350

" ... 2 564 1 120i 106 86 IG 4 4 4! 600

of 350 " 500 .. ... ... . .. . .. .. . ... ... " .

.. i8! ;;'5:1- I ;;,i~ ...

of 500 acres and upwards 13 92(;,617 195! 384 21} 16 I 318 -- - I--i---;;-Total ... ... I 15 ; 27,181 316; 144~ 107£ 32 5 24~ 59:!- 78 918

! I i ~

1 In conncction with tbis freehold land 21 ncres arc held under lense, making the total ofho'ldlllgs ofiliis class 6G~ ncres. 2 In connection with this frechotc\ land 17 acres nre held nnder lense, making tho total of holdings of this 190 neff'S . .3 In 'connection with this freehold Jam) 21) acres arc held unller lease, maldng the total of holdings of this 371 ncres. 4 In connc(~tjon 'with this n'cehold ltmd 142 acres nrc held undcr lease, making the fotru. of h.)ldings of thts 1 j95(, :WfCS • .$ In conne<:tion with thls fl'coholt! land 57'i acres nrc helf! under Icns~, mnkin;; the total of holdings of this 4,767 neres. 6 In connection with this freehold land 426 !lcrca arc held under It;a~c. making the total of b;)ldings of this 5}217 Her('s. 7 In (lonneetlon wit II this t'rccbolct land 240 (lcrcs are he"l nnder lc~c, making thc total of holdings of this c1a::s 4,646 acres. s In conne(~tion lvith this frC'chold land 2.760 aerCfi nrc held ulul('r lcnsct making' the totu,) of holdings of this class 12,643 acres. 9 Of theso ~6,GI7 neres 3,G13 ure beld under lease.

bushels. . .. 45

... 184

2,590 3,004k

390 ...



bushel •• ... ... ... . .. ... ... 100 ... 330


STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (41)






Holdillgs-exceedillg 1 and nllder 5 acres ...

of 5 " 15

" ... of 15

" 30

" ... of 30 " 50

" ...

of 50 " 100

" ...

oflOO " 200

" ...

of200 "

350 "

... of350 .. 500

" ... of 500 acres and upwards

Total ... ...

Holdillgs-exceedillg 1 and under 5 acres ...

of 5 " 15

" ...

of 15 " 30 " ... of 30 " 50 " ... of 50 " 100 " ... oflOO " 200 " '" of 200 " 350

" ...

of350 " 500 " '"

of 500 acres aud upwards


Holdillgs-exceeding 1 alld under 5 acres ...

of 5 15 " of 15 30 of 30 50 of 50 100 of 100 200 of 200 350" of350 " 500 " of 500 acres and upwards



Holdings-exceeding 1 and under 5 acres ...

of 5 " 15" of 15 " 30 of 30 50 of 50 100 of 100 200 to

of 200 350" of 350 .. 500 " of 500 acres alld upwards



Area under Arca ul1dcrlArca under I Area Area. Arcs. PIIOllUCE.

Number Extent Arca i under under Area under

of of tlv~;i~n. Cereals. I Wheat. under other Green under other

Holders. Holdings. Oats. Cereals. Crops. Hay. Crops. Wheat. Oats.

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- --- --- ----aCres. acres. acres, acres, acres. acres. acres. acres, acres. bushels. bu.shels.

1 5 2 ... n • ... ... . .. ... '2 ... ... 1 11 11 1 '" ... 1 7 2 1 ... . .. 2 40 16 ... ... . .. ... 1 15 ... ... ... 3 95 47 18 '" 16 2 i 27 I! ... 691

... ... ... ... .,. ... .. . ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... 2 640 17 5 3 2 ... 2~ 8 Ii 60 60 ... .. , ... ... ... .. . .. . ... ... . " ... ... 4 13,137 62i 30 18 12 ... 1 26 5! 480 350

--- --- --- ---- ---- I---- --- ---- ----13 13,928 155! 54 21 30 3 12 78 ll! 540 1,107


----~-.~ .. --acres. acres. ncres. acres, acres. acres. ncres. acres, acres. bu.shels. bushels.

1 5 2 ... '" ... ... . .. '" 2 ... ., . 1 11 11 1 ,.. ... 1 7 2 1 ... ... 2 40 16 ... ... . .. ... 1 15 ... ... . .. 2 '51 42 18 ... '16 2 1 22 I! ... 697

" i ... '" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... . .. ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... '" '" ... ... ... ... ... ... .., ... oo • ... ... ... . .. ... .. . ... . .. ... ... ... ... .. , ... '" ... ... ... I ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ' ... . .. .. , ... ...

6 107 71 19 16 39 697


acrcs. acres. acres~ aeres. aeres. acres. ncres. acres. acres. hnshels. basbels.

30 5 5

--- - ---- --------- ---- --- --- --- --- --------

2 4



640 13,137



17 621


5 30



acres ..

3 18

acres. acres. ncre.. acres. aere.. bushels. busbels.

2 2i' 8 Il 60 60 12 1 26 5A 480 350

-------------1'------6 113,777 79i' 35 '21 14 3! 34 7 540 410

I I In connection wltb this freehold land 14 acres nre held nnder leAse, making the total of boldings of this class 65 neres.

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (42)







