How-to Videos for TallyPrime (2024)

This page collates all the how-to videos for TallyPrime and its features. The videos are enlisted based on the categories and modules so that you can identify and navigate to the relevant video, based on your query.

New to e-Invoicing? You can refer to our self-help videos to know how to generate e-Invoices and perform other e-Invoicing activities in TallyPrime.

TallyPrime allows you to try e-Invoicing feature before you can go on to generate e-Invoices for you business. Refer to the following video to know how to generate e-Invoices through e-Invoice Sandbox in TallyPrime.

The data management videos ensure that you can learn all the steps to manage data in TallyPrime.



Related Topic

How to Configure your Data in Multi User TallyPrime

Steps to store and access TallyPrime data at different locations.

Manage Your Company Data – An Overview

How to Backup Data in TallyPrime

Steps to take backup of data in TallyPrime.

Backup and Restore Company Data

How to Restore Data in TallyPrime

Steps to restore a company backup in TallyPrime.

Backup and Restore Company Data

How to Migrate your Data to TallyPrime

Steps to migrate from Tally.ERP 9 to TallyPrime for single user and multi-user editions.

Migrate Company Data

How to Schedule TallyPrime Company Data Backup Using Cobian Backup Software

You can regularise the process of taking your TallyPrime data backup using Cobian Backup Software. This helps you ensure that you do not lose your TallyPrime data due to a virus attack or hard drive. Watch the video to know how to do it.Auto Backup Your TallyPrime Data Using Cobian Backup

How to Configure Company Data Path in TallyPrime for Single User

In TallyPrime, you can set a default data path where Company data created in TallyPrime will be stored. You can set the default folder for storing your Company data using two methods covered in the video.

Manage Your Company Data

How to Import Masters and Transactions to Your Company Data in TallyPrime | Release 2.X

In this video, you will learn how to import masters and transactions to a Company in TallyPrime. If you are creating a new Company and have some set of ledgers or stock items created in another Company, then you can just import those ledgers from that Company and use them in the new Company. This will save a great deal of time, as you do not have to create those masters and transactions in the Company.

Import Data in TallyPrime

How to Migrate Company Data to TallyPrime Release 3.0

This video demonstrates the migration of Company data to TallyPrime Release 3.0.

Migrate Company Data

How to Repair Company Data in TallyPrime Release 3.0

This video demonstrates the process of repairing Company data in TallyPrime Release 3.0.

Repair Company Data in TallyPrime | Rewrite

How to Resolve Exceptions During Import, Repair, Migration, and Synchronisation in TallyPrime Release 3.0This video demonstrates the process of identifying exceptions that occur during Import, Repair, Migration, and Synchronisation and resolving those exceptions.

How to Reset GSTN Data in TallyPrime | Release 3.X

This video demonstrates the process of resetting GSTN data in TallyPrime.

Import Data and Reset GSTN Data in TallyPrime

How to Migrate QuickBooks Data to TallyPrime

In this video, we will look at the process to migrate QuickBooks data to TallyPrime. TallyPrime allows you to import QuickBooks data and start recording your business operations within no time.

Migrate QuickBooks Data to TallyPrime

How to Move from Tally.ERP 9 to TallyPrime 3.0 | TallyPrime Release 1.X

In this video, we will look at the process to move from Tally.ERP 9 to TallyPrime 3.0 and use existing license and data. You need to have a valid TSS subscription to upgrade to TallyPrime 3.0. If TSS expired before 12th Jun 2023, you will not be able to upgrade. Visit the Tally website or contact your partner to renew the TSS.

Migrate Company Data

How to Import Masters and Transactions from Sample Excel Files into TallyPrime

This video demonstrates the process of importing masters and transactions into TallyPrime using the Sample Excel File. With a few basic steps, you will see how to download the Sample Excel File provided by TallyPrime. After the download, you can fill the Sample Excel Files with details of masters or transactions and import that data into TallyPrime.

