Easy Low-Carb Chicken & Dumplings- 5 Ingredient Recipe (2024)

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Craving the comfort of a nice, warm bowl of good ol’ fashion Chicken and Dumplin’s but watching your carb and/or calorie intake? In this recipe, I am sharing my easy, low-carb take on this southern staple….

During my recent weight loss journey post (you can read all about it here), I shared how I do my best to tweak classic comfort-food recipes so that they not only appease the boys in my household, but so that they are also macro friendly. Ideally, I prefer dishes that won’t spike my insulin.

Not only does this make life easier by not having to formulate multiple dinner menus each night – catering to everyone’s picky palette, but it also prevents me from diet burn-out.

Ultimately, I love food and have learned from weight fluctuations in the past, that elimination diets are not ideal for me.

I have to actually enjoy the flavor of the meals I consume (f**K bland chicken and kale on the daily).

In fact, restricting myself actually makes me fixate on food all the more- ultimately leading to binge eating.

Not only do I need recipes to be somewhat “clean-ish”, I need them to be super simple.

Given that I actually don’t enjoy to cook, I prefer my ingredient list as minimal as possible. So here is all you need to make my Low Carb Chicken and Dumplin’s..

Low-Carb Chicken and Dumplin’s Ingredients:

  • 4 large boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 32 oz Chicken Bone Broth (I get mine at Aldi)
  • 3 tablespoons Grassfed Irish Butter
  • 1 pack of Low-Carb Flour Tortillas (I get mine at Aldi)
  • salt and pepper
  • (optional) chicken bouillon cubes OR one can of Cream of Chicken

So I know some of ya’ll are scratching your heads over the flour tortillas in this ingredient list, but this is actually an old-school trick my mom taught me years ago.

You see, once the flour tortillas boil for 15 to 20 minutes on the stove, they actually change consistency and will soften up and bloat just like legit dumplings. So just trust me on this one…

How to Make Low Carb Chicken and Dumplin’s:

(Step 1). Coat a crock pot with olive oil, place chicken breasts in the bottom of the crock pot and season the breasts with salt and pepper. Pour chicken bone broth over the chicken breasts (I used most of the 32 oz container, but not the entire package). Cook chicken on high for 4 hours or low for 8 hours. (Each crockpot varies in temperature so adjust accordingly)

(Step 2). After chicken has cooked, remove the breasts out of the broth and shred on a separate plate.

(Step 3). Pour the broth from the crockpot into a large pot and bring to a boil on the stove.

(Step 4). While you are waiting on broth to boil, cut all of your low-carb flour tortillas into strips (I used a pizza cutter as pictured above).

(Step 5). Once broth has come to a boil, add 3 tablespoons of butter. For more flavor, you can also add chicken bouillon cubes. Unfortunately, I didnt have chicken bouillon so I added a can of cream of chicken. Stir all ingredients together. (Note:I tend to like super salty food, so if you want to keep this recipe as clean as possible, you can skip the cream of chicken and/or bouillon cubes) It’s a bad habit..I know!

(Step 6). Dump the shredded chicken into the stovetop pot and stir. Now, add your flour tortilla strips in, one at a time.

(Step 7). Allow the strips to boil on medium for 15-20 minutes (you probably want to reduce heat setting after initial boil). You can press on the dumplins with a utensil to keep them submerged, but do not stir them too much. Cook dumplins until they are soft and broth has thickened.

(Step 8). If needed, season with salt and pepper to taste and serve!

TIP: If you like the consistency of this dish a little thicker, leave it uncovered on the stove with a low setting until it thickens to your liking. Just be careful not to leave it for too long as the broth will completely evaporate, and you may have a mushy mess on your hands.

I hope you guys enjoyed my recipe hack today!

Note: If you are into other healthy recipes. check out my these other posts of mine…

  • Lower Carb Shepard’s Pie
  • Bone Broth Chicken Soup
  • Keto-Friendly Moscow Mule

If you found this post helpful, please share with a friend or on social media! Thank you so much for the support!

Now get out there and design some good vibes along with a fabulous life!

Easy Low-Carb Chicken & Dumplings- 5 Ingredient Recipe (2024)


Is chicken and dumplings good for a diet? ›

Is Chicken and Dumplings Healthy? Chicken and dumplings is a classic Southern comfort food dish, but it isn't necessarily the healthiest dish. Traditional chicken and dumplings from scratch uses a lot of rich ingredients like chicken fat, butter, and heavy cream.