Area under


Area under



Area under


Area ulldcr Oms,

.Area under other


Area: under Green CI'O])8,

Area under IIay.


~~~:;. I--'-"--';-~~--~ Crops. Wheat. Onts.

'---'---"'--~----~ ------ ----- --,-1"-,---1---1----1----1---' --- ----Hold~ngs-exceeding

) and under 5 acres .. -of , 5 ". 15" ... of 15 " 30" _ .. of, 30 " , 50" ... of, 50 ". 100" ... oflOO " 200" ... of 200 ". 350.. • .. of350 " 500" ... of500 acres and upwurds


~crcs. acres. acres. acrc.o;;. ner~s, flcrcs. nc"es acreS. hushels. bushct~.

168 q~8~ 3u7 148 89 41~ 1j'~ !ll! . 35~ 92 1,3464 1,043 281 2,473~ 1',~46! . nooi 522 321~ 57:\ 3821 348 8,002& 5,85.0 219 4.440~ 2,i71~ 1,510 917k 493& 99~ • 570:\ 347~ 13,565 8,4:34 255 '9,78q 4,713:\ 2,8644 l,i58~ 1,022 84:\ 9901, 388! 28,661 21,661 448 33,440~ I 3, 760ij 9,333~ 6,401 2,720:\ 212!11,3391 2,481- 606~ 106,228 57,064 420 61,~2q 18,459~ 13,198~ 9,080~ 3,707:\ 41O~ 1,734 2,988, 5391 153,046 80,445 195 46,58ii~ 12,936~ I 8,8:J3~ / 5,923 2,677~ 232i 901~ 2,GOI~1 600!1 97,967 59,845 40 16,661 3.874~ 2,754~' 2,216~ 4494 884 2104 773 [ 136! 35,018 9,947

1 117 I 317,249¥ 7,326¥' 4,98711 3,548~ 1,2774 1614 602~ 1,063; 673~ 60,54.0 23,082 .-·-----1---- -'5';'1':-- -------I---'-~ ---2,143 'j 492,9421 66,0564 44,530! 30,4554 12,710! 1,364! 5,908 1l,885~ i 3,732~ 504,3741 267,391

[ , '

LAND UNCONNECTED WITH RUNS HELD IN FREEHOLD, . Holdings-exceeding acres. acres. ncres. acres. acres. I ucres. acres. ncres. acres. bushels, bushels.

1 and under 5 acres .•• 137 '295~ 287 116 69 37~ 9! 73 25~ 72f 1,132A 928 of -'5 " '15" ••• 207 2 1,7il~ 1,396 7I 11 405 265! 411 143~ 3064 235 6,0884 '5,290 of"15 " 30" ... 165 3 3,199! 2,088~ 1,133! 654! 393~ I S5! '250~ 427278 9,499 6,985 of '30 " 50" •.. 184 ~ 6,594~ 3,285~ i 2,103 1,302-\ 757-' 43~ 3641 557 261,\ 19,496 16,194 of 50 ,,' 100.. ... 331 522,513 9,295' .6,178 4,205 1,832 I 141 1,057~ 1,693 366~ 69,344 37,830 oflOO ,,' 200" .. , 295 "40,522* 11,91l{ 8,4204 5,7004 2,425-\' 294~ 1,2914 1,8649 334~ 97,319t 51,094 of 200 " 350" ... 134 I 728,40841' 7,004 4,836t 3,057 1,636 143-1 586411'248~1 332~ 53,434 36,798 of350 , .. ··500" ..• 31 811,212 2,758~ 2,038 1,6374 .353 474 138! 462~ 1191 26,3481 7,1)92 of BOO acres and upwards 55 '954,751 4,455~ 3,240 2,270 866 104 391.1, 6314 192~ 36,898 13,872

... 1,539 ~9'267~1-;';81~ '--2-8-,7'-7-6.-' 1-19'-,-30-0--~-I--8-,5-6-5-! 910! 4,296k\-;;6;12,192! !~,559! ~76,(i83 Total


I Holdings-exceeding

1 and under 5 acres .. . 31 74 54 71 ,

ucres. 90"

7031 acres. acres. acres. acres acres. acree, acres. acres. busJlels. bushels.

80 32 20 3~ 81 18:\ 10 1!l~ 214 115 of 5 " 15". .. . Of',i15 " 30" .. .

450~ 1891 117 ,~~~ 16 72 76 113 1.914 560 682~f 376~ 263 131 93 14.3\ 69~ 4,066 1,46.9,

1 1,087

of 30 " 50., .. . 2,593~ i 9,0394 .

1,427~ 761~ 456 404 105~ 433~ 1261 9,165 5,467 of, 5~ " 100" .. . of.100 " 200" .. . of 200 " 350" ...' of,350 " 500" ...

127 I 114

61 i

9 18

14,602 15,720 3,701

6,523~ 4.777i 3,3791 116 442~ 1,100~ 203 55,7271 29,351 4,465;11 3,155~ I 2,196 ~~~:\ 714 281~ 788 240£ 36,884 19,234

5,932~ 3,997 i 2,866 :Hl :394 315- 1,3531 267t, 44,533 23.041 1,116 • 7161 579 41 721 3101 17- 8,670 2,255

of 500 acres and upwards 20,440 1,2494 904 697~ 10 78:/ 186 80i 13,245 3.920 1--_1--.---1----1-------1--1----------------

Total 559 21,928~ 14,910~ 10,5741 3,929i 4061 1,479 4,4001 1,138 174,418 85,418


Holdings-exceeding acrcs. acres. nCTes. ncrcs. acres. ncres. acres. acres. acres. bushels. busllcls. :

1 and under 5 acres ...... ..• ... .., '" ... ... ... .•• ... . ,. . .. of 5 " 15" ...... ... ... ..• •.. ... .•. ... ... ••• ••• . .. of 15 " 30" ... ••. ... .•. ... ... .•• ... .., .•. ••• ... .. . of 30 " 50" •.• ... ••. ... .•. ... I .. . . ... .,. ... .. . ...' .. .

~lH :: IE:: ::: ,.: I ::~., ,::" !:. ::: I ::: :::: .:;' :::' ,:: 1/ ~~~ of500 acres and upwards 44 I0238,552¥ 1,62141 B43!' 580~1 215 I 47~ 132~. 245~ 4001110,397 5,2~0

" Total ... ... ,--4~-;;,~-1-,:;1--:;1~;1~~--4~1~~1~;~;!~:l? I In connection 'with this freehold land 2 ncres ure llcld uude}" lease, making the tot ill of holdings of this clnss 297i acres. !.l In connection with this freehold land <J9 acres arc helt! under lease, making the total o( holdings of tllis class 1,870i aercs~ 3 In connection willI this freehold laud 1M! ueres arc beld under lc:l5c, making the total of holdings (If thi:; class 3,353£ acres. >\ In connect jon with this frcchpld land 493~ acres arc IH~ld und~r lense, IDa~il1g the., tota\()~ ho.lg,ings of this 088 acres,_.. . .'~' •• ''; :') In connection wi1h this freehold lawl1 ,SS7!· acres are held under lease. maldng the total of holdings of thIs elnss 24,400~ acres. 6 In connc,ctiQJJ with this frecholrllnntl: G/j52 acreS arc held nnder Ie-Me, ma¥illg the total ofhoJdillg8 of this 47,114~ acrC8. 7 It 1 connection with this freehold ~aHd 214f17 tter!:£! flrc held nntfer house, maldng thc total ofhold:ngs of this 30,865! acres. a In conncctiOli with this fllcchnld land l G48 acres urc hcltl: ~undcr lcasc 1 makihg the totltl of holdings of this class 12,860 acres, !J In conncctkm with this fr~chold lund 3,506 n.crcs Z!l'C held under lease, making tile total of holuings of Uris class 58 1257 acrcs.

to,.Of theSe 238,5521 acrcs t6,1'49 n.cres:are h~ld Under lOMe: .' .. ... • ,' .. ' ... , • '.

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (43)







Number Extent Area';l~der!A~:r' 1 Area Area Area Area Area PRODlICE. of of undel'lArea under undt:f under under under under ,~------~-

• Cereals. Crops. • Crop.. Wheat. Oats. Holders. Holdings. Wheat. Oat. other Green Hay other i

----------1--- ---- ~--- ---- ,-_.:'---Holdings-exceeding

1 and under 5 acres .•• of 5 " 15" ... of 15 " 30" ... of 30 " 50" ... of 50 " 100 " .. . ofl00 " 200 .. .. . of 200 " 350 " .. . of 350 " 500 " .. . of 500 acres and upwards


Holdings-exceeding 1 and under 5 acres .••

of 5 " 15..... of 15 " 30" .. . of 30 " 50" .. . of 50 " 100 " .. . ofl00 " 200 " ... of200 " 350 " .•. of350 " 500 " ... of 500 acres and upwards


Holdings-exceeding 1 and under 5 acres .. .

of 5 " 15" .. . of 15 " 30" .. . of 30 " 50" ... of 50 " 100 " ... oflOO " 200 " ••• of 200 " 350 " ... of 350 " 500 " ... of 500 acres and upwards


Holdings-exceeding I and under 5 acres ...

of 5 " 15" .. . of 15 " 30" .. . of 30 " 50" .. . of 50 " 100 " .. . of 100 " 200 " .. . of 200 " 350 " .. . of350 " 500 " ... of 500 acres and upwards

aeres. acres. acres. acres. acres. acreS. acres. acres. acres. bushclS. bushe:ls. 36 64 45! 23,1 19! 3i... 141 5 42 345! 261! 1491 82~ 61 6 31 55~

2k 25~ 36t

9 27!

114! 48! 12


400 1,634 3,129 7,014

165 1,436 4,673 9,499

43 S78! 567! 333! 167 160! 6 29! 168! 58 2,205 1,355 644~ 30Gl 321 17 225~ 476 79 5,657 3,027 1,675! 830~ 790 55 466 858 I'