How to Import Data into TallyPrime

How to Import Masters and Transactions Using Mapping Templates into TallyPrime

This video demonstrates how you can easily import data into TallyPrime using your own excel formats. You have the flexibility of creating and customizing your own template to import data from your Excel file into TallyPrime. While creating a Mapping Template, you will have to map the column headers in your Excel file to the corresponding fields in TallyPrime. Once you’ve created your Mapping Template and mapped the necessary fields, you can proceed with importing your Masters or Transactions into TallyPrime. This way, you can seamlessly import the data entered in your Excel files into TallyPrime in just a few simple steps. This video covers

How to Import Data into TallyPrime

Learn how to be compliance-ready with TallyPrime from the videos that cover a wide range of activities that include GST, e-Invoicing, e-Way Bill, and other compliance-related activities.

VideoCoverageRelated Topic

How to Register and Choose Tally as Your GSP for e-Invoicing

Steps to register for e-invoice and choose your GSP.

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

How to Set-up TallyPrime for E-Invoice

Introduction to e-invoicing in TallyPrime.

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

How to Generate E-invoices Online in TallyPrime

Steps to generate e-Invoice online using TallyPrime.

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

How to Generate E-invoices Offline in TallyPrime

Steps to generate e-invoice offline using TallyPrime

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

How to Bulk Upload E-Invoices in TallyPrime

Steps to do bulk upload of e-invoices generated using TallyPrime.

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

How to Cancel IRN in TallyPrimeSteps to cancel a generated IRN using TallyPrime.

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

How to Use E-Invoicing Reports in TallyPrimeIntroduction to e-invoice reports in TallyPrime.

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

How to Get IRN Info Using TallyPrimeSteps to get the latest IRN info for transactions eligible for e-Invoicing in TallyPrime.

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

How to Undo IRN Cancellation of E-Invoice in TallyPrimeSteps to undo the cancellation of e-Invoices in TallyPrime to update the e-Invoice report.

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

E-Invoicing through Sandbox API System using TallyPrime | Release 1.1.4

Steps to use e-Invoice Sandbox feature in TallyPrime.

e-Invoice Trial Through e-Invoice Sandbox in TallyPrime

How to Generate an e-Invoice for Export Sales Using TallyPrime | Release 2.X

This video demonstrates the complete process of generating an e-Invoice for export sales. Whenever you sell goods to a foreign party and export to their country, you need to generate an e-Invoice for the transaction. Creating the party ledger and providing essential details such as Shipping Bill No. and Port No. ensures that the e-Invoice gets generated seamlessly.

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

How to Cancel e-Invoice in TallyPrime | Release 2.X

In this video, you will understand the simple process of cancelling an e-Invoice or IRN using TallyPrime.

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

How to Resolve e-Invoicing Errors in TallyPrime | Release 2.X

The video demonstrates the common errors that occur during e-Invoicing because of which transactions get rejected by the e-Invoice system.

It also shows how to identify the errors by referring to Reason for rejection and correct transactions to generate e-Invoice afresh.

Reasons for Rejection of e-Invoice and Resolutions

How to Resolve e-Invoice Rejections when UQC is not Selected in Stock Item in TallyPrime 3.0

In this video we will look at the vouchers rejected by e-invoice system due to the unavailability of Unit Quantity Code or UQC in the unit of a stock item created as service. We will also learn the steps to make corrections to the voucher and successfully upload it to e-invoice system to generate IRN.

Reasons for Rejection of e-Invoice and Resolutions

How to Generate an e-Invoice for Export Sales in TallyPrime

This video demonstrates the simple process of e-Invoice generation for export sales in TallyPrime. You will learn how you can record a voucher with the necessary details and generate an e-Invoice. Moreover, you will get to know the process of exporting a JSON file of the e-Invoice that contains the code Pos 96.

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

How to Generate an e-Invoice for Export Sales to Other Territory in TallyPrime

In case of a local party, when the Place of Supply is in a different country, the e-Invoice needs to be generated for Other Territory. This video demonstrates the process of creating a sales invoice for export to Other Territory, exporting a JSON file, and generating an e-Invoice.

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

How to Generate an e-Invoice for Sales in TallyPrime Under Section 7 of IGST Act

As a transport service provider, when you are supplying transport service in the same state, you need to record the invoice with IGST details, despite the intrastate sales. In such cases, the e-Invoice gets generated under Section 7 of IGST Act. This video demonstrates the entire process of recording the invoice with the Transport Service ledger and the IGST ledger and overriding the tax details to generate the e-Invoice.

Online and Offline e-Invoice Generation on IRP Using TallyPrime

VideoCoverageRelated Topic

Validating GSTIN/UIN Online Using TallyPrime | Release 2.0

Covers the entire process for the online validation of GSTIN/UIN using TallyPrime.

