Easy Spinach & Egg White Omelette (2024)

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Easy Spinach & Egg White Omelette | a delicious and super easy clean eating omelette that makes the perfect healthy breakfast!

What did you have for breakfast today?

I love me some eggs for breakfast! Growing up, my mom had this freaking amazing omelette maker. It had a handle like a regular saucepan but it had two half circles in the shape of a circle that were hinged in the middle. You would fill both half circles with egg and let it cook until almost done. You could add whatever toppings you like and then flip one of the sides over to meet the other side and a few seconds later – omelette supreme!

And then I grew up and moved away and I never saw that amazing omelette maker again! (Mom, do you still have that thing?!) So I sort of put omelette’s out of my head for awhile because I was pretty sure there was no way to make one without using that handy dandy little omelette machine.

And then a couple years ago, I saw a recipe in Everyday Food magazine and it changed my omelette world. How silly that I thought you couldn’t make an omelette without a special pan! It is SO easy!

This recipe is extremely healthy and guess what guys – it’s clean! No, I don’t mean clean as in, “my house is clean” or “my laundry is clean” – this is clean as in, “healthy-no-processed-junk-in-my-food” clean.

Since clean eating is pretty new to me, I did some research and found out it’s not a new concept. It’s actually been around for a long time. Dr. David Katz,director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center described clean eating as:“food that’s for the most part real food and not encumbered with things that compromise health: artificial flavorings, artificial colorings, sugar substitutes”.

There really aren’t strict rules to follow, just eat more natural foods that haven’t been processed. And it’s surprisingly not hard to make great meals using those guidelines. The result is a healthier body!

So here’s the super awesome news – I’ve teamed up with some fabulous bloggers to bring you clean eating recipes every Saturday for the next month! This is all just in time for bathing suit season, too. 😉

I’ve really been focusing on eating clean for the last week, and I can’t even begin to tell you how much better I feel. My stomach is less bloated and I feel more clear-headed and happier. Most of my cravings for junk food have disappeared and instead, I crave healthy foods. There just might be something to this clean-eating thing!I’m so excited to get more clean eating recipes from some of my favorite bloggers!

Have you tried eating clean before? If so, did you like it? Either way, you’ll love this easy 5 minute omelette! It’s such a healthy way to start your day!

Easy Spinach & Egg White Omelette (6)

Healthy clean eating egg white omelette with spinach and cottage cheese.

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Course: Breakfast

Prep Time: 2 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 3 minutes minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes minutes

Servings: 1

Author: Jenn


  • 3 egg whites
  • 1 Tbsp. water
  • 1 cup baby spinach
  • 1 tsp. olive oil
  • salt & pepper
  • 1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
  • sprinkle of freshly grated parmesan cheese if desired
  • diced tomatoes for serving


  • In a medium bowl, whisk together egg whites and water. Season with salt and pepper.

  • In a nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add spinach and season with salt and pepper. Stir for a minute, until leaves are wilted and tender.

  • Add in egg whites and cook until almost set. Using a spatula, lightly lift up sides around the outside of the omelet and let any uncooked egg whites run underneath.

  • Spread cottage cheese on top of the omelette in the middle, and sprinkle with parmesan. Fold each side of the omelette over onto itself, covering the cottage cheese.

  • Serve with some diced tomatoes, if desired. Enjoy!

Tried this Recipe? Pin it for Later!Mention @JenNikolaus or tag #YummyHealthyEasy!

Check out what the rest of the Eat Clean 2014 Challenge group made:

Looking for more breakfast ideas? Check these out:

Oatmeal Coffee CakeFunfetti Sprinkle PancakesBlueberry Oatmeal Muffins



Easy Spinach & Egg White Omelette (2024)


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