54 7,878 2,983! 1,571 883~ 675 12~ 670 627! 18,048 18,850 15,082 \

' 26,971 23,731 14,230

4,.500 15,592

32 7,934 1,992 1,0n! 588 474 15l 349 517 8 3,200 492 263 131 125 7 • 53 164 2,700

14,202 58 '253,278 2,108! 1,194! 611~ 564t 19 205! 593! -1----.----------- ---1----1----

410 281,440 12,832! 6,932! 3,620 3,IH! 138 2,044 3,465 391 81,050 \100,707

32 35 27 40 56 35 19

4 16

acres. 55~

1259 2490~

31,499 , 3,554! • 4,247 64,243 7 1,307

• 22,786 !


acres. 40~

213~ 348 813

2,106~ 1,830! 1,210

377 864t

acres. '19t 114 162~ 360!

1,143! 847 566 216 57I~

acres. ncres. \ acres. aCfCil. acres., bushels. bu511els. 16t 21... !~~ 5 2! 382 145 68! 39~ (; :~£ 451 24! I 1,400 868 74 87t 1 138l 27 1,493 2,458

154 197 9t 147t 299 6 3,676 5,865 588! 510 45 333~ 603 26~ 13,309 17,777 422! 417 n 448 4221 1I2! 9,725 15,14G 338 215 13 278 321 45 8.190 6,950 III 1 98 7 21 132 ii 2:400 3,650 272 285 14t 118 165 10 5,; 10 7.975

---1----1-----1----'----=-:- ---------------

38,4411 i,80at 4,000! 2,045 1,851! 103t 1,409} 2,131~ 262:!- 46,285 60,834 264

4 7

16 18 23 19 12 4 3

acres. 8!

62 344 670

1,711 2,757 2,687 1,730 1,972



5 48

219t 542 920~

1,153 782 115 127

acres. I 4 :,

35~ I 171 284 532 724 511!

47 115

acres. 3

14 93

l52! 242 461 250

20 100

acres. acres. I aeres. acres, 1 ... I ... 21~... I~ 10 73 5 9t 30

124 7! 78 177 280 10 132! 255 258 5 222 205 259 2t 71 196

27 ... 32 32 15 ... 2 3


9! 3 I 2 3~ 4 7

bushels. 18

234 1,636 3,338 4,739 9,125 6,892

300 2,000

1----1----- ---- ~---·i----I----------1--- --106 11,941~ 3,912 2,424 1,335! 1,058! 30 549t 908 28,282


acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. bushels.


bushel •• 20

568 2,215 3,634 9,194 8,58:; 7,280

850 400


b.lShei ••



_~19225'883 I,II7! ~~ ~~. 264! 4! 85~ 425~ ~.I~'4:=--

... 40 226,183 1,1l7! 508!, 239i 264t 4! 85~ 425! 98 6,492 7,217



1 In eonneetiQD with this mchold bnd 241; acrcs are held under lease. makil!g tile total of holdings of this class 2S~ acres. 2 In connection with this freehold land 44 acres are held under lease, making tile 10lal of holdings of this class oM! acres. 3 In connection with this freehold land 36 acres are. held under lea.~e. making the total of holdings of this class 1/>35 acres. oj In eOllnoetion with thIs freehold lond 391~ acre, are beld under I.""e, making the total of holdings of this class 3.946 acres. I> In connection with this freehold Innd 874. acrcs are held under lease, muking the total of holdings of this class 5,121 acres. 6 In connection with this freehold land 704 acres nre held nnder lease, making the total of holding. of this class 4,947 acres. 7 In connection with this freeho],lland 16a aercs are held under lease, making the total of holdings of tills class 1,470 acres.

In connection with ibis freehold land 2,631 acres are held under lense, making the total of holdings of this class 25,423 acres. n Of these 225,883 acres 12,593 acre. are held under lease.

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (44)






IN STATUTE ACRES, Number Extent Area Area A rea ..Area PRODUCE.

~~1(::: ~~~:~ uilder ~r~:r of of Hold~rs. Holdings. Cereals, Crops. Hay. Crops. Wboat. Oats.

----------I--!---I-----;--·--· ----,----·I---ii-'-------Holdings-exceeding

1 and under 5 aeres ... of 5 " 15" ... I of 15 " 30" ... ' of 30 " 50" ... I of 50 " 100 ,. .. . of 100 " 200 " .. . 0[200 " 350 " ... of350 " 500 " ... of 500 a.cres and upwards


5 18 18 21 30 15 8 3


ncres. 20! 160~ 408 792~1

2,OUf 2,049 'j 2,265 1.146


acres. acres. .acres. acres. acres. acrcp. acres. acres. 16i' . 4~' 3! 1 ... 3~ 5~ 2£ 116~ 8n 68.\ 12! 6~ 19 6· 4 202 141! 122Q 18 1 34£ 22i 3t 43Q 350~ 27 4 68~ 8 33 43 3! 990:!1 806~ 548 249 91 8~! 86. lOt 969;} , 8091/; 504 286! 19 86i 61 ' 12:1-387 i 259 137 112 10 39! 80, 8! S8! I 31 27 4 6 ... Ii

549il 174~ 115 p6 '3~ 46i 27f5q ---·1---·-;- ---------- -'---1--1-----

145 191,959 3,700 2,6641 1,799! 581 i 97!


bnshels. 100

1,661 2,613 6,054-

12,658 ,13,2lO

2,780 665



bushels. 40

230, 462

1,747 6,2iO, 7,306.' 3;500 .~O .


, 20,87i

Holding~-excecding o.cres. ncres. Mres. i acres. acres: ,ulres. acres. acreS. acres, "bushels.' hushel •. • 1 and uuder 5 acres 1 5 20~ 16t 4~ 31 1 ... 3l 5! 2! 100 40

of . 5 " Hi"... 16 1138! 106:\ 782' 64 8 6~ 18 6.. 4 1,610 ' 17ll of ~5 " 30"... 16 2363 17l 116~! 100! 15 81 .,1 28~ 22~ 3i1::, 2,121 ' 412 of 30 " 50"... 14' . 3 451 2831 232 I' 167 57 26 23 2! I 4,168 1,425.'

.of 50 '.. 100 " ... 24 41,434! 679· 539 I 314 :H8 7 59 71 10 ! 7,798 5,020 of 100 " 200 " ",' 13 ' 1,513 799~ , : 649f 374 I 256!l- 19 76£ 61 1 12t '8,410 6,106 of200 " 350 "." 7, 1,945 379, 258 '137 I III I 10 39 74: 8 2,780 3,500 of350 ,. 500 " .... 3' 1,146 38& ',I 31 I 27 4 ... 6 .,' 1& 665 80 of500 ael;es and upwa.rds 5, 65,563. 242' 147 : 107 ,37 3·25 63: "Y·7 2,380 '820

---I------[--·-'-~':'·---I---- ----[---- --' -' --- --_.1--.--11-

Total ... 1 103

Holdings-exceeding I and under 5 aeres

of 5 " 15" .. , ·of 15 " 30" .. , ,of 30 ". 50'" .. . of 50 " 100 " .. . oflOO " 200 " .. . ·of200 " 350 ,. .. . of 350 " 500 " ...

2 2 7 6 2

54A 1282; 326, 151:1-,

1,294 12,574! [ 2,7 15~ ,2,056!


acres: "

20 40

251~ 442 200

a~~~s. I 10 3I. 146~ 311;!; 170


9 25 118~ 26(1 160


4~ 22

107 I 23,1



4~ 3 ll~ 31 30

':::1 "~71'::: [7:' ::: ~ I 2'0' "i 2k I 28~' Iii: :l-... 10 ... ...

()f ilOO acres and upwards -"-'- --.,._. -1--"·-' -:--"._. - --".-. -I·--'-"-I~I""":':':"",~ ' ...



f>l 492

'1,886 4,860 4,700


'.l hushcls.

60 50

322 1,250 1,200 .

Total 19 953~ 668!i ! 580 497! 80 35 11 4 . 11,989 "I 2,882


Holdings-exceeding' I I and under 5 aeres

acres. acres. ;

acres. ,bushels. • bushels. nCres. acres. acres. acrc"q, acres. acres.

of 5 ,. 15" , .. of 15 " 30" ... of 30 " 50" .. . ,of 50 .. 100 " ... .

I 1, 320 8 I ... I ... t 6 i ... . ..

I 22.7176',;il5 307~ ii7~ "8 ·i'li .!' iii! 2i'4 44~ i60 422 1- --- 1-1-,-- -. -

... i 23 176,935 !l15! 28~ S 20. !; 22! 220 .• 1 ,.45 160 _ 422 I ....

·of 100 " 200 " .. . ,of200 " 350 " .. . ,of350 " 500" ... ,of 500 aeres ,and 11 pwards


1 In connection with this freehold land 2 tteres ure beltl UlHlcr lease! making the totnl of holdings 'O~thiS '&b .: -:l 1n connection with this frechold'lant15 acres are heltI nntkr le~eJ mnkhig the total of holdln~g of thIs' I.

3 III ('()l1ncction with this freehold land 90 :ICrc!-\ nre: held mitlcr lease l making the totnl of holdings : >I In con.nectiol1 with,'t.his freehold lund·'13!) acreS llf<.! hela'under lc~c; m'aktnr:; ~he total o( .. holding,sof 'Uii ' . 5$1n co~lle~UOlY"V!t.h th~s freehold lrmll 3~((j acres nre held tinder lcas.C, m~k.illg'U:l(':. total holding.s of this ~l~ss ,1 1,,:. 1