Validate GSTIN/UIN and HSN/SAC Online in TallyPrime

Validating HSN or SAC Information Using TallyPrime | Release 2.0

Covers the entire process for the online validation of HSN/SAC using TallyPrime.Validate GSTIN/UIN and HSN/SAC Online in TallyPrime

How to Update HSN Code for Stock Items in TallyPrime | Release 3.x

Steps to update HSN code for Stock Items in TallyPrime so that the HSN Codes for the respective Stock Items are captured in the invoices.

Manage HSN Codes/SAC and Tax Rates in TallyPrime

How to Reconcile GSTR-2 in TallyPrime | Release 3.x

Demonstrates the process of reconciling GSTR-2 using the GSTR-2A file downloaded from GSTN portal.

Reconcile Mismatch in Input Tax Credit: Books Vs GST Portal with GSTR-2A

How to Export GSTR-1 Section-wise using TallyPrime | Release 3.x

Steps to export GSTR-1 JSON files section-wise to upload for IFF.

Uploading to IFF for QRMP Dealers

File GSTR-1

Filing GSTR-1 Returns using TallyPrime | Release 3.x

In this video we will look at the process to generate GSTR-1 returns using TallyPrime and then upload return file on the GSTN portal.

File GSTR-1

How to Update Party GST Registration in TallyPrime Without Affecting Earlier Returns | Release 3.x

This video covers the process of updating a party’s GST Registration Details in such a way that the transactions recorded and returns filed earlier remain unaffected due to the update.

Getting Started with GST in TallyPrime

How to Specify Slab-Based GST Rate Details in Masters in TallyPrime | Release 3.x

GST Rate of some Stock Items or services depends on the Amount, in which case you can specify slab-based GST Rate Details. TallyPrime Release 3.0, helps you specify slab-based rate details in any master in TallyPrime – be it Stock Item, Ledger, Company, Stock Group.

Supplies with Cess, Discount, MRP Inclusive of GST, Slab Rate

How to Set Up GST Rate Details at Different Levels in TallyPrime | Release 3.x

This video helps you understand the process of specifying the GST Rate and HSN/SAC details separately at different levels in TallyPrime Release 3.0 and later releases.

Getting Started with GST in TallyPrime

How to Use GST Rate Setup Report for Masters in TallyPrime | Release 3.x

The GST Rate Setup in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases is a one-stop repository for gaining all the information regarding GST Rate Details in any of the masters.

GST Rate Setup in TallyPrime

How to Configure Ledgers for GST in TallyPrime | Release 3,x

TallyPrime Release 3.0 brings in a simplified experience of creating or altering ledgers and configuring for GST-related uses. You may require ledger created for some service charges to be included in the assessable value during voucher creation. And you may want to include an expense ledger in the assessable value to appropriate tax values for additional costs in purchase invoice with greater ease now.

Create/Update Masters for GST section in the Getting Started with GST in TallyPrime

How to Use Transactions Accepted as Valid Report in TallyPrime | Release 3.x

This video shows the steps to view transactions that were accepted as is, despite the mismatch in values in the masters and transaction or other reasons such as wrong format or invalid information.

GSTR-1 Report in TallyPrime

How to Use Track GST Return Activities Report in TallyPrime to Track Activities Related to Returns | Release 3.xThis video helps you understand how to use Track GST Return Activities report in TallyPrime and track all your return-related activities at a single location.

Track GST Return Activities | Your One-Stop Report Before Filing

How to Use Multiple GST Registrations Feature in TallyPrime | Release 3.x

TallyPrime Release 3.0 brings the multiple GST registrations feature, which allows you to have more than one GSTIN in a single Company.

Enable GST – Single and Multi-GSTIN section in the Getting Started with GST in TallyPrime topic

Voucher Numbering Behaviour in TallyPrime | Release 3.x

Watch this video to understand the voucher numbering in TallyPrime Release 3.0 onwards.

Set Up Voucher Numbering from a GST Perspective section in the Getting Started with GST in TallyPrime topic

How to Export GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime | Release 3.xThis video demonstrates the complete procedure of exporting GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B using TallyPrime.