How do you thicken chicken and dumplings without cornstarch? ›

Add a roux: Make a roux by melting equal parts of butter and flour in a separate pan. Stir until it forms a smooth paste, and then whisk it into your chicken and dumpling mixture. This will thicken the broth.

Why are my chicken and dumplings not fluffy? ›

Baking powder is the leavening agent of choice for fluffy dumplings. It is important that the right ratio of baking powder to flour be measured. Too little and the dumpling will not rise adequately; if there's too much baking powder, then the dumplings will rise and fall.

What's the difference between chicken pastry and chicken and dumplings? ›

A variant known as "chicken and pastry" or simply "chicken pastry" features wide, flat noodles rolled from biscuit dough. Where such a distinction is made, it is sometimes considered a different dish from "chicken and dumplings", which is known for small balls of dough rather than flat strips.

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Per serving: 235 calories, 6 g fat, 28 g carbohydrates, 16 g protein, 2 g dietary fiber, and 815 mg sodium.

Can I eat dumplings for weight loss? ›

The entire 10-pack of dumplings clocks in at only 320 calories, which is low for a main meal – though you could pack it out with some steamed greens or gyozas if you need a little more. You'll also hit 2.8 grams of protein per serve, or 28g per pack, which is great if you struggle to pack enough sodium into your diet.

Why are my chicken and dumplings not creamy? ›

Combine flour and milk in a sealable container like a Mason Jar, and shake it up. You'll get a smooth flour mixture called a slurry, which will help to thicken your sauce. This turns this recipe into more a a creamy chicken dumpling soup, loaded with flavor.

How to tell when dumplings are done in chicken and dumplings? ›

Drop the dumpling mixture by large spoonfuls of dough over the surface of the chicken stew. Cover and cook for 15 minutes. Check the dumplings with a toothpick to see if they're done; if they are still doughy in the middle, flip them over, cover and simmer for an additional 5 minutes. Serve immediately.

What is the secret to perfect dumplings? ›

Overworking the mixture, thus having heavy dumplings is a common mistake people make. Dumplings need very gentle handling, so mix only until the ingredients are just combined, and if your recipe involves rolling them out with extra flour, avoid using too much.

Do you cook dumplings with lid on or lid off? ›

Once your water is boiling, let your dumplings cook in the steam for about ten minutes. Don't remove the lid as letting the steam escape will disrupt the cooking process and result in undercooked dumplings, so keep that lid on!

What can I add to my chicken and dumplings to make it thicker? ›

Use Cornstarch to Thicken Chicken and Dumplings

To give that a little thicker texture we're going to add 1 cup of cool water to 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and stir it up well. Make sure the soup is brought back to a good boil and go ahead and stir in the cornstarch mixture.

What is dumpling dough called? ›

Dumpling wrappers, also known as dumpling skins, gyoza wrappers, or potsticker wrappers, are thin sheets of dough made with wheat flour and water. Typically, they're round, about 3 1/2 inches in diameter and come stacked in a plastic wrapper.

What are flour dumplings called? ›

2. Submitted by Zuleika L. "There are many varieties of dumplings; the flour dumpling is the most popular in the Caribbean and the simplest to make. In Bermuda, most people call these sinkers because they don't rise to the top.

Is chicken and noodles good for weight loss? ›

This sumptuous bowl of noodles is ideal as a quick lunch or dinner, and is full of all the healthy stuff you need when losing weight as part of a very low calorie diet.

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If you don't want your entree steamed, choose dishes that are poached, broiled, roasted, or barbecued, as they are usually lower in calories and fat than battered and deep-fried foods. Stir-fried and braised dishes are also usually diet-friendly.

Is chicken and noodles good for a diet? ›

Chicken noodle soup offers a nutritious blend of protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, many of which can support your immune system while you're sick. While homemade soup is your best bet for limiting your sodium intake, experts say you can still choose a healthy store-bought version.

Can I eat chicken noodles during weight loss? ›

Ans. Instant noodles are high in fat, carbs, and sodium but poor in protein, fiber, and other critical elements. They might not be a good option for people attempting to reduce weight because they can lead to weight gain and an increase in belly fat.


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.