(1 III tonnec.tioH "'HIt thts freehold hmd H23 oc:res arc held under teasc, makmg Jhc 10tal Qf holdings of Ol1~ class 6, . • {oJ.-l:; Of iilCs(d16.fil5 acre:> 71304 acres' are lJClti under lease. ·1. .' • I. • • •• -:;1: '~1 J •

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (45)





I Area ' Area i I Area IN STATUTE AORES. Number Extent 1 :;::r I Area Aren Area PRODUCE.

under ! under Area; under of of under under under other 'Green under! otber L -

Holders. Holding. Cultlva- Cereals. Wheat. Oats, .-- .. • tion. i Cereals. 1 Crops. Hay;, Crops. Wheat: Oats.

,. --- -. ------1---1----------Holdings--exceeding acres. acres.

I acr~s. acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. bushels. bushels.

1 and under 5 acres ••• 1 4 4 2 2 ... ... 2 I '" ... 70 ... of 5 "

15 "

... 8 82 56 34 34 i

... ... 20

'! ... i 2 1,210 .. .

of 15 "

30 " ... 8 157 86 62 61 I ... 19 4 I 1,700 30

of ,30 "

50 " ... 5 199 i 84 65 59


6 ... 19 . .. ... 1,532 170 of 50 "

100 "

... 12 814




259 246 10 3 35 ... . .. 6,859 250 ofIOO "

200 "

... 38 5,188 1,153 940 803 122 15 W8 71 4 18,255 3,225 of200 "

350 " ... 14 3,757 5/i 495 432 51 12 61-,\ 17 3& 13,245 995 of35o. ,. 500 "

... 5 2,006 135 116 100 i 15 1 161 ... 2~ 3,150 490 of500 acres and upwa.rds 15 24,723 745 595 530 19 46 47, 32 70~ 18,165 655

-;:;-; -;930 T~34 - --------

Total ... ... 2,568 2,267 224 77 358~ \ 124 8~ 64,186 I 5,815

" -


.-Holdings--exceeding acres. netes. acres. acres. ceres. acres, acres.

I ncres. acres. bushels, bushels.

I and under 5 acres ... 1 4- 4 2 2 '" ... 2 ... . .. 70 .. ' of 5 " 15 " ... 4- 129 28 15 15 ... ... II ... 2 570 .., of 15

" 30 It ... 1 '4 7 3 3 ... . .. 3 I . .. 1 70 ...

of 30 "

50 " ... 3 129 54 41 41 ... ... 13 ... .. . 992 ... of 50 .. 100 " . .. 7 480 166 144 144 ... ... 22

I ... ... 3,989 . ..

oflOO . 11 200 " ... 16 2,255 365 307 259 43 5 54 3 1

I 5,550 1,140

ofjlOO ,. 350 ., . .. 7 1,989

I 239 198 148 44 6 30 I 8 3 3.055 850

of350 " 500· n ... 4 1,591 120 104 88 15 I 131 , . .. 2! . 2,950 490

of 500 acres and upwards 5 ~3,824 378 288 246 14 28 :13 I 7 ,50. 8,480 490 -_.- --- ,-.,..- ------ ---- ----TotaL ... ... 48 I

10,305 i 1,361 1,102 946 116 40 181! ! 18 I

59! i 25,726 2,970 I ,




Holdings-exceeding I I actes. aetes. I and under 5 acres ... ..., ... ...

of 5 " 15" ... 4 43 28 of 15 " 30" ... 7 133 79


19 59 24


19 58 18

I, acres.

::: i "9 ::: ::: "640. :::

acres. I acres, acres. acres, bushel •• bushel ••

I ... '\ 166

4 ... 1,630 30 of 30 ,,' 50" ... 2 I' 70 30 of 50 " 100" ... ' 5 334 128 of 100 " 200" ... I 22 ,2,933 788 of200 " 350 " ... I 6 1,492 338 of350 " 500" ... , 1 I 415 15

of~ :: "'~PW~".i--:T~::: .. :::

acres. acres.

::: I 276


115 633 297

12 301


102 544 284

12 280


6... i...... 540 170 10 I' 3 13 ... '" i 2,870 :l50 79 10 84 I' 68 3 12,705


' 2,08;;

... 7 , .. ~ 1 3;1, .. ~ ... 1 110,~~g, .::5

-. -,,: I :: 1.::1 I~ :'I~:::: i-_~·::: LAND CONNECTED WITH RUNS.

acres. I

acres. 1 tmshels.

\ h":I:~13' a~:~s. \ , acres. acres, ... ... ... '" ... ... ... . .. ... . .. .. . ... ... ... . .. . .. . .. . .. ... ... . .. . .. '" ... .. . ... ... ... ... .. . ... .., ... . .. , ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ; ... ... .. . . .. . .. ,

l III connection with this f\:eehold land 10 nereg are fIeld under lea,e, making the total of holdings of this class 39 acres. 2 In connection with this freehold land 20 acres arc held under lea..'Ie, malting the total of holdings ofthls class 24 acres. " In connection .... ith this freehold land 871\ ae1'03 are held undcr lease, malting the total of holdings of this class 4,199 acrcs.

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (46)







l~umber Extent Arel\ Ar€a ArcR I ,Arca .Area Area Area Of "'f under nder und r Aren.' under under under under

v. Uul- CU e 'under O"ts. other 'I Breen other


iHolders. IIoldmgs. tivatlon. ereals. Wheat. I Cereals. Crops. Hay. Crops. Wheat. Oats.

----------1--- ------------------ ---- ---acres. ncres. acres. acres. acres. acrcs. acres. acres. acres.! bushels. bushels.

Holdings-exceeding I and under 5 acres .•• 22 58 32! 5! 5! .,. .., 10 3 14! 60

52 435 128 66t 47t 16;} 3 30 4~ 27 707 324 41 820~ 197 105 80 I' 23i It' 39;} 26it 261: 1,135 285 30 1,147 192~ 133 89! 41 2t 49 I~ 9 878 563 69 '4,656~ 686! 379~ 284i 80~ 14t 194 60! 52! 4,212 1,302

of 5 " 15" •.. of 15 " 30" ." of 30 " 50" .. . of 50 " 100" .. .

101 14,526 \1'499~ 1,051' 682! 331~ 37t 243 1lS! 87 9,284 6,022 62 17,086 1,162! 871! 588£ 250! 1 32 136i 99~1 55 7,974 3,746 33 13,797 1,241 463! 351t 97,· 15 503! 153! 120 5,208 1,449

of 100 " 200" ... of2oo " 350" ... of 350 " 500" ... of 500 acres and upwards i, __ 8':'! 105,856~1 3,023~ ~ 1,023& ~I~~ ~ ~~ ~1_l_4,_7_8_9_1_1_2_,0_1_5_

... I 492!158,382l \ 8,I63! 4,752i 3:153 1,448 I 151A; 1,706~ 891! 813 I Total 44,247 25,706

Holdings-exceeding 1 and under 5 acres •.. 19

of 5 " 15" ... 36

acres. 49i\-

309-of 15 " 30" ... 34 I 663;\ of 30 " 50" ... 28 Q 1,032-of 50 " 100" ... 59" 4,067~i of 100 " 200" ... 81 411,OSI of 200 " 350" ... I' 50 5 J2,589 of 350 " 500" ..... 21 67,926 of 500 \tcres and upwards 48 749,466


acrcs. acres. acres. 1 acrcs. acres. ncres. acres. acres. 1 bushels. bushels. 26i 4 4... ... 8~ 3 IIi 47 80~ 39 23 13k 2~ 19 3 19k 353 284 151~ 93t 72~ 20il:... 18t 23! 16! 1,080 245 176~ 117! 79 36 2~ 48! 1~ 9 815 523 5SS!} 293 222{ 65 5t 177 25£ 43 3,072 990 949:1: 621! 426!1: 178i 16~ 198! 72k 56! 6,024 3,164 950~ 734k 509! 2011 23 83t: 84 48! 6,933 3,006 655 361 269~ 85 6~ 148!1:1 51 94i 4,008 1,109

1,408 8421 554 25.3 35! 140!l:: 153! 2701 8,166 4,188

Total 376

,-------!---- -::=1-1---:------

,153~ 4,936i1: 3,106! 2,161t 853i 92 o'>"'<tl 418 569! 30,498 13,509

Holdings-exceeding I and under 5 acres ...

of 5 " 15" ... of 15 " ao" .. . of 30 " 50" .. . of 50 " 100" .. . of 100 " 200" .. . of 200 .. 350.. .,. of 350 " 500" ... of 500 acres and upwarcls


HoJaings-exceeding I and under 5 acres ...

of 5 " 15" H. of l;j " 30" ... of 30 " 50'" ... of 50 "100,, ... of 100 " 200.. '" of 200 ., 350" ... of 350 ., ;-;00 .. , ... of 500 acres and upwards


3 16

7 2

10 20 11 11 15

ncres~ ~~

133 85

557 2,787 3,068 4,465



acres, 6 47~ 45i 16

148 550t 203{ 573 604t I

acres. 1~

27! lIi 15?! 86~

429i 134! 96&


acres. 1~

24t 7!

10~ 62 255~ 77~ 78



2! 3 5

lSi 153 49 10


acres. I ucres'rl

acres. I acres. bushels_ bushels. ..., 1&... :3 13 ...

!i Il 14 7! 354 40 1:1: 21: 3 9i 55", 40 ...' t...... 63 40 9 17 i 35 9~ 1,140 312 20~ 44! 46: 30! 3,260 2,858 8 52! 12k 4! 1,01l 740 81 350 102 i 24! 1,160 300

--1---1---, 1---1---1--- ,-6! 105i:~91' 22 3,448 4,530


1 I