File GSTR-1

File GSTR-3B

How to use GSTR-1 in TallyPrime | Release 3.x

GSTR-1 in TallyPrime helps you do all the Return-related activities necessary for filing GSTR-1 on the GST portal. This video demonstrates all those activities that are part of Return cycle.

GSTR-1 Report in TallyPrime

How to Retain Voucher Number Sequence While Importing Vouchers to a Company in TallyPrime 3.0 | Release 3.x

This video explains the process to retain voucher number sequence after import.

Not Applicable

How to Record GST Advance Receipts in TallyPrime | Release 3.x

This video demonstrates the process of recording advance receipts in TallyPrime and adjusting the amount of advance received from buyers in the sales invoice for the supply services.

Record Advances Received Under GST in TallyPrime

How to Merge Companies with Different GSTIN/UINs in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or Later | Release 3.xThis video demonstrates the process of merging two Companies with different GST registration or GSTIN/UINs in a single Company.

Merge Companies with Different GSTINs

How to Reconcile Transactions in GSTR-2A Reconciliation of TallyPrime | Release 3.xThe video demonstrates the process to reconcile purchase transactions in the GSTR-2A Reconciliation report of TallyPrime.

Reconcile GSTR-2A Data | GSTR-2A ReconciliationReport

How to Reconcile Transactions in GSTR-2B Reconciliation of TallyPrime | Release 3.x

The video demonstrates the process to reconcile purchase transactions in the GSTR-2B Reconciliation report of TallyPrime.

Reconcile GSTR-2B Data | GSTR-2B Reconciliation Report

How to View CMP-08 and GSTR-04 in TallyPrime | Release 3.xThis video demonstrates the process of viewing CMP-08 and GSTR-4 in TallyPrime. You will also know the process of selecting the basis of tax calculation in TallyPrime for a composition dealer, and how to change your Registration Type, keeping the existing vouchers intact.

GST CMP-08 Report


How to Resolve Invalid or Missing HSN/SAC Error in GSTR-1 of Accounts-Only Company in TallyPrime 3.0

This video demonstrates the simple methods to resolve vouchers in the Uncertain Transactions (Corrections Needed) section of GSTR-1 due to invalid or missing HSN/SAC, after you migrate your accounts-only Company to TallyPrime Release 3.0.

GSTR-1 Report in TallyPrime

How to Upload GSTR-3B Returns After Exporting MS Excel File from TallyPrime Release 3.0 | Rel 3.X

You might have migrated the Company to TallyPrime Release 3.0 and exported GSTR-3B as a JSON file. However, when you upload a JSON file export from TallyPrime on the GST portal, the values are not refreshed and displayed properly.

File GSTR-3B Using TallyPrime

How to Export Separate JSON for Each Section of GSTR-1 From TallyPrime – IFF for QRMP Dealers

As a Quarterly Returns Monthly Payment or QRMP dealer, under invoice furnishing facility, you can file your GSTR-1 returns quarterly and pay GST on a monthly basis.

Moreover, you can upload your B2B Invoices and Credit/Debit Notes on a monthly basis. With TallyPrime, you can export separate files for each Section. Thereafter, you can upload the JSON files of each section separately on the GST portal.

This video demonstrates the process of exporting separate files for each section using the configuration, Export separate files for each Section, provided under Export for GSTR-1.

Moreover, you will get to know how to upload the JSON files of separate sections on the GST portal.

File GSTR-1 Using IFF (for QRMP Dealers)

How to Record a Sales Invoice for Stock Items Having Different GST Rates in TallyPrime

Your business might be dealing with the sales of stock items having different GST rates. In TallyPrime, you can choose to specify the GST rate and related details in the respective stock items. It allows you to record sales invoices for stock items having different GST rates.

How to Record Sales Invoice Inclusive of Tax in TallyPrime

In your business, you might be selling stock items that have rates inclusive of GST. However, you would want GST Amount to appear in the Invoice separately against the tax ledgers, when you share it with your buyer. In such cases, you can provide the rate inclusive of tax sales invoice. TallyPrime calculates the rate of the stock item excluding GST, based on the GST rate and related details specified in the Stock Item master. This video demonstrates the entire procedure of recording a sales invoice inclusive of tax for the sale of stock items that have rates including the tax amount.

Supplies with Cess, Discount, MRP Inclusive of GST, Slab Rate

How-to Videos for TallyPrime (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.