l40! 2,194t I 1,260} 749! 457 54! 604 I 219 llOi 10,504 8,860


1 , acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. acres ~ acres. bushels.

336 8! 2~ 1 t ... 1 1 3 2, 30 440 13 6 4 2... 5 i 1:1: 40

'::~:-I ::::: 1::- ::; ::: --; :: :::, ~::: ::::-


40 3,297


1 In cOllllcction with this freehold 1U11l1 ~4 nores are held under JCRSC, lIHlking the total of holdings of this class 6874 acres. :: In connection with this freehold land 30 acres nre held tinder ieMe, makIng the total of huldings of this class 1 ~062 acres. ;J In connection with this trochoId land 32 acres arc held under lease, making the total of bolt1ings of this class 4,099! ncres~ , In connection wlth this freehold IamI 688 'acres are held under leasc, making the Iotnl Qfholdillgs I)fthis class 11.739 acr"" • . > In conuection with this freehold land 1,093 acres are held under lease. makIng the total of holdings of this class 13.682 acr"". Il III connection wHh this freehold land 066 acres are held under lease. making the total of holdings of this eIas::; 8,892 acres. 7 In' connection WitlI this freehold land 2,B81~ acr"" l"'e held under lease, making the (otlll ofholdiugs oHMs class 52,347~ acrea. 8 Of thesc 40,;;98 acres 5,652 flcres are held under leAse.

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (47)







Extent I Are~ of under

Holdings ••• tlv~~i~n. Arca under



Area under

Wheat. II Arca

Area under untl>3T , other Oats. Cereals.

At II I ;\:ca PnODUCE. umlcr Area I umler _____ ---,-___ _ Grecn undet, other Crops. Hay.' C'"Opll. Wheat. Oats.

--- -_·········---1-·- ----.--- --- ---' ---- -- ---,---1--acres. I acres. acres, i, acres. acres. acres. acres. acrcs. acres, II bushels. bUf.hcls~ Holdings-exceeding

I and under 5 acres ..• of 5 " 15" ••• of 15 " 30" ••. of 30 " 50" ... of 50 " 100" ... of 100 " 200" ... 0(200 " 350" .. . of 350 " 500" .. . of 500 acres and upwards


Holdings-exceeding 1 and under 5 acres ...

of 5 " 15 n #.~ of 15 " 30" ... of 30 ,. 50" ... of 50 " 100" ... orl00 " 200 " '" of 200 " :.150" ... of 350 " 500" ... of 500 acres Mel upwards


Holdings-exceeding 1 and under 5 acres ...

of 5 15 of 15 30 of :30. 50 " of SO 100 " of 100 200 " of 200 350 " of 3S0 " 500" of 500 acres and upwards


Holdings-exceeding 1 .tnil under 5 acres ...

of 5 15 of 15 :10 " of 30 50 " of 50 100 " of 100 200 of 200 350 " of 350 " 500" of 500 (tcres and upwards

. 'Xotal

73 65 52 49 91 79 32 14 56

204 138 56!' 46 7~ 3t 27 In! 35 1.142 298 577~1 346 220 1.J4~ Hi 3~ .Jot 64! i 21 3;774~ 1,869

1,140ft 368! 21St 186 27t 4i 38 811 I 31 4,389 614 1,940i 473~ 351 27i! 61~ ll!· 42!! 59~ 20~ 6,899 1,340 6,430 1,346j} 989~ 842! I 126~ 20} 119 I 198~ 39t 19,833 3,825

10,988 1,696£ 1,389:1 1,163l 1961 29i 149 135~ 22~ 2i,988 5,985 8,7l7! 921i 513t, 474 83 16i 100~ 224!- 23! 10,878 1,888 5,898 340t 252~ 207;1 37 7!j- 26 55! 6l 4,510 1,290

90,325~ 1,569! 476;1 324 139A 13i 258! 393~ 440! 8,169 3,605 -------- ---' ---Ij-.- --·1----1--- ---[--

750£ 1111 800~ 1,282t 640i l7,~32~ 20,114 511

67 53 43 41 86 67 29 11 14


6 12 9 8 5

11 3 ~




126,221! 7,201 4,528 i 3,6661

acres. '184i '41St 3920~

41,441!, 55,895 6R,626 '7,407~ 4,645



acres. 17!

122~ 191 307~ 352

1,525 840 800




acres. 125 250 312£ 368£

1,250i 1,547,j. 853~ 244i 703!


nercs. llcres. acres. acres. acres. .1ores, acres. bushels, ' bushel,:. 50 39~ 7~ 3 25! 17~ 31~ 988 158~ lOSt SO! 2,\ 35i 3Si 20! 2,636~ 185i 160 23 2l!- 34 641 28~ 3,829

298 1,26~

534 880 212~ 228i 36~ I 7:l: 39 39£ 17! 5,749

929~ 783k 126! 19~ 107t 174~ 39 18,348 3,825 1,287·! 1,063 195 Ii 2911: 134 109~ 16i 25,873 5,925

534! 435 83 16;1; 89 .1 214! 22 10,152 1,888 206t 1711 27 7! 22t !) 6! 3,790 990 304~ 218 80~ 6 218- 146i 34i 5,516 2,028 1-__ 1.---- ---1--1-----

3,!)29,!, 3,2()4~ 629!} I 95 698~ SlI!! 216 1~117,630


acre!!. 13 96 56

101i 96!;-123~ 68 80



acres 6!

61;1 32k 78j 60 81i 39



acres. 6~

39~ 26 49 59 80 39 35



21 4~



t 1 2 4l I

acres. It 5 4 3:1-

11£ 10 17i 3





Ii 106

acres, :tel'OS. ncres.


k :;9 7:; 40~

59 46

acres. Ii

29 . 17 20 24 26 JO 32



3~ !

2~ 3 II

6i I!

acres. acres.

14-k 247 406&

261j; 406!


154 1,138

510 1,150 1,485 1,615

726 700


607 SO



Imshcls. I bnshe1 .....


\ In conl1f!ctbll wah this freehold. lund 2 ncr~H arc·lwld under Icasc~ tuaking the (otn] of IJoltlings ofttl15 cla.~ tB6k ncres • .. ') In C(tllllcction '\Vith this freehold lmn} 38~ acres'urc held under leaso, mitking the total of holdingS of this eJasff 4fJ,) ncrcs.

;j III connection with this freehold lnnd 29 acres nrc llcfd l.mtleT }emie. makln~ the totat of holdinga of this CJ£Lq,S 94!)~ ncres.


4, I'll connection w1th.this fi'cebolfl lund .191, acres nrc hchl Hndel"h~;,\.~c~ mnking the 1olu) (If,holdillgS nf (hl~'clHl;:S I.ti;)'.!! acres. 6 In connection with this frecholil land t83 acres nrc held under lensc. mnl;;:ing the total of lIoldlllgl-'l of tb~s ChlSS O,OiS-aeres. 6 In connection .\yitlI thts freeilo}(l lnnd (;97 ueres arc hCl<lumlr.:l' lease, UH1!dug the tt.tul uf hoMing'S of this cla~s !J.3,23 acres, i III connection w:ith this fr~hol!l hmd 470 acres nrc held tllHlel' lent;l!, llIa!i.ll1g the tOlal 01' ltottlIJJ;.\:3 of this d .. 1S5.7.8774 Heres •• S In connection with this freeholtllnnd 1,143 n('r(>~ ore hel\1 under lCi\sc, rn~lkjng the. t0tal of J101diuf;S 1)1' thi;} c:nss IO,Q4! acres. ~I Of tllcse SO,S77~ acres 5,233 acres are held under letU!(~.

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (48)




HOLDINGS. Number Exumt Area Area Area Area Area Area Area I Arca. : PnoDucE.


Holdings-exceeding I and nnder 5 acres ...

of 5 " 15 " ...

of 15 " 30

" ...

of 30 " 50 "

~, . of 50

" 100 " ...

of 100 " 200

" ... of200

" 350 "

... of350 500 ... of 500 ac~~ and upw~rds

Total " .... .. . ...

Holdings-exceeding I and under 5.acres .. .

of 5 " 15" .. . of 15 " 30" .. . of30" 50" ... of 50 " 100 " .. . of 100 " 200 " .. . of200 .. 350 " .•. of350 " 500 " ... of500 acres and upw3.rds

under under under unrter under of of Cui· under nnder under " other Green Holders. Holdings. Cereals. Wheat. Oats. Hay. other tivation. Cereals. Crops. Crops. Wheat.

--- ---- ---1----

acres. acres. acres. ncres. acres. acres, acrts. !l.Crcs. acres. husbels. 21 48* 26! 5! 5!

I' ... ... 10 3 8! 95

23 206! 113 85 71 14 ... 17 9 2 1,178 10 202 151 123 112 11 ... !2!t 15 + 1,677 10 374 189 150 90 41 19 st 30 2t 1,710 32 2,251!t 1,340! 1,204 957 236 11 80! 51 4£ 19,067 25 3,500 1,454! 1,319! 1,01Oi 290 18~ ni 50 7! 20,094 14 3,748 7791 664 517 142 5 56 4 10,408 3 1,137 91! 69 69 ... ., . 7l . t 1,382

19 78,697 642 308! 161 133 IH 38~ 87 208 3,360 ~ ---- j----- -

157 90,164 4,787~ 3,998 2,99n 867 68! 306 314! 238i' 58,971


acres, acres. I D.CTes~ acres. acres. acres. acres~ ncres. acres. bushels. 18 41! 22i 51 5t .. , ... 7 3 7t 95 16 143! 82 61 47 14 ... 14 5 2 778 9 176 146 lIS 107 11 ... 12t 15 t 1,587 6 217 97 71 42 29 _.. 5! IS 2;l 820

16 11,117~ 6~3 587 448 136 3 58! 34t 3 9,217 12 21,270 499k 470 351 112 7 13~ 13 3 7,480

2 ' 144 51t 34 34 ... ... 2! 14 i 582 6 11,592 160 136 82 54 __ . 8 10 6 1,740

Oats. .. ----

bushels. ...

225 190 710

5,130 5,716 2,95i I··' 3,135



225 190 390

3,320 2,562 2,957

1,370 1

14-, 33,203 779~ 664 517 142 5 56 55! 4 10,408

------1--- ---li---- --·-1---,-----Total

Holdings--cxceeding 1 aud under 5 acres ...

of 5 " 15" ... of 15 " 30." ... of 30 " 50" .. . of 50 " 100 " .. . of 100 .. 200 " .. . of 200 " 350 " ... Of350 " 500 " ... of 500 acres and upwards

99 117,904t 2,521! 2,146!- 1,633! 498 15 177;\- 168~ 29! 32,707

~ I 1 4

16 13

acres. 7

62! 26

157 1,040 1,862



tlCre~ i

3;1 92 ':

657t 955



24 5

79 617 849!



24 5

48, 509 659!



12 100 17S'


19 8


acres. 3 3

1 22 64!




12 16t 37

acres. I bushels. 1 . . •.

400 90

890 9,850





320 1,810 3,154

-1--- ---1--- -·---·:----1---1---1------·1----1---

Total 45 3,527! 1,7S41 1,609* 1,280~ 290 38! 69! I 7* 24,644 5,284


Holdings - exc.eedillg acres. I acres. acres. acres. a.cres. ncres. bushels. bushels. I and under 5 acres .. .

of 5 " 15" ... I of 15 " 30" .. . of 30 " 50" .. . of 50 " 100 " .. . oflUO " 200 " .. . of 200 " 350 ,. ... of350 " 500 " ... of 500 acres and upwards 13 s 67,105 482 79 79 14! 30! 77 202, 1,620 1,765

-7-9- -7;-i-:; -30-+-1:--7-7'-'1-2-0-2-1~1 ',765. Total

1---- ----1·---13 67,105 482

I In connection with this freehold land 94 acres are held ~nder lense, making the total of holdings of this elnss 1.211~ acres. 2 In connection with this freehold la.nd 368 ncres arc heUf under lensc:, making the total of holdings of this clnss I ;63S acres. 3: In connection WlUl this freehold land 54,,) ncres ilre l1eld under lease, making the total of holdings of this class 3.74.8 acres. 4 In connection with tllis freehold land 620 acr!lS are Ileld nnder lease, making tile total of holdings of this ciass 764 acres. S Of these 67 ,105 Mres 3,060 acres are held under lease.

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (49)






Holdings-exceeding 1 and under 5 acres .•.

of 5 15 " of 15 30 " of 30 50 " Qf 50 " 100" oflOO 200 " of 200 350 " of350 " 500" of 500 acres and upwards


Holdings-exceeding I and under 5 acres ...

of 5 " 15" of 15 30 .. of 30 50" of 50 100 oflOO 200 of200 350 of350 " 500" of 500 acres and upwards


Holdings-exceeding 1 and under 5 acres ...

of 5 15 " of 15 30 " of 30 " 50" of 50 100 " oflOO " 200" of200 350 " of350 " 500" ." of 500 acres and upw'ards


Holdings - exceeding 1 and under 5 acres ...

of 5 15 " of 15 30 of 30 50 " of 50 " 100" of 100 200 " of200 350. " of 350 " 500" of 500 acres and upwards


3 9

13 39 86 64 26

4 28


acres. 10! 74

257 1,559 6,465 8,876 6,219 1,539 '


acres. 2 6~ 8 ' 65 9 2162

27 31,018 45 • 3,147 39 54,396 15 "2,761

___ 4_1 71,231 _ 5 ~4,313

154 i 17,099!

I 1 4

12 41 25 11

ACres. 4 5

84 495

3,040 3,590 2,636


23 996,423


Area Area Area Area Area Area Ar}R, ___ --, __ _ untler under unller j ~

C lU under uuder under Green under other . ~lO:~' Oereals. Wheat. Oats. Cel'eals. Orops. Hay. Orops. Wheat. qats.

--------'- --- -0----------

ael'CS. 7

56~ 152

acres, acres.

8 30

374 1,892 2,359 2,;'51

380 560



15 6

374 1,449 1,602 1,078

210 579




8 37~ 24i 35 2!


acres. 4 9i

II 971

304 672~ 616

68 161

acres. 1

12 100 359

1,147 1,098

690 245 878

acres. 2 61 5

13 38 68 68

7 70~


220 663

9,970 49,708 65.057 57,157 10,500 15,390


415 220

16,577 62,637 70,538 49,320

7,850 21,863

---i---I--- ------4,530 285 208,665 229,415


acrns. 3

51!: 90 I



25 7



4 5

203 746

1,178 1,148

380 460



15 2

205 796 890 676 210 475





27!1 10 21

acres. 1

12 72

260 735 751 507 245 363

acres, bushcls.

6~ 120 5 103 4! 5,802

20 20,929 63 32,262 17! 31.692

7 10,500 47! 12,730


415 60

!I,150 82,955 37,408 29,070 7,850

17,251 -_.'--- --- --- ---

2,946 171 \14,138 134,154


acres. 4 5

62 461!

2,372 2,594! 2,019!





4 29

343 1,809 1,907! 1,419



4 25

17 ! 1,146 1,181 1,003



4 169 653 712 402


3 10 14! 14

acres. 2 I 5

11 133 335 367


1 ncros. acres. acres. acres. acres.

217 100 104 13 44


28 99

412 347 183




acrcs. bushels. bushele. 2

100 560 160

Sl 4,168 7,427 18 28,779 1 29,682 5 32,795 33,130

: :~Ol i 25,465 20,250

-;:-1 91 ,867 ~-

acres. acres~ acres.

30 2,660 4,612 1--;;;; 96,423 1--8-0


- --2-1-7- --1-00- --10-4- -1-3-'-4-4-515 30 2,660 4,612

! In connection with tbis freehold land 4 acre. arc held under lcase, making the total of tilis class of holdings 69 acres. " In connecilon with this freehold land II ncres arc beld undcr leuse, making the total of this cJass of holdings 173 acres. J In connection with this freehold land 46 acres nre held under lease, maklng the total of this class of holdings 1,064 ncres . • In connection with this freehold Jand 278 ncres are held under leMc, making the total of this class of holdings 3425 nercs. " In connection wltll tIlls freehold land 890 acres are held under lease, making the total of this class ofIloldings 5:286 acres. d In couuection with this freehold land 822 acres arc held under lease, making the total of this class Qf boldings 3,583 acres. 7 In CODU(!CUOll 'VUIl this freehold, land 308 acres arc held under lease, making the total of this ClllSS of holdings 11539 acres. S In connection 'with this frechohlland 780 acres are held under lease, making the total of this class of holdings 5,093 acres. " Of tlleac 96,423 ncrce 100 ncres are held under lease.

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (50)






Holdings-exceeding I and under 5 acres ...

of !'j 15 ". f

.of lG 30 " of 30 " .50" oi, ',;0 100 " ofl00 200 o~ilOO 350 "

'of350 " 500" of·.;GO acres' and upwards


Extent Area!\ Area. Area Area Area Area PRODUCE,

of ~n~~r ~:d~ under under ~~~:~~ under ~~g:~ 'I' - -

Holdings, tivn:ton. Cereals. Whent. Onts, Crops. Hay. Crops. Wheat. 0,,1$.

acres. ncr... neres. nercs. acres. : acres, acres. ::;, =~I-::s~ 67 172£ I II5;! 23t 10k 11£ I 26 53! ; 317 261

'Il2 1.027i I 716 284 127~ 148i i! 286 66! 3,044 4,87& 153 3,287t f 1,982£ 1,119i( 615i 488 i 16 619i 541 14,944 15,902 169 6,501 3,924! 2,748-4- 1,355i' 1,376! 16£ 790~ 85£ 35,651 48,042 368 26,8941'115,231 11,242;\ 6,183~1 4,957 . 102 1,6-l9! 2,01l! 330~ 158,426 192,016~ 293 .40,453t .


18,872! 14,174;\- 8,680!- 5,353:!-1 140! 2,211;\ 2,2512 235&1/ 224,569 215,952 136 I 34,729£ 11,641 9,084~ 5,863 3,154 I 67~ 1,109 1,351 96~ 150,560 117,838 30 I 12,371 , 3,006! 1,793 1,314 458 21 419 766 1 281 34,938 16,745 57 154,392 1 5,475 3'49412'437 1'042115 7001 1,101 I li9!1 58,170 44,849

I 1 1 1 I

1,385 280,3;-,1 60,965- 43.963; 26,587; 16,9~; 387t 6,666~-19,203~ -ll,131t'6S0,61;1656'483~ I , I



Holdings~exceeding , acres. acres, acres. I ,md' under 5 acres ... . 58 150!j- 101 20:1

acres. acres. t acrcls. acres.. "eres. acres. bushels. busheJs: n ,I lOA 26 44t 217 261

114 7! 71 270 63 2,726 4,611' 462 15~ 157 544i 53! 10,819 12,708

1,069! i 16i 238 706} 75t 26,179 39,255 4,325 82! 1,316! 1,760! 260~ 109,886 143,918;\ 5,391! 116t 1,619~ 1,937~ 228 136.597 156,870 4,20'( . 48~ I 816~ 1,136 88 110;462 91,252

864 17 .: 373 726 25ti 21,698 .1l,235 1,661 807, 9 I 342! 797 100 I 42,380 36,235


i------ ---i-------18,102 13,080.~ 314£ 14,944~ 7,904 938~1460,9641496,%2i

of 5 ,,, 15" ... 102 '916 667~ 263! t. of 15' .. 30" ... 129 22,699! 1,629!j- 874t

of 30, ", 50" ... 136 ~5,032! 3,214-.!; 2,I94i ,0f .. :.0: " 100" ... 276 '19,001! 11,490 8,153 pf.ioO! ''''. 200 " .... 222 528,077~ 13,361t 9,576! ,of~OO ". 350" ..• ]05 625,0871 ~,!~~. 6,739~

.of.350 .1 ";'; ~OO" ... 25 ,'8.491 ~,:'~U! 1,199 . of,5.o0.a..cres all~ upwards: ~I 8 46;4:9V 16! 2,477

Totill .... 1,089 I 135,886~ 45,2S4;l 31,497t : I


1 I Holdings-;-exceeding acres. acres. acres, acrcs. acres. acres. ncres. acres. ncres. bUshels. bUshel,: • 1 I and under 5 acres ... 9 22 14! 3 3 .•• ... 2 ... 9~ 100 ...

of ij " 15"... 10 72 48~ 20~ lSi 7... 8! 16 3~ 318\ 260 ',01' 15 " 30" '" 24 .§11~ 353\ 245~ 153! 911 ~ 31~ 75 I 4,125 3,194 of 30 ". 50" ... 33 1,155 710 554 286 . 268... Gil 84 1O~ 9,472 i 8,787 of ·50 " 100" ... 92 6,058 '3,741, 3,089l I,85Sk 1,211t 19~ 330 251l 70 48,5401 48,098

.pfl.OO " 200" ... '(I 9,973 5,5llti 4,598 3,289 1,285~ 23~ 592 314 7A1j

87,972 59,082 :,of200 ,." 350" ... 31 .7,320 2,861! ·2,345 1;656 670, 19 . 292! 215 8~ 40,098 26,586 9f3:,)0 " 500"... 5 1,864 683' ,594 450 140 I 4 '46 40 3 ,13,240 5,510

of500acresandupwards 11_~~~~i~_'~'~ __ 2_. __ 289 __ '_"_J_~i 1O,68~ ·3,570

'" . , Total... . ... 281. 36,645! 14,S61~, 12,Q55&IS,229!, 3,757:!- 68~ 1,653 995t I 157!i214,545 155,087 •


Holdings-,exceeding acres. acres. acres. acres. acres:' ncres. acres. acres. acres. bushels. busheb~"

: and under 5 acres ... of;j " 15 H'"

of 15 " 30,. . .. of 30 " 50,. .. . of 50 ,., 100 ,; .. . oflOO " 200" .. . of200 ,; 350" .. . of35l) " 500" ... of500' acres and upwards'

I .. , ::: ::: \ ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: j :::

I ... I... ... ... ... ... ... ... , , 819;} 411 'I 256 151 4 1 69 304 35t 5,llO 5,044

Total:· '::. 95,831

15 995,831

15 I~~ ~-. -2~~- ~-~I'--:- 304 35! ~~ -::-.; 'I ~~. __ ~-. __ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ __________ ~ __ -c ____ ~ ____ ~ ___ ~ ____ ~ __ ~ ____ ~ __ ~ ____ __

1 In conne'l!tlon witt} this treehold land 3~~ ncrcs nre)u;I~I:Ulld~i le~e} ula1an~ tilt;' t~tfli Of this IcYass of hoi ding:) 915f>§ ~r~. . 2 In conn~tlon with this freehold land 7G acres arc held under lease, making the total of this class of holdings 2,775! acres. :1 III connecti<m 'yiih this freeholu land 313i acres are held undert lease •. rnll.ktng the tO,tal pfthls class ofholdiug~ 5,340 acres • .. In conneCtiou with this freehold land 1,835 acres are held nndor lease, making the total of this class of holdings ~O,83G~ f.!.cr~s. 5 111 cimncctJon: with :this' freehold land 2,403 acres are.held under lease, .mnldng the tota(o( this claSs of ·1lOIdings 3014S0~lle.res. " In connection with tills ftcchold land 2,322 acres nrc heW.under lease, making 'the to", .. 1.of,tbis·class of,holdings 27,409* aem.· t In connection wILli this frc'ehold land,2,OlG acres arc held under loose, making thcjtotal of this class of hoi dings 10,507 acres. i oi coimection with this freehold iand·a.OO1~ acres are held under lease, making the t9tnl of this c1a.<::s·'of holdings 49 J4.3t.ncres. " Of tbese 95,83l acres 9,891 neres nre held under Ie .. "".

STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (51)







Xumber Extent 1 :.~;:,'.. A rca •. Area Me; I I :'1~~.1 I of o~ Cult Iva- under u

rllucr under other Grccll

. Area under llay.

Area under othcr Crops. ._---


Whent. Oat •. Holders. Roldmgs. llon. Gerenls. ,\ heat. Oals. 1 Cercals. Cro]",. I ---'.---1-1------ :1

Holdings-exceeding "crcs. acres. I acrcs. ncrcs. ncr~s. ncrcs. acres. acres. busllcls. bushel •• 1 and under 5 acres ..• 63 208! I64~ 63 48! S& I 6it ;~;1' 4 29k 1,668 251>

of 5 " 15" ... 180 1,538& 1,1244 699~ 630 58' llt 304 75 16,070 1,776 of 15 " 30" ... 90 l.855! 1,095~ 768!t 688~ 71 8il 41i 63 20,198 1,515 of 30 " 50" ... 75 2,807t 1,576~ 1,ln, 1,037 106 34 'I 84 1364 26,938 2,882 of 50 " 100" ••• 139 9,485! 4,155! 3,2554! 2,838 36l 56! 421 287~ 1914 75,476 10,227 oflOO " 200" ... 210 29,637 9,5084 7,220. 6,304 728! 187, 839~ 466 982~ 173,304 19,520 of 200 " 350" '" 113 28,393i 8,205" 5,602* i 4,931 5174 153~ 478~ 5l4

li 1,610~ 126,313 13,068

of350 " 500" ... 35 15,215 3,359&' 2,052, 1,8044 1464 101 222- 315~, 770 50,006 4,019 of500 acres and upwards 85 1'8,359~ 2,953 1,870;1' 1,522 3 lOt 38 232~ 3,59~i 490~ 39,327 8,052

Total ... I~ 267,511 32,143 22,7074 19,803t 2,307~ ~ 2'983~1~~~i!-4-"3-4-9-!1-59-~9-'-30-0-i;:~


Holdings-exceeding I acres. acres. acres. acres. acrcs.: acres. acres. acres. "cres. bushels. bushels. 1 and under 5 acres ... 40. 1126!1 102 35A 28~ 31! 3* 45~ I 20 961 98

of 5 " 15" ... 100 2740 57S! 327* 283 39' 51 173~ • 25& 50 7,906 1,208 of 15 " 30" .•. 49' 3831 475! 321t 2721 44 4~ 764 27~ 49~ 7,597 1,042 of 30 It 50" ... 38 Q,149!1 725*, 525; 470 43 12 70 46 84~ 12,193 1,072 of 50 " 100" ...' 7I 54,28041 1,987~ 1.564~ 1,306 I 2284 I 29~ I 204! lI5l 104 35,068 6,745 oflOO " 200" ... 108 611,776 3,96Q 2,8744 2,481~ 300 93 422! 166' 498~ 73,232 G,957 of200 .. 350..... 54 712,022'1 2,954:\ 2,366 I 2,0921 21811 55~ 294 I 139 155:\ 56,241 5,318 of350 " 500 II... 18 S6,859~ 996~ 6774 584 72~1' 21- 83!j 106 129~ 16,740 1,825 of500 acres and upwards 31 927,9561 1,588~ 1,286* 1,098~ 161! 264 101~1 70 130~ 27,502 4,391

Total ••• -;;;; -;~742 ~367~ 1-;-9i7'II---~i~~I~1 1'47qi~t~/~':;'-2~


~ Holdings-exceeding acres. acres. acres. acrei!. acres. acres. acres. i acres. acres. bushels. bushels.

, 1 and under 5 acres .... 23 70~ 62i 274 19~ 5 3 23 , 3 91 707 157 of 5 " 15"... 80 698 548 372 347 19 6 146' 5 25 8,164 568 of 15 " 30" .. , 41 9494 620i 447 416 27 4 146 14 1st 12,601 573 of 30 " 50"... 37 1,330:\ 851! 652 567 I '63 22 109 38 52! 14,745 1,810 of 5() " 100" ... 68 I 4,677 2,167A I 1,691:\ 1,532 1324 26i 216~ 172 8n 40,408 3,482 of 100 " 200" ... 102 16,563 5,54'-' 4,3454 3,822~ 42841 944 417~ 300 484' 100,072 12,563 of200 ." 350" ... 58 14,3441 5,184!' 3,200:\ 2,812 292 96:1 180~ 369, 1,434~ 69,402 7,550 Of350 " 500"... 17 7,100 2,3621 1,3744 1,2201 74 80 13Sk 209f 640! 33,266, 2,194 of500 acres and upwards 8 6'3221 687~ 367 308 55 4 48 18 254! 8,700 l.i30

Total... ... 434 1~2,054! ~031! i-I-2-,4'-7-7-1·-I-I,-0-4.g--; -1,-09-6- -3-36-4 -1-,4-25-1 :~~; ~~ -2-88-,0-6-5- -3-0-,c~-;


Holdings-exceeding ncres. acres. acres. acres. ilcres. acres. acres.

u:::s. ! ~::' busbels. I and under 5 ac:.:,es ...

of 5 " 15" .. . of 15 " 30" .. . of 30 " 50" ...

... I ...

of 50 ,,' 100" .. . ... ... I ...

oflOO " 200" .. . of200 " 350"... I 320 67 36 27 7 2 4 6 of350 .. 500" ...... ... ... ... •.. '''94 I '''7~ of500 acres and upwards 46 1°139,544 676i 217 1~~! ________ 'I __ 8._3_l 271~! 105

Total ... "'I--4-;-1-39'-,-86-4-'--7-4-3-i"--2-5-a-1 14241 101. i 9!1 87! --27741~~


I In connection with thIS frcellold land ll~ acres are held un~cr lellse, making the total of holdh'gs of thIs clnss 137! acres . • In connectiou with tbls freehOld land lOQ~ acres are held under lease, making Ihe total ofboldlngs of thIs class 840A ncres. 3 In conneeUQn with this ftcehold land 85 acres are held under tcase, nmklng the totnl of holdings of this class ~16 acres. 4 In connection with thIs freehold land 3'!8 acre' arc held under lease, making the total of holdings of this clnss 1,477,\ acres. 5 III connection with thIs freollOld hma 528 aCted bre held under lease;' the lOtal oflloldlngs of this class 4,808l11crcs. 6 In eonnccHon with lhls freehold land J.298 aercs nrc hcl<! under lease, making the tot.1 oflloldings ofthi. class 13,074 acres. 1 In 'connection wllh this freehold land 1,707 acres nrc hcld uMor lease, maldng the totnl ofhold!ngB of thls elu.s 13,729! acres. S In connection wIth this freehold land J t255~ acres are held um!er lease, making the total of holdings of this cluss 8, II b acrcs, 9 In connection with this frcchold lund 4,537 acres "rc held under lease, making tile lotn! of holdlngs ofthls class a2,4~3i ncrC8.

10 Of these 139,044 acres 43,985 acres are held under lease.


3,125 J

3,795 i

bushel ••




STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (52)




! Numberl Exlent ! Aren 'Area Area I Area Ii of of: under ::::r ~~~J:r ~:~:r under under ~l~~~ under ,,~_I_·U_OD_U_·C,_E_. __

Holders, Holdings. i CulUvn- Cereals. Wheat. Oats. other Green Hay. other '---I tion. I Ceresls. Crops. Crops. l'lbent. Oi.lts~


--- acres. I acres. acres. acres, --:::.-- acres. =1-:::'~I-=:rbUShC!S' -:1:;-



I and under 5 aeres ... ,II 351· 28~ 6it I 3& 3 ... 9~ 4 8k


100 91 of 5 " 15" ... 46 398~, 280:l; 1481' 101~ '44 2!! 57! I 19 56 2,370 1,155 of 15 " 30" .. , 31 689~ 285:1; 180f 12Ri 51 it 351 I 22 47~ 2,731 1,208 of 30 " 50" .. , 33 1,203! 383! 240! 172 i 64 4,i 49 1 43 5It, 3,381 1,799 of 50 " 100" .... 51 3,393~ 678;} 303 181! 119t 2!! 101 '41~ 233t 4,120 3,187 of 100 " 200 ., ... 54 7,012~ 1,537 1 684 442 207 35 219~ 45~ 588! 10,598 ".164 of 200 " 350" ... 30 8.IS6!1! 914it I 4611 33n I 113 lOi 83 LI6 254:1 7,713! 3,406 01'350 ., 500" ••. 12 5,191! 326~ 223i 158! 60i· 4& 15 11 77 4,128 1,915 of500 acres and upwards 40 73,319 1,537 543! 332 139 72! 126jj. :-==--: 644i 7,766 3,408

Total... . .. ~'-;400 i 5,972! -;~~~--8~ 133~ I~: 524 I~ 42.90n 21,;;

Hoidings-exeeeding L and under 5 acres ...

of 5 " 15" .•. of 15 " 30" .. . of 30 " 50" .. . of 50 ,. 100" .. . ofIoO ,; 200" .. . of200 " 350" ••• of350 " 500" ... of 500 acres and upwards


acres. acres. 10 32! 26~

• 40 I 324~ 242jj. 18 2 301~ 190i 23 3807~ 258 34 '1,740~, 409i 37 '4,278ql ],144! 16 64,069 i 431 ~ 8 '3,10It 217

11 "9,505! 461~ I-·I-'·-~-

acres. 6!!

1321-139i 169~ 221! 475 168! 163! 210§

acres. 3t 92~

102 125 128 296 105~ 114! 158

acres. 3

37t 37 42 90!

162 61 44} 44



acres. acres. acres. acres. bushels. bushels. ... 8 4 7~ 100 91 2~ 53! II 451 2,140 995

1- 23 7q 20~ 2,155 913 21 35~ 38 15 2,558 1,299 2~ 46l/c 36~ 104i 3,161 2,(;25

17 IS0.1 23 4651 i ,210 4,025 2 40!l- 33 1893; 2,410 2,012 4! 8 11 34i 2,908 1,275 S~ I 58 40 153 4,178 1,110

._'----Total .•• 197 24,160 3,381~

i I I,G87t 1,125,} t 522 4541 204 1,035~ 26,820 14,345

Holdings ~ exceeding I and under 5 acres ...

of 5 15 • of 15 30 of :\0 50 of 50 100 01'100 200 of2QO 350 " 01'350 " 500 .. of500 acres and upwards



n 13 10 17

9 3 3


acres. aores. acres. acres. acrcs. 2

37i 15~ 9 tit 305 9~ 40i 26i 14 355 12'51 71 47 22

1,180 269~ 81:1: 53 28~ 1,174 277 172 129 40

__ I"'~ __ :_~_I~~a I __ I;~ __ Ig: __ ~~ 5,0651 1,109 621 4661 149



2 !



bU~~~IS. i 230 i 576 . 823 959

3,091 4,200



Holdings-exceeding I I

tl:~~s. i bU~~~IS, ncrcs. acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. acres. I (~nd under 5 acres ... '" ... ... ... .. ... ... .. , ...

of :) 15 " "

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ! ... of ]5 ., 30

" ... ... ... ... ... '" ... ... .. . ... ... ...

of 30 "

50 "

... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . "

. .. of 50

" 100

" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . I ...

of :00 200 "

.. 8 1,280 i ll5! ! 37 17 5 15 22! 171- "~:ll 297 " o:'201l "

:l50 ,. ... 11 3,2134 1 276 102~ 64 30 8~ 38! 71 1.103~ of350 500 ... I 480 14! 10


10 . .. ... 3 ... I I~ i 260 of500 acr~~ and up";'~rds 29 °62,754 1,07S! 333 174 95 64 68~ 182 491ii 3,588



--- --! 270~ !~15'248~ ... 49 6' 7""" I 1,481! 482! 265 130 go'll 132~ . .. I ., " -''1 " .


I In conneetlon with this freehold land 12 acres urc held under lense, mnldng the tolal of hoi clings Mthis class 336k acres, ~ In connection with this freehold land 83 acres are held under lease, tm~king the total of hol(tings of this class 384~ itcres. 3 In connection with this freehold Jand 41 acres nre held unller! making the totn1 of holfUngs,of this el:tSs 848~ acres, 4- In connection with this freehold land 4i3 acres are held under lease, ma.king the total ofhbl<iings of this class 2,213~· acres. S In connection with this freehold land 28) acres are held under lease, making the total of holding'S of this class 4,558l! flcres. 6 In connection wit.h this freehold lund 148 acres arc held under leasc. making the total of holdings of this class 4,217 :lCTt'S. 7 In connection wIth this freehold Innd 350 acres arc held under lease, making the total ofl1oWings of this ciass 3,4511 ncres. B In oonncctiou with this freehold lnnd LOGO acrcs are hcM under lease, mal\ing the total of h!}Idlngs of this class 10,5G5 acres. 9 Ofthcse G2,7f}4 acres 7,340 acres are held uuder lense.


160 295 500 562

1,081 660 640


bushels. . .. .. . .. . ... ...

58 734

... 2,298


STATISTI(~S OF' VICTORIA, - Parliament of Victoria - [PDF Document] (2024)


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